[INTRODUCTION] Zero Likes Records

From Possible Production with Displaced Communication Media for Creation

The social networks produce a working approach and give us virtual tools to manage certain options, giving us a false sense of freedom and democracy, these tools serve more to leave us in the trance of our images and captured by possible self-promotions. We see sound production as a way to slightly free ourselves from the bank of images we serve the electoral logics with our opinions and positions.

Beyond our convictions, we believe that changing the means can lead us to other, healthier areas of debate and self-knowledge, both in groups through identification of homogeneous situations, and alter knowledge, which is prevented by the means in the face of virtual tools at our disposal in front of our nervous system, flowing to a false libidinal logic of fluidity that are captured for the war, and little strengthens us in terms of reflection.

The electoral logic experienced in micropolitics where we elect our allies and mass defame our disagreements and organize the machine into 0 and 1 in all debates that belong to us, the same logic is operated in macropolitics to produce a logic of populism and defamation where the affections are in the first place and not the truth of the facts, there is no adherence of the real in the face of rhetoric, only likes, blocks, numbers, and libidinal flows, (we are not talking about a sexual libido, but the human energy that flows in the face of mechanical facilitations ), contradictions, and if something is wrong for everyone it is because there is a common error regardless of the speech, but rather in the proposed method and the way we produce everything, from a song to reactions and people’s choices all the time in a game where there are a colonization of a police logic above all, and there is no demilitarization possible even if in the discourse this desire for liberation is expressed in various ways. Our desire is captured, and there is no easy target and few are interested in seeing beyond what seems obvious to them. (and stop social conflicts where virtual weapons are given to us to organize and work so that the machine works properly)

Connection of underground sub-celebrities through decentralization and deprogramming of algorithms! Above we discussed three philosophical concepts of the Zero likes records label: Virtual weapons, algorithmic deprogramming, and electoral logic. Therefore, our production connects and celebrates the “Subcelebrities of the Underground” in a sound and philosophical production, in which we meet on networks to produce and exhibit our arts through excellence in work arounds that give us a real experience of the practices of these concepts through of art.

Zero Likes Festival: The idea for the label started during the pandemic when we experimented with making Zero Likes Festivals with the sound production of musicians and non-musicians, in the meetings of networks of artists from different languages ​​in sound production in the world of instagram images.

Zero Likes Records Products: We also have a line of products with prints elaborated with experiments that vary from prints to datamosh applications and other experiences, in addition to being a vehicle for disseminating and promoting the ideas and artists and ideas of the artists of the label.

OFFline Television: Aims to work on the metalanguage medium in the exchange between screens, and reactivate an almost obsolete screen in the artistic environment for the communication of his work, in this case, television. Where we intend to onboard the label’s artists in various programs and talk shows, among other programs that we will broadcast in different public environments in offline sessions in order to connect and practice the concepts of the web3.

Immerse yourself in the ethereal realm of OFFline TV, where web 3.0 merges with terrestrial television wonders. It aims to work with the medium of metalanguage in the exchange of screens and physical spaces, and to reactivate an almost obsolete screen in the artistic environment for the communication of his work, in this case, television.

Revel in provocative narratives, artistic expressions and transformative experiences, free from the pervasive influence of centralized media. Here, art meets technology, and expression defies the ordinary.


Join Our Distinguished Members:

Denise Nuvem: she Studied and experimented with social networks, as a laboratory for living processes of analysis and research of otherness and self-creations.

Research on group structure, noisecracy and elaborations on their de-group manifesto.

Creator of several groups in Zuckerbergguiana networks - such as facebook from mass groups with more than 10 thousand people, as well as in groups with the function of laboratory of creations - she tries and thinks about the concept of zero likes in the networks - - where she developed a philosophical content from fictitious capital to the capital of images in networks such as instagram – thinking about algorithmic issues since his first performative actions on networks in mid-2015, where he inaugurated a movement among artists entitled “print on the street” where they produced metalanguage in the exchange between screens and streets -

Creator of the seal (still in progress) zero likes records https://zerolikesrecords.com

The concept of “offline television” was disseminated for the first time, where projections were installed, experimenting with TV as a metalanguage of its digital pavilion exposed at the wrong - this hotglue worked as a rehearsal of a possible arts network https://desgrupo.hotglue .me/ and deployed content that was created on networks, in the physical space of homeostasis, which was the only physical pavilion in Brazil opened at CCSP in 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh-aBe395FQ

In mid-2019 he passed through Berlin where he produced some speeches and projections presenting his zero likes products and philosophical contents at the bar “Kapital” a space that opens up for artists from various niches to present their works to the public, underground in Berlin.

