Report @Caleb Nomade Label Dao e Comunidade Near Julho de 2022

Report @Caleb Nomade Label Dao e Comunidade Near Julho de 2022

Este report vai apresentar as minhas contribuições para a Nomade Label Dao e Comunidade Near e está dividido em:

  • Colaborações em Proposals da Nomade Label
  • Proposals concluídas na Nomade Label
  • Bounties
  • NFTs
  • Participação na Astrodao
  • Roadmap
  • Agradecimentos

Colaborações em proposals:

  1. EAT 1 - Show do Dr Crazy One Mad Band
  1. 4 mão 2 canção - 2 músicas em NFT com Gabriel Felipe Jacomel
  1. EAT + chá com bolo - Show do 4 mão 2 canção
  1. EAT + chá com bolo 2 - Show Live Noise Tupi
  1. NL Records - Pesquisa e propostas em Junho
  1. GUME Junho 2022 - Mixagem para a performance
  1. Máquina de Inscrever 2022 - Trilha de abertura do podcast
  1. Talk Away - Assessoria para desenvolvimento de pagamento com Near no portal do Talk Away

Proposals concluidas

  1. Nomade Studio Sessions Flores de Maio
  1. Show online de lançamento do single Bad Love do Dr Crazy One Mad Band


  1. Gambiarra: DAO antimétodo class
  1. metaverse dao: digital art class day 1
  1. writers guild: flash fiction NFTs collection
  1. metaverse dao: digital art class day 2

  1. nomade label: dao CFC 3xr
  2. nomade label: DAO divulgação antimétodo


7 mintados na mintbase

6 com zydron.near

1 com drcrazy.near

Coleçao JAAC - Just another abstract composition

5 NFTS com edição única, todos vendidos

4 na loja da nomade label

1 na loja da Gambiarra

2 NFTs de Música

FOMO - Zydron

Bad Love - Dr Crazy One Mad Band

Colabs em NFT

3 colabs com Gabriel Felipe Jacomel

Something Good - Gabriel Felipe Jacomel e Dr Crazy One Mad Band

2 Flash Fiction NFTs - Gabriel Felipe Jacomel + Zydron

Brown paper tip


Participação no AstroDao da Nomade Label Dao

69 votos

Roadmap Caleb NEAR

  • Certificação Near Academy conseguida em junho de 2022
  • Fazer o curso de Certificação de Desenvolvedor Near
  • Desenvolver aplicações e experiências imersivas audiovisuais utilizando as tecnologias Near.
  • Apropriação das tecnologias para desenvolvimento de contratos inteligentes na rede Near.

Agradecimentos aos parceiros na Comunidade Near

Nomade Label Dao






Metaverse DAO (@klarakopi e @beetlejuice )

Gambiarra Dao


Dao Records (playground parcel no criptovoxel)



Report @Caleb Nomade Label Dao and Near Community July 2022

This report will present my contributions to Nomade Label Dao and Near Community and is divided into:

Collaborations on Nomade Label Proposals

Completed Proposals on the Nomade Label



Participation in Astrodao



Collaborations in proposals

EAT 1 - Dr Crazy One Mad Band Show

4 mão 2 canção - 2 songs in NFT with Gabriel Felipe Jacomel

EAT + chá com bolo - 4 mão 2 canção show

EAT + + chá com bolo 2 - Live Noise Tupi Show

NL Records - Research and proposals in June

GUME June 2022 - Mixing for the performance

Máquina de Inscrever - Opening track for the podcast

Talk Away - Consultant for development of payment with Near in the Talk Away portal

Proposals completed

Nomade Studio Sessions - May Flowers

Online show to release Bad Love single by Dr Crazy One Mad Band


Gambiarra: DAO anti-method class

metaverse dao: digital art class day 1

writers guild: flash fiction NFTs collection

metaverse dao: digital art class day 2

nomade label: dao CFC 3xr

nomade label: DAO disclosure anti-method


7 minted on mintbase

6 with zydron.near

1 with drcrazy.near

JAAC Collection - Just another abstract composition

5 unique edition NFTS, all sold

4 at nomade label store

1 at Gambiarra’s store

2 Music NFTs

FOMO - Zydron

Bad Love - Dr Crazy One Mad Band Bad Love on Mintbase

NFT collabs

3 colabs with Gabriel Felipe Jacomel

Something Good - Gabriel Felipe Jacomel and Dr Crazy One Mad Band

2 Flash Fiction NFTs - Gabriel Felipe Jacomel + Zydron

Brown paper tip


Participation in the AstroDao on Nomade Label Dao

69 votes

Caleb NEAR Roadmap

  • Near Academy Certification achieved in June 2022
  • Taking the Near Developer Certification course
  • Developing audio-visual immersive applications and experiences using Near technologies.
  • Embody technologies for developing smart contracts on the Near network.

Thanks to the partners in the Near Community

Nomade Label Dao

Gabriel Felipe Jacomel




Daniel Carrera

Metaverse DAO (klara and beetle juice)

Gambiarra Dao


Thais Infiltration Films

Paloma Klisys

Fly Goa

Dao Records (playground on cryptovoxel)

Fernanda Paixão


@creativesdao-council Look how nomadelabours are trying to deliver individual reports:

I love it!

thanks @calebav @gushlewis


Beautiful journey, my dear friend, so proud! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Wow @calebav im really impressed!!! really really <3 congratulations on your work

@blusw those individuals reports will be reunite in some DAO post so we can see all together?


Caramba calebav! to chocada! muito trampo e muito trampo bom!!! parabens, de verdade!!

Blua, vocês vão juntar todos os reports individuais em um report da DAO pra que a gente veja tudo reunido?





Thank you @beetlejuice for thin input! yes, I think that we can reunite all the individual reports on a single post from Nomade Label DAO

And @calebav what a great report!! I learn a lot with you, and t was great to meet you here in this ecosystem and also in physical life!

:wink: :purple_heart:


Thankx @blusw @gabrielfelipejacomel @ritamaria @beetlejuice :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

I love all of you and meet you was the best thing!

This is just the start, lets rock together! :sparkling_heart: :100: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :alien: :robot:


Also I wanna make some visualizations and charts about all this(not only for me, but need to start somewhere), big work but lets see what happens!


I’ve made mine too!!!