( REPORT ) MAY monthly report for CAPITAL GUILD

Hello Creatives.
i’m @ELKHUSH community council leader, an Afro Infusion artist/brand and a community builder.

council leaders:

we are pleased to report the successful lunch of CAPITAL GUILD community http://gov.near.org/t/introduction-capital-guild/18935?u=elkhush
ART: we were able to lunch our community with a project for Art, Sculpture, Pencil Art and Painting http://gov.near.org/t/report-capital-guild-may-2022-creative-art-sculpture-painting-and-pencil-art/22114?u=elkhush and we have started minting the created art on our just deployed store for CAPITAL GUILD https://www.mintbase.io/store/capitalguild.mintbase1.near?tab=nfts&page=0 we also onboarded all the creative artists who partook in the project lunch.
MODEL ART: http://gov.near.org/t/report-capital-guild-creatives-may-2022-models-makeup-artist/22160?u=elkhush
we have also been able to lunch our:
mintbase store: https://www.mintbase.io/store/capitalguild.mintbase1.near?tab=nfts&page=0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/capital_guild?s=21
Instagram: https://instagram.com/guildcapital?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
our telegram group has also increased to 41 active members and we have also started with our weekly community call
we are currently developing our website which will soon be lunched
Website: https://capitalguild.ng/public
we also onboarded the Photographer and Videographer @osyphotos and @Emmanueluseh.
we onboarded the make-up artists, Models and everyone who was involved in the project lunch.
We have also just made our first sales of two NFTs on our store
thank you creatives for your love and support.
Here’s a link to all the onboarded creatives on the workshop https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OlzA2O-7-u2wELOl4QLIn-NL7kBqa6HX

Cc: @Sammiee @Royaltyjoy @OGbillions @Sochika @Saintvic
tagging: @creativesdao-council for visibilty.


MAY was :fire::fire::fire:! And I believe June will be x10


most definitely fam, it has been an awesome experience.


I am very positive about Capital guild, it’s road map, the community members and I am looking forward to the next project and the coming months for the Guild.
Great experience

May was exceptional… June will be lit :100:


Hello Capital Guild. Seeing as the astrodao for this DAO has not yet been put to use yet, I think this report could be more detailed in outlining where the funding from the first month has been distributed. Thanks


Hello @ted.iv
Council management: $600

Art project $630

Models Art project: $730

These are the links to project funding for Capital guild, we couldn’t request funding through Astro because as at the time of request we had not created our Astro and hence couldn’t released funding for projects but looking forward it’ll be much more easier and orderly as we now have both the Forum tag and Astro to help organize our community projects and roadmap, thank you once more.