[PROPOSAL] Kin DAO Management / Foundation Building

Proponent: Kin DAO

NEAR account for payment: thekindao.sputnik-dao.near

Project Timeline: January 2022

Project: DAO Management / Foundation Building

We have found ourselves in need of the curation of a very strong foundation so we may move in integrity and responsibility for our communities. This requires intense participation from our founding members and council to meet multiple times a week, write white papers, contracts, agreements, finalize membership, begin tokenization, and ground our responsibilities in fail proof systems of reciprocity. We ask the Creatives DAO to support us in doing dedicating so much time to this work without stress:

  • $500 - Council Participation [split fund to support council members who show up to meetings and pour their energy into this project, managing the other two projects Kin DAO is operating]
  • $400 - For Product Model Development / Practice [all team members working on for product model, practicing how it works, implementing it into our structure to use now rather than when land is purchased]
  • $300 - DAO Foundation Build [deep research on DAOs, legalizing ourselves, communication, organizing, conceptualizing, bylaw,contract/white paper writing]

Total: $1200 in NEAR