Denise cloud presents zero likes in berlin at the current Kapital bar Kapital Live located in front of Karl Marx Platz, video extracted from the registration of the space itself on facebook and moved to this unlisted video.

And some parties that took place there, experimenting with the production of fictional materials simulating television language in the coverage of events such as the Blum sp party that took place in Berlin in 2021 - Special -


Gustavo Manute: Self-taught artist and visual researcher with 3d and animation apps, Near Protocol enthusiast still works assisting onboards and guiding new users with Web3 tools.

Active member of the Near ecosystem since 2021. He has carried out several projects related to virtual spaces such as parties, events and workshops. He has acted as a council for some DAOs and carried out several projects with members of the crypto community.

Fuchsia Breakney Spirits:

Fúchsia is a poet and multimedia artist, interested in the symbiosis between words and images as a guiding thread of the presentification of Homo digitalis and its “humanunculus” hybrids. Furthermore, it is a body embracing the world and its offline network of totems, taboos and affections.


Former professional cook, worked with big names in world haute cuisine. Now a theater student and aspiring communicator. General producer of Offline television with performances, lighting and direction of Mood Dance programs - in addition to being in the process of developing our programming, Mood Dance programs - and others of our programming still in development.
link: https://www.instagram.com/lloouuiizz/



Da produção Possível com as Mídias de Comunicação Deslocadas para a Criação

As redes produzem uma proposta de funcionamento e nos cedem armas virtuais para administrar certas opções nos dando uma falsa sensação de liberdade e democracia, essas armas servem mais para nos deixar no transe de nossas imagens e capturados por possíveis auto promoções. Vemos a produção sonora como uma forma de libertar levemente do banco de imagens a que servimos a lógicas eleitorais com nossas opiniões e posicionamentos.

Pra além das nossas convicções acreditamos que desconfigurar os meios podem nos levar a outros âmbitos mais saudáveis de debates e auto conhecimento, tanto em grupos por meio de identificações de situações homogêneas, quanto ao alter conhecimento, que nos é impedido pelos meios diante das armas virtuais ao nosso dispor diante de nosso sistema nervoso, fluindo a uma falsa lógica libidinal de fluidez que nos são capturadas para a guerra, e pouco nos fortalece a quesito de reflexão.

A lógica eleitoral experimentada na micropolítica onde elegemos os nossos aliados e difamamos em massa nossos desacordos e organizamos a máquina em 0 e 1 em todos os debates que nos pertencem, a mesma lógica é operada na macropolítica para produzir uma lógica de populismo e difamações onde os afetos estão em primeiro lugar e não a verdade dos fatos, não há aderência do real diante da retórica, apenas likes , blocks, números, e fluxos libidinais, ( nao falamos de uma libido sexual, mas da energia humana que flui diante de facilitaçoes maquinais), contradicoes, e se algo esta errado para todos é porque há um erro em comum independente do discurso, mas sim no método proposto e o modo que produzimos tudo, desde uma música a reações e eleicoes de pessoas o tempo todo num jogo onde há uma colonização de uma lógica policial sobre tudo, e não há desmilitarização possível mesmo que no discurso seja expresso esse desejo de libertação de várias formas. O nosso desejo está capturado, e não há um alvo fácil e poucos se interessam a enxergar além do que lhes parece óbvio. (e travar conflitos sociais onde armas virtuais nos são cedidas para organizar e trabalhar para que a máquina funcione direitinho)

Conexão das subcelebridades do underground por meio da descentralização e desprogramação dos algoritmos! Acima abordamos três conceitos filosóficos do selo Zero likes records: Armas virtuais, desprogramações algorítmicas, e lógicas eleitorais. Portanto, nossa produção conecta e celebra as “Subcelebridades do Underground” numa produção sonora e filosófica, na qual o encontro nas redes para produzir e expor nossas artes por meio de uma excelência em gambiarras que nos dão uma real experiência das práticas desses conceitos por meio da arte.

Zero Likes Festival: A ideia do selo se iniciou durante a pandemia quando experimentamos fazer Festivais Zero Likes com a produção sonora de músicos e não músicos, nos encontros das redes de artistas de diversas linguagens na produçao sonora no mundo das imagens do instagram.

Produtos Zero Likes Records: Temos também uma linha de produtos com estampas elaboradas com experimentações que variam de prints a aplicativos de datamosh e outras experiências, além de ser um veículo de disseminação e promoção das ideias e artistas e ideias dos artistas do selo.

