[Concluded] Curatorial and metaarchitectural work for FEMINU DAO June 22

Relatório Curadoria FEMINU – inglês

Project Report

Curating proposal for FEMINU DAO art events

Project Status: Concluded


The main objective of this month of June was the curatorial work of International FEMINU and begin the registration process, starting with the evaluation of the portfolios sent by the artists and continue the research and making contact with foreign artists and start designing the building for IF (International FEMINU).

First of all, I’d like to make one remark. Considering the specificity of the International FEMINU DAO as a long term project (pre-project and realization) and on the other hand, considering that the Near Foundation funds are for short term projects, starting and ending within a month, I took the decision, together with council @natashacremonese to take advantage of the huge exhibition space that I got, which corresponds to a parcel and a half, in which I built this month a beautiful building for FEMINU DAO’s art events, to put the international exhibition project on hold and focus on the exhibitions that have a short time between organization and realization and that will bring visibility to numerous artists, as well as several mintages, onboardings and entry of new artists in the FEMINU Store, which will bring benefits to everyone in the community and also to Near’s ecosystem.

With this in mind, in the month of June the curatorial work was focused mainly on the meta-architecture part, with the construction of the new building and the organization of the bounty and inauguration party that will take place in July.

Timeline, highlights and analytics:

Exhibition :

The AMAR Exhibition had its opening on June 18th. There were 9 onboardings and 23 submissions. Due to the high level of the works I decided to exhibit all the 23 NFTs, specially minted for this artistic event.

Photos taken by @macieira

FEMINU DAO proposed to buy 5N in artworks from that exhibition and I chose 7 NFTs in a total of 6,7N.

The awarded artists were: felipedevicente; fredcaca; marianasacrini; lunalylh, rafasilva; lucianatelles; and camofa

Meta architetural work:

The construction of the FEMINU Gallery building of more than 1000m2 was one of the highlights of the month. On June 24th, for the first time at Voxels I met our landlord. As he lives in China, this meeting was only possible because it was 2am in Brazil. He showed to be very satisfied with the work that has been developed in the parcels.

Photos of the FEMINU DAO Gallery building in construction (almost finished):

Several meetings:

Several meetings, among them, a meet with Sahil @Cryptonaut in order to understand better about the possibility of realizing a huge exhibition as International FEMINU, within Near blockchain and the possible gaps we are facing. These considerations will be These comments will be taken into consideration so that I can restructure the International FEMINU Exhibition to fit the needs x possibilities.

Summary of the work done in June:

  • planning and general organization of the inauguration of the FEMINU DAO Gallery building that will take place in July, including bounty and party.

  • meet with every proponent (@mayramendes @giovannagoretti @naju @Biancavictal @macieira @isadanoninho) to discuss the needs of each proposal and make the necessary choices and decisions to organize and realize the event ;

  • meet with @luluca_l in order to try to organize an exhibition of MUTHA DAO artists at the opening of the FEMINU Gallery building. Unfortunately the exhibition will not take place in July, but we look forward to a next opportunity.

  • meet Sahil in order to understand better about the possibility of realizing a huge exhibition as International FEMINU, within Near blockchain and the possible gaps we are facing.

  • meet with the owner of the parcel in Voxels, for the first time

  • continued to research and maintain contact with new artists

  • choose the artworks of the AMAR Exhibition to be bought by the FEMINU Store.

  • meta architectural work in the new building.

I owe the success of the proposal, among other things, to the fact that getting a large exhibition space like the one I built for FEMINU DAO in the Voxel metaverse this June is a** very rare opportunity **. This achievement I credit to some factors. First, I believe that it is due to the quality of the work that I have been developing in the last few months associated with the high level of artists that perform under my curatorship, as well as the musical events and parties that have brought a very large amount of visitors and that made the owner make available for me an area twice as big as the one he had previously did, wich is priceless in terms of cost if we were to rent a parcel and also in terms of opportunity regarding the great amount of NFTs that can be exhibited. This will encourage the movement of artists within the ecosystem, with an increase in the number of minting in order to participate in the events and also the onboarding of artists who will have in our exhibitions a great opportunity to have their work promoted in a well known metaverse such as Voxels accompanied by the excellent disclosure that is always done by our marketing team. This is great for the artists and for the ecosystem.

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