[Approved][May] NEAR NFT Week Funding

Right now every marketplace/community can track their own growth of engagement and activities. We have started NEAR NFT Week with the goal of

  • Become a single place to share the weekly engagement of all the Marketplaces
  • Let every marketplace/community track the weekly updates of each other and of themselves

Mintbase and Paras are big platforms they already have better reach and engagement than us. We are not in a state to compare ourself with these big platforms.

  • Still for the reference we are sharing our past 28 days analytics.

Projects are being supported by NEAR NFT Club. We are into weekly newsletter about the NFT ecosystem.

Thanks :slight_smile:

This is definitely needed to be tracked down. Doing it for the whole ecosystem at this stage will be a bigger challenge. But we can start with two marketplaces for now Paras and Mintbase. After adding them we will add others with time.

Thanks for these insights and suggestions, we are listing here the things we are going to add from this month.

  • Blog Post on near.social
  • Active our Telegram Group
  • Online Open Form for other Marketplace/Community to share their updates to us for Weekly Posts
  • NFT Marketplace Analytics ( Starting with Paras and Mintbase )

Ok, thanks. Yes, please focus on new projects. I’m a member of Near games developers and NFT creators group . They are looking for help with promotion of their incredible collections. Let’s give a chance to new community members?

Couple questions from me (just for information :blush:) :

  1. What problem is NearNFtweek solving?

  2. How is the problem being solved?

  3. How does this help get to billions of users?

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Usually the Marketing DAO funds social media $200/platform


We have updated the link NEAR NFT WEEK | Linktree on our Twitter and Telegram account.

Projects filling the form are going to be included in our weekly digest.

  • We can include the separate section of the Gaming Activities within our weekly digest.
  • Can you please list the projects who would like to get the content published.
  • Right now we are offering our service to Communities/Marketplaces at $250 per month. In this service our team will collect the news from the clients account and get it published every week.
  • And another alternative for “Free Feature” they can fill up the form and we will get it published at the starting of the week.
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  • Track of weekly updates from communities/marketplaces
  • Lack of awareness about the activities other communities are creating.
  • Sharing weekly activities
  • Instead of browsing any community/marketplace account, a single page about it will give better insights.

This is a good question ser.

To Target “BILLION of USERS” we need a big list of subscribers on our blog and to achieve this we are sharing one of the way that we can use.

  • Visibility and Authenticity: Get visibility about our platform from the NEAR Official Telegram Group and other possible community Channels.
  • Translation: Translate the Newsletter in different languages.
  • Connection: Encourage people by rewards to share about us, sharing new NEWS, playing weekly games from the content we have published are some ways to keep them connected to us.

Okay. We will revise it to $200.


Hey @Dacha and @cryptocredit!

Do we have the green signal to proceed our [Proposal] into the [Approved] Status?

You need the support of another member of the @marketingdao-council council to move this to approved. I can’t support the proposal at this time for the following reasons:

  • There are numerous typos and mistakes in the content – including your top/announcement banner for the upcoming AMA
  • The blog posts have no links to the projects you’re aiming to promote and support
  • There’s poor formatting and little attention to detail

It’s just not a good user experience in my opinion, and I can’t support funding unless there is some demonstration of attempting to produce high-quality content that is going to reflect positively on the NEAR ecosystem.

If you are able to clean up the site and improve the quality of the content, I’m happy to reconsider this in the future.


We will get it corrected and updated in a week time

Do consider this proposal again within a week.


Thanks for the reply and willingness to make changes - feel free to tag me when you have made them.

Hey @marketingdao-council’s

We have revised few things

  1. @Dacha recommended us to active the Telegram Group and the activities within to claim the reward.
  • We have onboarded many communities representatives and general NEAR NFT members to connect with us in the group. Please do have a look at the group again.
  • Right now we have 50+ members in the group.
  1. @cryptocredit recommended us to revise the budget of the Twitter Handling.
  • We have revised it according to the standard rewards.
  1. @so608 recommended us to clean the site and improve the content with links.
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Your revised proposal and effort to respond to the comments of fellow Marketing DAO council leads me to support on this occasion.

Please remember to provide a report at end of month.

And highlight new NFT projects on your weekly digest. It’s very important to give them a chance.

Upcoming NFT Collection is already getting covered by @NearNft
Reference links

We can add this information in our weekly digest.

I can support this for a month to see how it goes. I see the value in having a media project specifically focused on NFT news and updates in the NEAR ecosystem, but I think you need to focus more on building community, engagement and trying to serve/add value to your audience vs. just reporting information without much context – right now, if you read the web site and Twitter, there is information, but not much reason for people to engage further or opt into your mailing list or Telegram. I look forward to seeing where you take the project for another month.


Looks good. Let’s see on results. Happy to support

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Good morning, ~3 NFT artists from Human guild filed out the form and didn’t get any response.

Good morning!

Can you please ask the artists to connect with us on our telegram group.
Link: Telegram: Contact @nearnftweek

We have reviewed our submission form sheet based on the query raised here but unfortunately we have no submission recorder in the sheets.

Kindly share this Form Link with the Artists for getting covered in NEAR NFT Week.

Report: NEAR NFT Week
Month: May

  • Social Media Account
    Tweet Impression: 26K
    Profile Visits: 11.5K
    Mention: 355
    New Followers: 77
    Total Followers: 595 [ Expected Growth Projected was for 700 ]

  • Newsletter: Content Writing
    Blog 1: May 10, 2022
    Blog 2: May 17, 2022
    Blog 3: May 24, 2022
    Blog 4: May 31, 2022
    Blog 5: June 08, 2022

  • Email Marketing

– For the issues sent we have 23% Open Rate.
Subscribe the Newsletter

@marketingdao-council Thanks for May Month Rewards