[Closed] @neaprotocolnews & @trending.near Instagram JULY

Whoah, same combined comments from the councils @satojandro @Klint @so608 . Kinda demotivating tbh.

About the retroactive behaviour - The proposal got delayed till August due to lack of clarity and delayed response from @marketingdao-council end when it was asked to choose two accounts as the council suggested to keep only two. Proposal was delayed this much not due to our end.

This was also retroactive, posted after July work in August. Why there is no such comment of Retroactiveness? Where is the equality?

This was also retroactive, asked funds for May, June in June end week.

I have respected you all and learnt from you all since my journey here. Sorry to say but didn’t expect this hypocrisy here.

There are result, audience we built and kept posting regardless of funding. If you all combined think can break our confidence and dedication with this behaviour. You are WRONG.

Thanks for taking your precious time to review after such delay.