[Approved] NEAR at NIGHT Twitter Spaces - Monthly Funding Request August 23' [Edited 08/13/23]

@so608 @marketingdao-council , we have edited our proposal to 10 space for the month of august and reduced funding ask to $2500 for the month according to above recommendations and suggestions. Please let us know if the amended proposal works and if you need anything further from us!

Hello! I am happy to support your proposal, and thank you for outstanding work.

NF continues to approve some grants, and you must get support (@MarcusNEAR, it would be great if you can help here). Unfortunately, KPIs, metrics, OKRs, budgets, limits, and scopes are changing not even monthly, sometimes hourly, and we’re trying to balance between them. We are at the edge between Government bodies (NF, now NDC Trust) and communities, trying to do our best to make all processes smooth, jumping through all obstacles. I agree with you about decentralization. Our contributors want uninterrupted support, to make at least midterm plans, and to understand where we are going. In my opinion, NDC is an excellent initiative if we can elect true Near believers there who care about the Ecosystem first and can separate the wheat from the chaff.


Hi @TroveLabs thanks for your good work, noted the comments from council and community.

  • happy to support revised amount

Moved to Approved


Thank you so much! Looking forward to creating content for the BOS and NDC!

If possible can i get a clarification on giveaways for @marketingdao-council proposals? I know their has been some issue with giveaways on funded content in the past, especially for determining wether proposal metrics are achieved through incentives or the content itself. It would be nice to have a clear answer in the marketing DAO guidelines on this future proposals going forward.

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Your application was approved by Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO at NDC. The approved proposal will be included in the following request to NDC Trust, and the trust should authorize it first and then transfer it to Marketing DAO treasure: the expected payment date is the last week of August.

So, during this time, please

  1. Fill out the form to pass KYC https://airtable.com/shrAnyWQYcy6zZwa6
  2. Wait for future instruction from Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO and an invitation to create a transfer on Astro DAO.
  3. Please join NDC Marketing HUB Telegram: Contact @ndc_marketing
  4. Please feel free to contact me on telegram @kmotiv 24/7 if you have any questions.
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@cryptocredit @marketingdao-council , I have recreated the astrodao poll to a “Transfer” according to the new procedure. Waiting for the transfer to be approved! Thank you!


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Hello @TroveLabs ! Unfortunately, our transfer request still reviewing by NDC trustees and Near Foundation and has not been approved yet.



Hello @TroveLabs! Our request to NDC trust has been approved. So please, create transfer from Marketing DAO treasure to your wallet

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Very Great News @Dacha. I made this transfer a few days ago, will it still work?


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Yes! Thank you very much

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