[PROPOSAL] Philosophical Scholarships (Third edition)

Project Report

Status: Finished


[PROPOSAL] Philosophical Scholarship (3ª ed)

Open Call generated by the project:

Accounting Project

We launched an Open Call to choose four winners and had 4 submissions.

Payment of the winners: According to the project proposal, the winners received payment on October 25th (with the delivery of the final report and the text for publication on the DAO website).

The Winners were:

Reinaldo Cezar de Souza Lopes - Bacharelado em Filosofia (UFPel) - @ReinaldoLopes

Louise Moscareli - Licenciatura em Filosofia (UFPel) - @LouiseMoscareli

Luiz Felipe de Saibro Dossena - Licenciatura em Filosofia (UFSM) - @dossena

Luan Kim Ferreira Dias- Licenciatura em Filosofia (UNIFAP) @luankim


Updated project timeline

The project is following the estimated time for each step.

Highlights and Final Products

We will have four texts and four reports produced by the winners.


We learned that we should offer grants for a month and thus decentralize resources to more people.