[Rejected] Metaverse DAO - Marketing - April 2022

Hi Klint, GM.

I will set my works for april (just this month, right, not before?)

I will tag the others council members of Metaverse DAO so they can answer by themselves.

But I’m not understanding why this are being discuss here in Marketing proposal given that its Metaverse DAO related and not exactly about the marketing team and proposal. I’m a little bit confuse, can you help me understand?

I’m here and here in the council member (Spiritual DAO and Metaverse DAO)

I’m here in the diagramming proposal of Near Metaverse Magazine (1 did the 4 previously numbers)

And I’m here in the Philosophers DAO, but the DAO don’t have activities yet. (this DAO will be dormant for now)

@klarakopi and @becopro can you give them your activies in NEAR?