DevRel Office Hours 🎉

Monday - Friday 11AM - 12PM PT (6PM - 7PM UTC)

Go to and look for the “DevRel Office Hours” voice channel under #development.

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NEAR’s Developer Relations team has kicked off a new initiative to assist our developer community with their projects. Every weekday we will be hosting “Office Hours” where several engineers will hang out and answer any questions you may have about building on NEAR.

Recognizing that async communication isn’t always the best, we are opening a platform for those wanting to talk things out and have an instant discussion with engineers on the team as well as establish some face-to-face relationships with our rad community. :slightly_smiling_face:

This will be hosted in the “DevRel Office Hours” channel under #development on our Discord server. So bring your questions, ideas, and maybe a cup of joe :coffee: and let’s chat!