[Closed] September 10th an important date

The payment will be made as soon as we receive the September fund.

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salve @Migsa !! sim eu vi a msg mas como rolou o card amarelinho lá na mint achei que já estava rolando. ficamos no aguardo. obrigada!

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Woow poxa muito obrigado pela oportunidade, muito feliz de poder participar e ter sido um dos selecionados dessa Bounty que amei fazer, tema e arte super profundos e necessário ser abordado, parabéns e obrigado a todos os envolvidos @ViniciusGCP94 @Migsa :heart_eyes: :raised_hands: :pray:


Criei uma coleção, se alguém quiser aproveitar os prêmios e dar Bid nos Maniac, please be my guest:

Parabéns vencedores!



Noted sir, let me know if you recieve it already. Thankyou again​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

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Could you kindly give us an update as regards the funding?

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@Trusthengine @Joseash
Sorry for the delay in responding.
We haven’t received it yet, we are trying to contact the creatives directly to find out the reason for the delay in the Octopode DAO fund.
When we receive the background, I will let you know here and make the payment pools in astrodao.

I’m here to let you know that the Yellow September Exhibition is finished


Thanks! I’ll share this link.

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What a beautiful way to collect the arts together!

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The Octopode DAO funds contract was signed an hour ago. In approximately 72 hours we will receive it. The moment we receive it I will let you know here and I will already make the pools for the 10 artists participating in the gallery.
I apologize again for the delay on behalf of the Octopode DAO. Take care, everyone. Thank you for your understanding.


No problem. Thanks for the update!

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We received today and the payment of 20 USD has already been made to the participating artists of the Gallery. Thank you for your understanding.


Thanks! Good vibes! :star_struck: :100: :boom: :boom:

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Project completed.

The goal of the bounty was achieved, artists from all over the community shared their NFTs with reference to mental health care.
We had many different arts, but with equal purposes this was something very interesting to observe in the works made by the artists.
12 participating artists and 18 minted arts in the store.

These were the artists selected to participate in the exhibition:

Exhibiton link:

Art Can Save Lives - Exhibition


Exposição: @macieira

promotion media: @Migsa

Thanks to everyone who participated and supported us in this proposal, especially @macieira and @Migsa .


Very beautiful…wished the virtual was a physical gallery​:hugs:. Regardless, thanks for having me @ViniciusGCP94

uhuuull ai simm, obrigado por tudo Vinicius e a todos participantes :star_struck: :pray:
só uma dúvida, os pagamentos já foram feitos? qual a data pra eu verificar lá no histórico, é que ainda nao apareceu na minha wallet. Minha carteira aqui na lista está com virgula (iagods,near) será que foi por isso q não chegou? rsrs, se puder verificar agradeço :hugs:

Wallet: iagods.near

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Thankkks for enverthing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: