[APPROVED] NEAR Media - June 2024

NEAR Media - June, 2024

Hello, NEAR Fam! We are excited to present our work here. It’s a wonderful experience to be with you all. Please Look out for our proposal!

Guild: Near Media & News
Funding: For June Month

According to the Marketing DAO Proposal Application

Section 1 - Project Information

Organization Name: NEAR Media & News
Proposal Title: May 2024 - NEAR Media

Section 2. Previous Funding

[Approved] Dec’23 - NEAR Media
March, 2024: Marketing DAO by ndcdev.near on BOS

Section 3. Project URLs

Project Website

Section 4. Which region will your project support?

Mod [TG+near.social]: Telegram | Twitter
Mod [Twitter]: Telegram | Near.social
Mod [Instagram+Linkedin]: Telegram
Designer: Telegram | Linkedin

Section 5. Experience

What related qualifications, experience, or track record does your team bring to this initiative?

Our all team member is highly experienced in web3 marketing as well and they are also connected with the NEAR Ecosystem for the last 1-2 years… and will be pretty sure that we were able to work or perform those tasks to promote NEAR updates and helps to increase the transactions…

  • Live Links to Examples of Relevant Work

[Report] March’2024 - NEAR Media

[Report] Nov’23 - NEAR Media

[Report] Dec’23 + Jan’24 - NEAR Media

  • Relevant Data Points Showing Your Competencies

We are one of the media communities in the NEAR Ecosystem, and we know there are many other communities as well, but it’s all up is competition, and only there is one AIM is to promote near ecosystem updates as much as possible and increase the daily transactions, that’s it!

Section 6. Project Goals

~ 3000+ transactions via using NEAR & Aurora ecosystem dApps
~ Community members will stake more than 500+ NEAR and 5000+ Aurora!
~ Community Giveaway, AMAs, Quiz, Zealy and other activities
~ 8-10+ Ecosystem dApps thread posts on the Twitter
~ Boost Community Social Media Followers
~ More on-chain activities on near.social or BOS
and much more!

Section 7. Project Deliverables

  • Distribution Channel and Frequency of Posting (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Linkedin, Youtube, etc.)

Twitter: 60-70 Tweets with Infographic
Telegram: 60 Posts
Instagram: 60 Posts + Story
Linkedin 40-60 posts
Blog or thread: 5-8 posts
Partnership: 1-2

  • Content Format (Video, Animation, Infographic, Visual / Image, Text Only)

thread posts

Section 8. Budget

Budget (In USD for each Task)

Social Media Twitter
Topic: Support all projects on NEAR protocol, share news from NEAR & Aurora, ecosystem updates, infographics, partnerships
KPIs: June: Follower: 10000+, average 10000 impressions, average 15 - 25 Likes/tweet
Budget: 800$
Social Media Telegram

Topic: Support community members, All NEAR ecosystem updates, infographics, partnerships
KPIs: increase group members, amount of daily messages, Community Quizzes and events, active member contest, 24/7 mod(2) support, Community calls, and AMAs
Goals For June: TG Group: 2000+, Announcement- 2200+
Budget: 300$
Content Collection And Infographics

Topic: All possible infographics to provide NEAR & Aurora ecosystem projects + regional community support and weekly activities thread post-design
KPIs : Infographics:- 70*2 = 140+ For Both (Twitter & Telegram)
Budget: 1200$
Community Quiz, Contest, Zealy, AMA, Giveaway

Topic: Hosting an AMA with projects, and AMA with exterior projects from the NEAR ecosystem, and spread near ecosystem updates, Quiz on Near.social & Tg
Topic: Giveaways and quizzes, AMAs, Boost BOS profile, etc for community members, Taskon, zealy, Etc
Budget: 300$
Quality Thread Posts

create quality thread posts or guides on Ecosystem dApp use, or other topics!
Topics: Article in detail with quality content
KPIs: 5-8 quality thread posts in a month(ndc voting body, ecosystem dApps, etc)
Budget: 200$
In additionally will also manage community Instagram, LinkedIn, and near.social media platforms, and work on their growth too!

1-2 partnerships with influencers: 150$

Total Budget: 2950$

Which of the KPIs will your initiative use if funding is received?

  • Building community more strong
  • Increase Transaction: Via TipBot, near.social quiz, Zealy Campaign, using NEAR & Aurora dApps
  • Onboard New Users and active wallets: Giveaway, AMAs, and Zealy
  • each week we have a Zealy campaign in which we add several tasks for the community members: Zealy
  • Active Telegram & Twitter Community
  • Boost community near. social profile!
  • supporting near and aurora-related projects!
  • supporting near-related events, and providing tips to the users for joining the movement with other near communities!
  • promoting events on social media platforms!
    -and many more!

Total: 2950$ In NEAR
wallet: nearmedia.near

Anything Else We Should Know?

  • Well, everything I have shared here is as much as possible, but if you have any queries about these proposals, feel free to ask! Or (feel free to jump on the call: nearmedianews@gmail.com)

cc @marketingdao-council

Thank you,
NEAR Media!


Thank you for your proposal.

Media and contents proposals are all redirected to our potlock.

Kidly, apply here https://app.potlock.org/?tab=pot&potId=marketing.v1.potfactory.potlock.near

Hello! Thanks for your contribution! Happy to support this proposal :dizzy:

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Hi @Nearmedianews have reviewed your proposal and happy to approve. Keep up the good work!

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You have received majority council support for the proposal. That said, my personal POV is that all content and media proposals for this month should be redirected to Potlock. Mentioning for transparency.