Tanda Dapp Project

Tanda Dapp Project: Implement a savings Dapp based on the Tanda model

Project DAO: NEAR Hispano SputnikDAO

Overview: Tanda Dapp Implement a savings Dapp based on the Tanda model used in Mexico; Savings Web App that implements an informal savings model from Mexico, popularly known as Tanda.

Objective: The group objective is to save a certain amount where all members will make a contribution from time to time, the amount saved is the result of everyone’s contribution.


  1. Proposal Definition. Definition of all documentation pertinent to the proposal, such as the flow diagram, user-stories, definition of the proposal, definition of the first methods of the smart contract.

  2. Development of the first smart contract methods. Program the first smart contract methods on the Assembly Script language, which were previously defined. Tests of included methods are included.

  3. Development of missing smart contract methods. Programming of the missing smart contract methods on the Assembly Script language, which were previously defined in week # 1. Tests of included methods are included. * Demo of the smart contract operation

  4. Dapp interface design and smart contract integration. Dapp UI Design Implementation of the Dapp design on ReactJS Integration of smart contract methods.

  5. Implementation of the Dapp interface and integration of the smart contract. Implementation of the Dapp design on ReactJS Integration of smart contract methods

  6. Dapp Testing (Final Demo). Final presentation of the Dapp.


Stage 1: August 15 to 20

Stage 2: August 20 to 26

Stage 3: August 27 to September 2

Stage 4: September 3 to 9

Stage 5: September 10 to 16

Stage 6: September 17 to 22

Project Members:

  • Manuel Haro

NEAR target accounts:
NEAR Hispano DAO

Project Members:
Manuel - tuxcan.near