First NCD graduation at Universidad Tecnológica de Nayarit

The past friday 15th NEAR Hispano council members meet at Universidad Tecnológica de Nayarit for celebrating first ever NCD student graduation.

In this graduation attends heads of the university, including Rector (Head), R&D department, academic secretary, IT career department and liaison secretary.

The two woman with papers in hands are teachers that earned NCD lv 1 certificate, the other two man are students who also earned the NCD lv 1 certificate. A very cool collaboration of teacher with students from a university working together for finishing NCD.

At the right side is @Cristian and @cloudmex-alan (me), NEAR Certified Developers and that worked in Culturas Latinas NFT marketplace and Sputnik DAO CLI.

This course was run independently in spanish by NEAR Hispano, headed by @Cristian as NEAR Certified Instructor of this bootcamp.

Spanish NCD contents (Students inputs): Comenzando el NEAR Certified Developers L1 🧑🏻‍💻 | NEAR Certified Developers L1 - NEAR Hispano
Projects done in NCD (Students outputs): Learn NEAR Hispano · GitHub

Official post from university: Universidad Tecnológica de Nayarit


Amazing progress @Cristian and @cloudmex-alan, exciting to see you engaged with local universities!


wow, tthat is so great of near