LNC Guides Translations into Indonesia

Hello @sasha , we have translated 12 articles into Indonesian plus 1 page homepage translation

Thank you~


we have translated 13 articles into Indonesian since January 2023

ORIGINAL Articles Translated
https://learnnear.club/auditing-projects-on-the-near-blockchain-from-zero-to-hero/ Mengaudit Project di Blockchain NEAR : From Zero to Hero - Google Docs
https://learnnear.club/near-blockchain-explorers/ Explorer Blockchain di NEAR - Google Docs
https://learnnear.club/why-ref-v2-is-better-than-uni-v3/ Mengapa Ref v2 Lebih Baik dibanding Uni v3 - Google Docs
https://learnnear.club/what-is-quadratic-voting-and-quadratic-funding/ Apa itu Quadratic Voting dan Quadratic Funding?.docx - Google Docs
https://learnnear.club/how-to-build-on-near-starting-guide/ Translated - How to Build on NEAR Starting Guide.docx - Google Docs
https://learnnear.club/toolblox-the-no-code-smart-contract-builder/ Toolblox, pembuat smart contract tanpa kode.docx - Google Docs
https://learnnear.club/what-is-the-near-digital-collective/ Apa itu NEAR Digital Collective? - Google Docs
https://learnnear.club/why-should-daos-migrate-to-running-a-private-shard/ Mengapa DAO harus bermigrasi untuk menjalankan Private Shard? - Google Docs
https://learnnear.club/how-zero-knowledge-proof-can-ensure-data-privacy/ Bagaimana Zero Knowledge Proof Dapat Memastikan Privasi Data - Google Docs
https://learnnear.club/how-to-stake-near/ Bagaimana Cara Melakukan Stake di NEAR - Google Docs
https://learnnear.club/staking-with-meta-pool/ Staking di Metapool - Google Docs
https://learnnear.club/near-bos/ Sistem Operasi Blockchain NEAR Protocol - Google Docs
https://learnnear.club/what-is-fastauth/ Apa itu FastAuth? - Google Docs

We have translated a LNC guide into Indonesian:

Original Doc:
