[Proposal] Culinary DAO’s Collaboration With MarmaJ DAO Bounty
One of our goals as a community is to build a healthy collaborations with other DAOs, while working together to build a bigger and stronger Near web3 community. This is why we are starting a project that will enable us to collaborate with a good number of existing DAOs.
We are starting off this project with a collaboration with the MarmaJ community.
This project is about creating a replica of the MarmaJ Chan character as either a pastry or icing a cake.
Here is the description of the MarmaJ Chan character/mascot.
To participate:
Read the description of MarmaJ Chan
Make a pastry or ice a cake to fit the descriptions above.
Record a short video of yourself doing the above. (This is to ascertain that you made the pastry or iced the cake yourself
Take a high quality picture of your finished pastry or iced cake and post it here.
6 winners with the most impressive MarmaJ Chan characters (following the official descriptions) will be selected.
The bounty will be concluded with a meeting on MarmaJ Beach on Nearhub where a few talks on Near and NFTs will be shared and the winners will be announced.
MarmaJ community will select 3 entries for 8.19 Near each.
Culinary DAO will institute judges who select the 6 best entries from which three winners will be shortlisted by member polls on AstroDAO.
*Creation of at least 15 NFTs
*Creating of our store on mintbase
*Onboarding of new members
*Increased community engagement
Creating our store on mintbase: 6.5N
Graphics & Animations $100
First best 10 entries $200
Overall winners: $220
Judges: $250
Total: $800
Participants must have a Near wallet and an account on gov.near.org