[REPORT] KIL DAO Monthly Report for March 2022

KIL DAO had a blast producing two back to back events on 30th and 31st of March 2022. However this month felt closer to home as we showcased two homegrown artist Roshan Isaac and Ashtin who are both managed by Keep It Local Asia. The event was held at The Playground at Cryptovoxels. KIL Live homegrown showcase brought in a ton of positive feedback and we managed to onboard 12 of our guest to the NEAR ecosystem including

  1. hapis.near
  2. hariraj.near
  3. ashtiniv.near
  4. inderjit.near
  5. roshanisaac.near
  6. noorhaziq.near
  7. ryanwlj.near
  8. dheyran.near
  9. vith.near
  10. venkatdharshaan.near
  11. affrenxd.near
  12. nickhilaaron.near

Highlights of both shows could be seen below.

Keep It Local Live : The Homegrown Showcase

WhatsApp Image 2022-03-08 at 09.10.31

Goals and Milestones

Once again, we would like to give a huge shout out to the Creatives Dao, NXM and the Near foundation for showing us your continuous support. KIL DAO i forever grateful. Looking forward to launching a brand new showcase in April 2022!

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