[CLOSED] Near x Art Dao Budget For August '22

Hello fam,

Purchasing a camera is not for anyone’s personal use but for the Dao activities. We are creatives and camera is a major, in our sustainability journey. It will not only make things easy but save the us cost in always renting a camera. Thus, the funds is going to the community and impacting the community.

Check our YouTube for videos

Check out here for pictures

I stated the reasons clearly in the updated proposal. I would be stating the reason why we need a camera again.

100% of the time, the service of a videographer is employed and the cost for renting a standard camera is an average of $300. We have been renting camera’s since the inception of the Near x art Dao. If the Near x Art Dao purchases it’s camera there will be no need to rent a camera.

@ kc_sollano there’s a strong misunderstanding here. You asked for the proposal to be updated and clearly stated. Which I did. Everything there was clearly explained. @williamx asked the similar question and I answered it and updated the proposal with an in-depth information of the proposal.
I urge you and the @creativesdao-council to take a look at this again.

Hi captain, @ kc_sollano
The near x art Dao comes up with different proposal and different prices every month. The only activity that come up every month is the Utility NFT which is one of the major goal of the Near x Art Dao ( @ted.iv and @Paul can testify to this because they have been the one attending to us since the inception of the Dao) and for every month we always work on different themes and type of NFT of art.

For June: We created art on the following theme

  1. Dedicated art to Nearverse
  2. Dedicated art to creatives in the Near ecosystem
  3. Dedicated arts to the founders of Near
  4. Dedicated art to the builder of Near.

For July we created the following art on the following theme for July

Creating utility with nft for July

  1. Dedicated art to the victims of Ukraine and Russia war

  2. Dedicated art to climate neutral

  3. Dedicated art to world peace

We always bring activities that has never been done in the Near creatives vertical.

For example

  • Contemporary Dance : I will say it with so much excitement that no DAO under the creative vertical has done something like this activity. Moreover we do not have any contemporary dancer in the creatives DAO.

  • Spoken word artists

Web 3 delight event :
We are the first Dao under the creatives vertical to ever represent creatives in a global web 3 event that had over 3,000 attendees.

External visibility : The Near x art Dao is not just limited to the Near ecosystem but other blockchain company are willing to offer us free services.

I understand that you have a lot of proposals to go through and you may have not been following up with the activities of the Near x Art Dao so it is normal for this misunderstanding to happen.

Tagging @creativesdao-council to kindly take a thorough review on this proposal. Thanks in advance :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Tagging: @Dacha @adrianseneca @FritzWorm @illia @tabear @reginamintbase to kindly join in the reviewing of this with your vast experience and expertise.

We are happy to always make impact to the Near ecosystem.

Thank you for your time and support.

We look forward to receiving your feedback.

Best regards,
Near x art.