[APPROVED] NEAR Malaysia March 2024


NEAR Malaysia has restarted its activities since the start of Jan. The idea to restart the regional community was suggested by Edward during Nearcon 2023. He onboarded me to help him to push the NEAR narrative to the community in Malaysia. Malaysia has started to be more accepting of crypto and the regulation have started to be more accommodating. There are currently a lot of people from Malaysia that are heavily involved with NEAR from the Meteor wallet team, sender wallet team members and me. We hope to onboard more users, developers, founders and project onto NEAR.


Twitter: x.com
Telegram: Near_Malaysia


  1. Edward Chew | rektdegen.near| Hub Manager & Technical Lead
  • Founder of Meteor Wallet and NEAR Tinker Union
  • 2 years of experience in NEAR ecosystem
  • 5 years of experience in fintech development
  1. Yuen | yuensid.near| BD & administrator
  • 2 years of experience in the NEAR ecosystem.
  • Managed 5+ NFT projects in NEAR
  • Past GWG contributor of NDC

Jan activities

We had a dinner during the 26th of Jan at Kuala Lumpur inviting people from government officials, dex and exchanges, other blockchains, universities and projects. The aim of the dinner was to collab and connect with the existing blockchain players within Malaysia and get some advise on how to interact with the crypto communities in Malaysia.

Another event we participated was the University bootcamp on the 28th where Edward gave a talk about the NEAR blockchain and introduce the student to its tech and data availability. Some points that were highlighted during the talk were chain abstraction, fast auth, BOS, data aggregation and more.

KPI & Milestone

Based on the KPIs set by the Globe DAO here are the aims that we want to achieve for March of 2024.

Referral system 15 wallets
1 partnership/ online event
1 events, 10 users/event, 3 swags delivery
3k impressions
15 active members
7 average txns/wallet/ month for 7 new wallets"

Funding Wallet

Total Requested: $1,300
Near Wallet ID: near-malaysia.sputnik-dao.near


We will adding a third technical team member as we look for another developer interested in NEAR and train them.


Hi @Yuen Thank you for your proposal and contribution to NEAR. I appreciate the work you are doing. As mentioned in our call, for new communities we have an appeal process and let them start by Tier E first. I understand you have an experience with NEAR, we can think about an additional bonus if you can reach higher Tiers.

Before I support your proposal, please adjust the KPIs and budget according to Tier E.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Awesome stuff Yuen! Good luck to NEAR Malaysia!

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Hi @Yuen

Glad to see you guys are reviving the NEAR Malaysia back! Furthermore, you’re made up of a rock-solid team, well-known and with unquestionable capacity.

Based on your points on proposal, here’s what I’ve recap in the collective table, please confirm.

Since this has just recently back after a long dormancy and brought in a new team, based on the Globe DAO charter, I suggest we kick this off at Tier E.

Consider this as a warm-up for now, and rest assured, we’ll back any future initiatives.

You’ve got my support if you decide to change your budget. :beers:

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Hello @Yuen,

Thanks for your proposal. As discussed on call, we need to see some numbers for the initial months. What about if we start from Tier E with $1300?

Please update, waiting for your response.

Happy Lunar New Year :dizzy:

Hi Yuen,
Thank you for your proposal!
According to our charter, new communities need to start with tier E for 3 months to demonstrate their stats before applying to the higher tier.
Please revise.

The proposal was edited to tier E.

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Hi @Yuen Thank you for updating the proposal. Happy to support Near Malaysia under Tier E.

Hi @Yuen, thanks for your suggestion for March.
I see you have a strong team, I’m willing to support your proposal

Happy to support your proposal!
Please check the revised charter and do your best to achieve the KPI.