[Approved] B4B Influencer marketing support for NEAR Founders

Section 1 - DAO/Project Information

  • Organization Name: B4B
  • Proposal Title: Influencer Marketing Support for NEAR Founders
  • Project established: 06/06/2022
  • Project’s Category: SocialFi/Marketing

Section 2 - Previous Funding

  • Have you received funding for this project from any source?

Yes, we have received marketing grants for promoting Near, Aurora, and ecosystem projects

  • Any source of funding. This may include NEAR Foundation Grants, and existing GDAOs, among others.

We also worked with NEAR foundation for the promotion of NEARCON 2023

Section 3. DAO URLs

Website: b4b.world

Advertiser app: b4b.app

Influencer app: influencer.b4b.app

Twitter: x.com

Linkedin: B4B WORLD | LinkedIn

  • Is Your Project Targeting a Specific Country?


  • Which region will your Project support?

Protocol have 400+ verified Web3 KOLs/influencers from 60 countries

Most influencers run channels in English

Section 4. Applicant Information

  • Name of Point of Contact: Anton Pecherkin
  • near.social Profile : b4b_world.near
  • NEAR Wallet ID : b4b_world.near
  • Wallet ID that will be receiving funds : b4b_world.near
  • Country of Residence : Georgia
  • Telegram : @AAPecherkin
  • LinkedIn : Anton Pecherkin - B4B WORLD | LinkedIn

Section 5. Team Members

  • Please provide information about Team Members

Anton Pecherkin, ex-founder of blockchain dev company Startblock with $1M ARR, product owner of 10 blockchain products, and 45 hackathons won, aapecherkin.near

Anna Chukhnina, unique expertise in worldwide influencer marketing with 40 brands and agencies , chukhnina.near

Section 6. Experience

What related qualifications, experience, or track record does your team bring to this initiative?

  • Short Summary of Your and Team’s Professional Experience

Since the launch of the protocol, we have onboarded 400 influencers from Twitter, Telegram, and Lens. 150 ads campaigns from 30 brands have been launched via the protocol

List Web3 Projects You Have Completed

We have worked with NEAR and ecosystem projects: Aurora, Plato, Rogues, guilds on NEAR

  • Live Links to Examples of Relevant Work

Threads about NEARCON








  • Relevant Data Points Showing Your Competencies

The av. CPM with influencer marketing via B4B = 5 -14 $

Cost per lead from 0.5$

Section 7. Project Charter/White or Litepaper and Goals

  • Project Overview:

B4B.app is an influencer/KOL’s reputation protocol for collaborations

400 influencers onboarded, 30 lead customers, 3 science publication

  • What Problem Are You Aiming to Solve?

Launch ads with web3 influencers fast without the risk of losing money bases on the verified statistics for the right choice

  • Project Charter;

B4B helps Web3 projects promote their Ads through verified influencers on Twitter or Telegram with escrow payments in USDC. For influencers, it provides a hassle-free way to monetize their channel and maintain their portfolio reputation, while advertisers receive a scalable Ad tool with on-chain analytics.

  • How can your Project achieve NDC priorities, goals, and KPIs?

    • Through our outreach, we will attract new people to the startup community
    • Depending on the goals of the startup, we will increase the number of users/participants of activities, etc.
    • Brand Awareness increase of NEAR startups
    • Empowering the NEAR ecosystem through collaborations with influencers
  • Roadmap of your project, Milestones, and achievements

1 - milestone

12+ quote retweets/ RTs with influencers, 2 QRt/Rt on one Project

Expected result: Coverage over 90,000+

2 - milestone

3-4 threads - Projects will be combined by themes so 2-3 projects are mentioned in one thread

Expected result: Coverage over 40,000+

Section 8. Budget

  • Projected Budget for the next three months (In USD for each Task/Milestone)

1 milestone - 4000$ (15% B4B fee)

2 milestone - 3500$ (15% B4B fee)

Total : 7500$ ( 6375$ budget on influencers, 1125$ B4B fee)

  • What is the length of Commitment to Delivering Your Project? Will your team be working on this project full-time?

Up to 3 months launch of advertising campaigns with NEAR projects

  • Will your team be fully renumerated from this budget?

Part-time work is enough to perform this grant

Section 9. Project/DAO longevity

  • Does your project require one-time or continuous funding?

Continuous funding

  • Will your Project devise a way of sustaining itself after this round of funding?

We have already launched and have revenue, but we need funding for marketing support of projects

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Thanks for your proposal, please could you attach reports to your all previous report.

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Hi @b4b_world thanks for the proposal. I think we would need to be able to specify the projects, announcements, teams, etc. to be promoted as part of this if we were to approve the grant. Is that something your team is open to?

Also, as @Bakaka noted, we do need to see reports on any previous funding before we can allocate future funds.

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Thank you for your proposal! Happy to support and look forward to seeing the results from the B4B campaign for NEAR ecosystem founders :pray:

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Hi @b4b_world i have reviewed your proposal and am happy to support. If approved, please remember to post a Report on the campaign. thanks

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Noting support here from two council members (majority in support). I would still like to see your reports from past funding posted on the forum and understand the answer to the question above.

Hi, @so608, thanks for the questions.

We plan to work with the following projects during the marketing grant: Plato, Tenamint, NPunks, Assisterr, Unifat, Spear, Pumpopoly. Announcements and details will be prepared with the teams and described in the report at the time of closing the grant.

Also, as was mentioned, we haven’t closed one report from the previous grant. We apologize for the delay and missing. It’s quite difficult to compile all the previous details and results now, but we will do so and post it as soon as possible.