Key Ecosystem Metrics and Analytics Weekly Updates May 10

Time: May 02 - May 09

:chains: NEAR Explorer Stats

:bar_chart: NEAR Ecosystem Scoreboard

If you donโ€™t have the access to the dashboard or reports, or have any questions would like to discuss, please feel free to contact Tiffany(

What happened?

Monthly Active Developer โ€” MAD

MAD Internal (based on CLI data in the last 30 days)

MAD decreased to around 450-500 last week.

Daily Active Developer (External)

External active developer increased by a small percentage last week though the MAD internal count decrease, showing more developers were interacting with the core repos.

Ecosystem Scoreboard

Note: The percentages next to the numbers are the comparisons to pervious week(7 days ago), with green showing increase and red showing decrease.

Monthly Active Developer(External): 108 โ†’ 117 (+9.35%)

Key Efforts Last week

Many of these are key contributing factors to the data changes last week

May 3

May 4

  • Fireside chat featuring Illia
  • LearnNEAR tutorial of attach certificate of NFT to twitter account

May 6

May 7

  • Suter Shield announcement of building on NEAR

I know this might not be the full list, so please feel free to add more amazing things here.

Top Line Metrics Dive

Daily New Developers

From CLI

Number of new developers increased on May 7th and on May 9th.

Weekly Active Developer Internal & Weekly Active Dev-deploy/Deploy

From CLI data in the last 30 daysWeekly

Weekly active developer decreased to the level of 100 by the end of last week, however, weekly active dev-deploy/deploy increased back to the level of 25-50, thus making the ratio of the two decrease. This is concerning in that the drop of the weekly active developer is rather steep.

Daily Number of Transaction (last 30 days)

An increase in total number of transactions also happened on May 7th, corresponding the number of new developer increased above, showing that new developers were interacting with the chain and engaging with the ecosystem.

Bridge Top Line Metrics

Comparison to last week:

Total Liquidity Hold: $707,951 to $702,433(-7.79%)

Total Transactions Count: 436 to 452(+3.67%)

We see a slight decrease in the liquidity hold by the bridge. However, deposit actions were still performed during the week and engagements with bridge were continued last week as well.

Main Contracts Engagements (last 30 days)

From top to bottom are: Ref-finance, Pulse/Flux, Paras, BerryClub+BerryFarm+BerryCard, Mintbase, NEAR Crowd

Dapp performances were all experiencing slight decrease in the last week compared to the previous hype among all, therefore, can be concluded as the normal decrease back to the average and stable activity level.


NearPAD also announced their first blogs on Medium about their project on May 3.
Announcing NearPAD, the DeFi Hub for NEAR Ecosystem | by NearPAD | May, 2021 | Medium

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Thank you for the input! This is amazing!