Sandbox (December) Reward Claim of (AlexChateau#5142) (alecaseg.near)

Hello TEAM and NEAR community

I’m Aleida Castillo, from Venezuela living in Quebec, Canada.
Since December I have been working with some translations English-French-Spanish, and I have created a Twitter Account @CanadaNear publishing the translations I have done as well on
USD $3

USD $29.35

USD $39.55

USD $33.2

USD $54.3

USD $36.9

USD $33.8

USD $29.05

USD $32.2

Estimated Final Reward:
USD $291.35


Hey there! Welcome to the Open Web Sandbox :slight_smile:

Here is my feedback for your work:

Your translations are very well made so thank you for that! However, judging by the traction, they do not reach the audience just yet. As for the Spanish and/or English translations, I suggest you post them on NEAR Venezuela @LuisAponte99 Twitter/Medium accounts to make sure your work reaches the target audience.
Regarding the French translations, I suggest you keep working on the development of your Twitter to reach more people eventually. Besides, one of our contributors has a French-speaking TG group, maybe you guys could collaborate together?
@abdelillah77 would you mind for @Alecaseg content to be posted in your TG group or/and to give it an occasional retweet on Twitter? :slight_smile:

This time your claim is approved in full and our team is looking forward to seeing you implement the given feedback in the future. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or to our community on Discord.

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Hi @vrdoingthings , Yes it’s pleasure for me to share this contents to my French community on Twitter and telegram … keep going @Alecaseg

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Many thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate all your comments.
I will work with both of them. Luis Aponte to post the Spanish translations and Abdelillah for French ones.


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