Glyph [PROPOSAL] The web3 wiki engine

Glyph is a wiki engine that allows its contributors to get rewarded, through a learn-to-earn and teach-to-earn model. Powered by NEAR.

The idea.

Imagine if Wikipedia was on-chain? What would be different?

  1. A modern wiki editing experience. (see: Notion & Mirror).
  2. A new economic model powered by blockchain tech.

The users.

  1. Editors/readers , who come to learn or contribute knowledge.
  2. Websites/Communities and DAOs , that want to crowdsource knowledge from their users.
  3. Publications and media outlets, for content creation.

Editors have a chance to get rewarded for their contributions,

While 3rd parties can mobilize their community (or our user base), and incentivize them to create and maintain public facing content.


  • MVP (Frontend + Articles minted as NFTs) - It will be a basic article editing loop; connect wallet, edit, publish and mint token, disconnect wallet - on testnet (~1 week).
  • Testnet v2 - MVP with more functionality, article NFT will be fractionalized to allow new editors ownership, and an in-app marketplace for the article NFT tokens (3 months).
  • Mainnet - Testnet application with more functionality, article monetization and also the utility token $NOUS will get minted when users participate in the platform (3 months).