Monthly report - Ambassador Program ChainOps | December

Meta Pool on RUSSIA during December, 2023.

I glad to announce the activities made by Meta Pool on RUSSIA during the last month

1 Blog post

about Recipients of mpDAO Grant #5 have been announced, marking an all-time high in approvals. These grantees were selected by the community and voted on in 2023. In total, 6 out of 9 applications were approved, which was a record for applications approved in one round.

2 Blog post
about The Q protocol allows developers to create organizational constitutions that are enforced by smart contracts and include off-chain capabilities for resolving disputes that code cannot handle.

3 Blog post

about joint integration of two Q X Meta Pool projects

4 Blog post
As we approach the end of 2023, Meta Pool is pleased to share highlights from Meta Pool’s recent 18th round of Gitcoin Grants (GG18), which has advanced equity, sustainability, and education in our community.

In total, we managed to collect about 37 thousand views. I hope everything works out for us and we can improve the result in the New Year

Of course, I shared my article on LinkedIn so that most of the developers could see what I was talking about.

A video was also made A video was also filmed and posted on X.

1 Video
it was a meeting in my community in a telegram group, I told about meta pool and why I work with this team