[concluded] - recite: fernando pessoa and his heteronyms - gambiarra dao

[Concluded] Recite: Fernando Pessoa and heteronyms - Gambiarra DAO

Project Status: COMPLETED

Project accounting:

Carry out an audiovisual production of four interpretations of poetry by Fernando Pessoa and heteronyms and distribute them on the proposer’s instagram and facebook channels in addition to @gambiarranear’s instagram and youtube channel.

**Budget: 500 USD in NEAR

500 USD - Carlos Escouto - escouto.near

Timeline of the project updated:

First week: This week I dedicated myself to researching possible scenarios and places to do the interpretations and rehearsals and also the search for costumes for the four poems. I was able to organize this during the week, but when I went to rehearsal in the space I had the news that the price I was given was mistakenly not the rental price, and the rental price was much higher than the agreed price. So in the second week, parallel to the memorization of the text, I had to look for another place to rehearse. The first week was dedicated to these external organizations of space, hiring the audiovisual production company and costume adjustment. After the second week (3/13) the rehearsals started to occur normally, first with the memorization of the texts and then the construction of the aesthetics and characters for each poem. During the process I was making stories and left highlighted on instagram talking about the process of construction of this work and can be checked on instagram Login • Instagram in the highlight ‘‘Fernando Pessoa’’. During the process I still faced two problems. The first was that the space where I was rehearsing was forbidden by a city hall agency because of the regularization of the work permit. I did not rehearse in the space for 5 days until it became available for use again. The other problem was that on the day of the handover by the production company they had not brought some equipment which caused the recording sessions to be delayed one day. For this reason and for the days that I could not rehearse due to the interruption of space, the release of the videos was delayed 1 day from the initially planned, leaving the releases for the days 24, 25, 27 and 29/03. The videos had the following reach on the instagram @ciclanocarlos of the proponent:

Post announcing the interpretations instagram - Login • Instagram - 76 likes, 6 comments.

1 - Lisbon revisited, 3/24 - Login • Instagram - 234 views, 31 comments, 51 likes.

2 - Poem in a straight line - Login • Instagram - 163 views, 14 comments, 24 likes.

3 - All Love Letters - Login • Instagram - 71 views, 3 comments, 18 likes.

4 - Autopsychography - Login • Instagram - 99 views, 4 comments, 21 likes.

In this highlight you can see part of the process - Instagram - There were 21 stories with a reach of 1,506 views.

Facebook Posts

Post announcing the facebook interpretations - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=505903187704849&set=pcb.505907021037799 - 109 reactions, 43 comments, 2 shares.

1 - Lisbon revisited - https://www.facebook.com/carlos.escouto.376/videos/1242221102851422 - 38 reactions, 8 comments, 7 shares.
2 - Poem in a straight line - https://www.facebook.com/carlos.escouto.376/videos/283213730641203 - 34 reactions, 8 comments, 6 shares.
3 - Autopsychography - https://www.facebook.com/carlos.escouto.376/videos/3197082930574830 - 9 reactions, 2 comments.
4 - All Love Letters - https://www.facebook.com/carlos.escouto.376/videos/394223358814728 - 5 reactions. 3 comments

youtube gambiarra channel

1 - Lisbon revisited, 3/24 - PROJECT RECITE 1/4 - Fernando Pessoa e Heteronyms - By Carlos Escouto - YouTube

2 - Poem in a straight line - PROJECT RECITE 2/4 - Fernando Pessoa e Heteronyms - By Carlos Escouto - YouTube

3 - All Love Letters - PROJECT RECITE 3/4 - Fernando Pessoa e Heteronyms - By Carlos Escouto - YouTube

4 - Autopsychography - PROJECT RECITE 4/4 - Fernando Pessoa e Heteronyms - By Carlos Escouto - YouTube

Highlights and reviews:

The highlight was the outreach and feedback had by people close to me and even people not known about the interpretation work and the relevance of the author. The space where I made the recordings, the Regina Simonis art house, also praised the work and even requested that I think about similar artistic interventions in the space where they would be available. The criticism is in three aspects: the first is the marketing in having made more art during the process and posted in cards on social media until the official release of the videos. As I centralize the processes in myself I felt that I should have one person only to do this. The other, perhaps more significant, was to have made video reels of the process and especially of the poems to reach a larger audience. The videos were posted on instagram and facebook, in full. If I had made reels, I could have had a greater reach, where in the caption of the video there could be a link to the full video on the youtube channel of Gambiarra Near. However, it is all learning and part of the process. I plan to review these issues in future work. The last aspect is the interpretation of the poetry. As an actor, teacher, and theater director, I recognize that technical body elements such as body expression and body sign could be better constructed in the interpretations, as well as the counter scene with the audiovisual production and the perspectives of angles to be captured by the cameras. However, in the sum total, lessons remain to be used in the next artistic processes.


The learning was the coexistence for the knowledge of how the gambiarra near works inside the blockchain. I have recently entered this new ‘‘universe’’ and day by day I am getting better acquainted with how it all works. Even though I still have a lot to know and how it works, being able to experience this month the work of fellow artists inside the gambiarra was a learning experience with artistic fruition. The acting with cameras and only cameras is very specific and differs a lot from theater. It differs so much that in the next works I will hire a specific scene director who already works with audiovisuals to improve the technical quality of the interpretations and the videos.

*Next Steps:

I want to perfect the interpretation technically of the poems by investing in scene direction with a theater director and an audiovisual direction, both with the same person already chosen. I intend to interpret the poem ‘‘Tabacaria’’ next month and it will have this addition if approved. As a goal I also intend to think possibilities of connections with gambiarra artists’ works where I can put in the same art my interpretation, along with video art, photography, painting and/or other artistic forms that appear as propositive in the creation of these interpretations.


Carlos Escouto (@ciclanocarlos) - Photos and videos on Instagram