With enthusiasm I’m glad to announce the activities conducted by Meta Pool in Nigeria in the month of August 2024 .
During the month of August , I coordinated & organized a web3 compus program , for both newbies and OGs. The goal was to inspire educate and onboard more individuals into Defi and web3 through Meta Pool.
Below are some links photos :
Day 1 of program was on the 17th
Day 2 (22nd)
Day 3 ( 29th)
Following the 3rd anniversary celebration of @meta_pool. Here in Nigeria on the 24th we had our own share of the fun with games and quizzes.
Furthermore I organized a two days ( 15th & 16th) governance workshop with SOFE group community, to elaborate more on @meta_pool current grant 8 program and it multi-chain governance features.
Also I had a workshop with iBlock Community, which was rescheduled to sat, 31th. The workshop was all about introduction and benefits of liquid staking compared to traditional staking.
Some explanatory threads :
1: x.com