OFFline Television: Visa trabalhar o meio da metalinguagem no intercâmbio entre telas, e reativar uma tela quase obsoleta no meio artístico para a comunicação de sua obra, no caso, a tv. Onde pretendemos onbordar os artistas do selo em diversos programas e talk shows entre outras programações que iremos passar em diversos ambientes públicos em sessões offlines afim de conectar e praticar os conceitos da web3.

Mergulhe no etéreo reino da OFFline TV, onde a web 3.0 se mescla com as maravilhas televisivas terrestres. Visa trabalhar o meio da metalinguagem no intercâmbio de telas e espaços físicos, e reativar uma tela quase obsoleta no meio artístico para a comunicação de sua obra, no caso, a tv.

Deleite-se com narrativas provocativas, expressões artísticas e experiências transformadoras, livres da abrangente influência da mídia centralizada. Aqui, a arte encontra a tecnologia, e a expressão desafia o comum.

  • .

Junte-se aos Nossos Ilustres Membros:

  • Denise Nuvem: Estudou e experimentou as redes sociais, como laboratório de processos vivos de análise e pesquisa de alteridade e criações de si.

  • Pesquisa de estrutura de grupos, ruidocracia e elaborações sobre seu manifesto des-grupo.

  • Criadora de diversos grupos nas redes zuckerbergguianas - como o facebook desde grupos de massas com mais de 10 mil pessoas, quanto em grupos com a função de laboratorio de criações - experimenta e pensa o conceito do zero likes nas redes - - onde desenvolveu um conteúdo filosófico sobre o capital fictício ate o capital das imagens de redes como instagram - pensando as questões algorítmicas desde suas primeiras ações performáticas nas redes em meados de 2015 onde inaugurou um movimento entre artistas intitulado “ print na rua “ onde produziam a metalinguagem no intercâmbio entre telas e ruas -

  • Criadora do selo ( ainda em andamento) zero likes records https://zerolikesrecords.com

  • O conceito de “ televisao offline” foi disseminado pela primeira vez, onde instalou projeções experimentando a tv como uma metalinguagem do seu pavilhao digital exposto na the wrong - esse hotglue funcionou como um ensaio de uma possivel rede de artes https://desgrupo.hotglue.me/ e desdobrou conteudo que foram criados em redes, no espaco fisico da homeostase que foi o unico pavilhao fisico no brasil inaugurado no CCSP em 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh-aBe395FQ

  • Meados de 2019 passou por Berlin onde produziu algumas falas e projecoes apresentando seus produtos zero likes e os conteudos filosoficos no bar “Kapital” espaço que abre pra artistas de varios nichos apresentarem seus trabalhos ao público, undergrounds em Berlin.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lf2fsFWMvs

Denise nuvem apresenta zero likes em berlin no bar das Kapital atual Kapital Live situado frente a Karl Marx Platz, vídeo extraído do registro do proprio espaço no facebook e deslocado para esse video não listado.

Gustavo Manute: Artista autodidata e pesquisador visual com apps de 3d e animação, entusiasta da Near Protocol ainda atua auxiliando em onboards e guiando novos usuários com as ferramentas da Web3.


  • Louiz:
  • Ex cozinheiro profissional, trabalhou com grandes nomes da alta gastronomia mundial. Hoje estudante de teatro e aspirante a comunicador. Produtor geral da Offline television com atuações, iluminação e direção dos programas Mood Dance - além de estar no processo de desenvolvimento da nossa programação, programas Mood Dance - e outros da nossa programaçao ainda em desenvolvimento.




This looks pretty interesting.
Will dive into some more detail :+1:


Thank u
We are preparing a great proposal about it
Stay tunned


GM! Welcome to Creatives DAO.

Can you include profile link & more information of the team members?

Kindly refer to our charter at [Docs] The Creatives Constellation Charter

Welcome once again!


Hi William, updated the information you asked for in the text
thank you for sending the pdf
reading carefully!

Just keep in touch !
Thank u again!


Hi William! I am very excited about this project made of friends, affections, interchangeable ideas, flows of real time - we are brazilian artists who live in cities very far from each other, the internet brought us together, that’s why I usually call it Mother Internet, like a gnostic saint of post-modernity. I’m a poet, please consider my ecstasy :stuck_out_tongue: But I would like to invite you to follow our timid steps that will lead us to the nebulae of brazilian independent art. Personally I’m online on instagram at breakney.spirits
there are some AI job frames as well as personal content. But it’s all just frames, because hellgram messes with the resolution of any size of an ambitious image. (This is, incidentally, one of the reasons that brought me to these nft gardens!)
As a member of the Zero Likes Records team, I salute you.

kisses, fúc


Hi everybody! I take the opportunity to promote here my new collection on Paras: breakneyspirits.near : enjoy it with a pixelgarsm!