DevRel Weekly Update [ WE 01.08.22 ]


# Description Difference
50 New contracts deployed on mainnet :arrow_up_small: 250
715 Weekly active developers :arrow_up_small: 176
381 New developers :arrow_up_small: 137
36,848 Page views in :arrow_up_small: 49%
29,661 Unique page views in :arrow_up_small: 53%
37,500 Discord Members :arrow_up_small: 1,655
3,612 Messages sent in Discord :arrow_down_small: 57
110 Q’s asked / answerd in support channels :arrow_down_small: 32


Deploy NFT contract and send to NEARvember participants @Benji
Incorporate feedback from users for the NFT Zero-to-hero tutorial @Benji
Participated in discussions surrounding the events standard for NFTs. @Benji
The Graph->NEAR Integration Testnet @doriancrutcher
Minting NFT Tutorial Frontend 1 ( Simple mint button) @doriancrutcher
Minting NFT Tutorial Forntend 2(NFT Minting Form) @doriancrutcher
NAJ Mass Access Key Deletion Script @doriancrutcher
NEARvember User Mainnet Account Collection for NFT Distribution @doriancrutcher

In Progress:

New to NEAR refactor for docs @Benji
Minting NFT Tutorial Full DApp and Write up @doriancrutcher
SF Meetup Proposal @doriancrutcher

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