[Creatives DAO] - Decentralization review & Meeting

hi dear friend @thephilosopher
Wow, what an achievement, what a development. Absolutely amazing <3
I am sooo happy for you and I am deeply grateful for that happening that our paths crossed last year. Cheers to your future and your well-being. Talk soon. Abraço e beijo <3


I’m Pallo Anthony, a Graphic Designer and Brand Identity Designer https://instagram.com/mazipallojnr?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Creative Designer at ROOTED EMPIRE, an agency that helps bring visibility to others others and passing the right information through Graphics, Printing and Branding

I hosted a fashion event Hosted with my team, theme ANKARA CONCERT and it was aimed at show casing the beauty of fashion and also creating a connection between fashion designers in my city. it was a success and our aim was achieved. We also show cased different wears and brought creative fashion designers from other states to speak too.

My goal has always been to promote Africa and it people through art

I was onboarded last month, July 2022 and it has a great experience sharing ideas with different creatives in the NEAR community.

My mission is to connect and promote Creativity in the Web3 Ecosystem and with the help of my mentor @styleherbalist the experience has been wonderful.

I am a co-founder of Near DigitalFashion Dao

NEAR Wallet: pallojnr.near
Total Votes Cast: 1