Hello community!
We are here to announce that the first NCD bootcamp given with PLAI, a dependency of Jalisco government to teach online courses with tech profile has finished the past friday.
PLAI is an online platform that gathered together universities, industry and society to teach specialized contents that helps to growth the number of specialized people in Guadalajara.
Invitation video recorded with PLAI:
This NCD last 1 full week with a daily synchronous session and asynchronous support via NEAR Hispano discord. The instructar was the NCI @Cristian. In total there were 76 registers for this bootcamp. Two projects were presented at the end of NCD:
1.- Fiable | GitHub - PrometheoX/fiable: Smart contract para gestionar licitaciones por medio de blockchain ← This project will receive a reward for participating and finishing the NCD demo with minor bugs. Team members:
- Augusto Prometeo Estrada Martínez
2.- Certificates | certificates-near-smart-contract. Team members:
- Johan Órdenes
- Gerardo Sahagún Michel
- Kalaumari Mayoral Peña
Both of this project members get certified as NEAR Certified Developer and we are very excited that they can start their journey as a Developer-In-Residence at NEAR Hispano.
We also had a during the week a bonus for those who solved a series of quizzes related to NCD contents, this are the winners:
Quiz 1: nekomaruh.near
Quiz 2: mrcoingdl.near
Quiz 3: nekomaruh.near
We hope to collaborate soon again with PLAI and keep growing the NEAR community in Guadalajara! See you soon!