[APPROVED] NEAR India April 2024

NEAR INDIA emerges as a pivotal regional hub within the expansive NEAR ecosystem. Our core mission revolves around fostering Developer Relations initiatives, orchestrating potential marketing campaigns, and facilitating development for the NEAR Protocol and its associated ecosystem. Comprising a team of seasoned professionals and emerging talents, each possessing over two years of invaluable experience within the NEAR ecosystem, we consistently demonstrate our commitment to fostering growth and development.

Community Goals & Strategies:

Education and Awareness:
Our aim is to educate individuals and organizations about the benefits and potential of the NEAR Protocol through workshops, webinars, and educational content dissemination.

Developer Support:
We endeavor to cultivate a supportive environment for developers keen on building on NEAR, providing them with resources, mentorship, and hackathon opportunities.

Projects and Innovation:
We actively encourage and support innovative projects and decentralized applications (dApps) on the NEAR Blockchain Operating System (BOS).

Community Building:
Our goal is to nurture a strong, diverse, and inclusive community of NEAR enthusiasts, fostering discussions, networking, and collaboration.

Advocacy and Adoption:
We advocate for the adoption of NEAR-based solutions across various sectors, including fintech, supply chain, gaming, and more.

Alignment with Globe DAO KPIs:

  1. Onboarding 100+ new wallets monthly, utilizing online and offline events, swags, and campaigns, ensuring 20% are IAH verified.

  2. Achieving 40k+ impressions on Twitter with regular content dissemination.

  3. Hosting Telegram contests, on-chain quizzes, and gigs, ensuring 120+ active members.

  4. Executing Zelay campaigns and on-chain tasks, delivering 2000+ transactions per month
    (25 avg. trnx for 25 newly onboarded wallets ).

  5. Providing opportunities for the community to create educational videos (Gigs) on NEAR and its dApps, ensuring at least 3 videos monthly with 1k views)

  6. Pursuing Non-blockchain collaborations to attract Web 2 regional communities, with at least 1 collaboration event monthly.

  7. Conducting training sessions for Building on BOS to foster developer growth in the guild, attracting at least 20-25+ developers and building reusable components on BOS.

Council Members:

Ankit Soni (Lead)
Nikhil Singh (Mod)
Mr. Potato (Advisor)
Vikash (Advisor)

Budget Breakdown:

Community: $1800

  1. Events & Onboarding: $500
  2. Video content creation: $300
  3. Developer outreach: $600
  4. Partnerships & On-chain metrics: $600

Council: $1400

  1. Organizing, Execution & Managing Events
  2. Community Moderation/Engagement
  3. Social media management & Content creation
  4. Managing records & tracking metrics
  5. Reports & proposals

Total: $3200
Target Wallet: near-india.sputnik-dao.near


Telegram: @ nearindia
Twitter: @ NearIndia
Email: near.india01@ gmail .com

Project Longevity:

We require continuous funding for one year, with the Grassroot DAO evaluating our KPIs to decide on future funding. Our potential roadblocks include low community engagement and interest, which we aim to overcome by implementing diverse activities and campaigns for existing users while attracting newly onboarded individuals.



Hello @The_darrk

I dont approve it unless you make the KPI table as our Charter as follows for tier C:

  1. Partnerships with NON blockchain companies belong to 4 categories (TradFi ;
    Traditional software companies ; AI/ML; Social apps) - not cross-chain

  2. New wallets must have more than 3 transactions to make sure they are human, and 15% IAH, 20 average txns for 25 new wallets, all new wallets made in March


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Being an integral part of the NEAR India community, I abstain from supporting this proposal due to a conflict of interest.

Thank you!

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I will support with some notes:

  1. The minimum target should at least align with the proposed Tier (I agree with @HaiVu comment).
  2. Based on the previous report, there needs to be improvisation in the future regarding Video and wallet-related matters (number of wallets, number of transactions, and registrations via i-am-human)
  3. I have heard there is a constraint regarding partnerships, as it requires legal documents. At the moment, we are considering whether universities can be included as one of the collaboration target points.

Thanks for your feedback, Much appreciated.
We updates our KPI as per Globe DAO Recent KPI Structure.

  1. As Dery Suggested, Partnerships with TradFi or Traditional software companies requires some sort of paper work, prior to 1-2 months before the actual partnership, that can create hassle and have affect on KPIs if 3rd party reject at end time.

In past NEAR INDIA did collab with engineering university and collages with awesome fantastic results, and collab with only Computer science/AI;ML clubs particularly to target Tech audience.

2). Updated the average trnx/wallet and total wallet no.
as IAH is unavailable, Community cant make there referred wallets verified, as its now working fine, will try to get 20% IAH verified wallet onboarding .

3). Talking about views on videos, as it takes time to grow an youtube channel, will work on that and try to grow it more organically.

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Hi, waiting for a good result from you on YouTube, ready to support you on tier C

Hi @NEAR_INDIA Happy to support you under Tier C - 3200$
Moving to approved.

After checking with HOM, we confirmed university offline events with IT major would be counted as non-blockchain partnerships too.
Happy to support!