[Closed] - Social Media Production, Maintenance Budget [ June | July | August 2022 ] and Poster Production for Demonstra DAO

Project Name: Demonstra DAO

Project Status: [ in progress ]

Project members:

Daniel Moraes @dani danimore.near

Rebecca Johnson @RebeccaJ rejoh.near

Juliana Matsumura @JulianaM jmm.near

Yuli Anastassakis @yuli07 yuli07.near

Project Accounting: current account balance 192.66952 NEARS

Funding: quarterly

Funding Period: june | july | august 2022

Our Introductory


Impact and value:

We expect to grow Demonstra’s followers and engagement having as its central objective the development of an inclusive and accessible communication to all audiences with functional diversity. Another important value for Demonstra Project is to spread the artistic production of people with disabilities in the visual arts and social networks, in order to value and spread more and more such professionals and inclusive projects, aggregating these values and concepts to the Near community.

The Demonstra’s community network has grown in the last months. Fifteen new people have joined the near community. We have also made several partnerships with other DAOS such as Incubadora, 55sp and Cudo. And we are using the exposure and sale platforms of NFTs Mintbase e 3xr.

Metrics for measuring success:

  • We managed to increase the number of followers and greater engagement with our publications, creating greater interaction with people who are interested in the art produced by artists with disabilities. Our goal is to propagate and give visibility to this rich and powerful production and, through social networks, reach the entire artistic community and other sectors of society.

  • In May we produced 10 posts, 93 stories and 3 videos on Instagram. We invested 25 USD weekly in boosting some posts to continue to reach more people and interactions. We created greater engagement and interaction with the audience that already follows us (11m), maintaining consistency and regularity in publications. In addition to the reach of our publications, we grew 174% in terms of reach and 59.5% in terms of engagement.

  • We publicized the seminar schedule, highlighting the invited participants and showing who they are and a bit of their bio. We also made several posts focused on the works of the resident artists and on the virtual exhibition that opened on May 21.

  • With a person dedicated to social media management and regular boost, we intend to improve these numbers, reaching more followers and highlighting the importance of funding and community Near. We realized the importance of having a communication and marketing professional focused on such matters and the collaboration with @yuli07 has been very good for her professionalism and commitment to the project. It has been very important to work with design professionals to create the artwork for the posts, this reinforces and preserves the visual identity of the project and increasingly connects the audience to something. Working with @lucterra from CUDO DAO has been very positive for the creation of the video teasers, as shown in the video images below and the post link. And guidance and direction with Demonstra founder @dani has been essential to overall focus and purpose.

  • We are publicizing our partnership with near on our networks and tagging all our posts with #nearprotocol and #near.

Estimated timeline and achievement milestones:

  • We are requesting an order for 3 months in order to facilitate the workflow. Our last marketing order took a month to get approved and we thought a quarterly order would be a good option.
  • Produce 2 to 4 weekly posts on Instagram;
  • Weekly boosts with investments of 20 to 25 USD per week. We believe it is necessary to invest in boosting some posts on instagram to continue to reach more people and interactions. We intend to continue the actions of last month, improving the focus and reach of our project;
  • We also intend to create greater engagement and interaction with the audience that already follows us (11m), maintaining consistency and regularity in publications.
  • In May we had the closure of the Demonstra Art Residency, which included the Seminar and Exhibition presented via Youtube Live. There were more than six hours of talks, debates and presentations from the artists and curators who participated in the residency, that we will edit and publish on our networks.
  • We will continue to publicize the virtual exhibition with the artists who participated in the artistic residency Demonstra.
  • We will make posts about the works that are in mintbase Demonstra. The idea is to give greater visibility to the NFTs of the resident artists.
  • We will start advertising the Demonstra Dialogues, that implements a new communication network where it will be possible to disseminate audiovisual materials for research, actions, debates of ideas, collaborations and workshops related to the purpose of Demonstra.
  • Produce 2 newsletters per month with project news

Funding Details (for 3 months):

  • Social media content production and profile maintenance (instagram + youtube + newsletter) - 1200 USD (3 x 400 USD)
  • Boost on Instagram - 300 USD (3 x 100 USD)
  • Art direction and co-production of posts - 750 USD (3 x 250 USD)



The exhibition that closes the program Demonstra Artistic Residency Edition #01 takes place in three virtual places:3XR, Arquipélago and Demonstra. The set of works presented is a cut of the works produced by the artists Guto Oca, Jeff Barbato, João Paulo Racy, Juca Fiis, Lua Cavalcante and Nara Rosetto during the four months of the Demonstration Artist Residency. The exhibition format is virtual and the artists’ works present in Demonstra’s website and social media.

The Demonstra Seminar is a public event for the closure of the art residency program Edition #01 Poéticas Informes supported by DGArtes. The event took place online on 09/April/2022 and featured the resident artists, curators and invited art professionals with debates on the productions and works that happened during the residency period.

This month we would like to promote it outside the networks and we are thinking of spreading posters of our exhibition around the city of Lisbon. Lisbon is our base city, where the project started and we thought it would be interesting to have these posters spread around the streets. It is very common here for festivals and exhibitions to advertise through posters on the streets. And in these coming months the city has a large circulation of people due to the summer, with people from all over the world, which would greatly increase the reach of our project. A2 posters as in the picture below with QR code will be printed to publicize our exhibition.

Links of Seminar and Exhibition Demonstra:

Seminar Demonstra - LIVE | Youtube

Galeria 3XR - NFTs Demonstra

Galeria Demonstra

Galeria Arquipélago

Funding Details:

  • Poster printing: Digiset Printshop (www.digiset.pt)
    (100 units | Printing eco-solvents colors billboard paper blueback | 120 gr | Format A2): 316,25 USD

  • Poster Posting: Pedro Nuñez (posting of 100 posters in the streets of the city of lisbon): 65 USD

  • Print production (contact with suppliers, receive and distribute material, receive and distribute material, work monitoring): 200 USD

  • Graphic design: 250 USD



TOTAL: 3.081,25 USD


All are welcome to join us to talk and see our projects.

Website | NEAR Forum | Instagram | Facebook | Mintbase | 3XR

Thank you!


Links to similar, previously funded forum proposals:

Proposals and Reports made to MarketingDAO:

Last Months Reports on CreativesDAO:


Happy to support. Have a great day.


Well presented proposal. Also happy to support


Thanks @Dacha !! Have a great day too!


thank you so much @cryptocredit ! it is very important to have this feedback from you


Can you help me to understand the big picture of this project?

I can see that the store on mintbase only has 2 owners.

How does this project help get more people involved with Near (Buying, Creating, or Trading NFTs)?


Hi @Klint ! Thank you for your attention to our project.

The main purpose of our project is to map, stimulate and disseminate the artistic production of people with disabilities in the visual arts, promoting actions that generate inclusion, accessibility and debates about functional diversity.

Today, Demonstra DAO has several virtual platforms that have made it possible to give opportunities to artists with disabilities to perform and promote their work professionally.

We promote Near’s partnership on all fronts. Since the beginning of the partnership we had onboarded more than 20 people, among artists and professionals involved with the project. In addition to direct involvement with other Near community collaborators, dozens of other professionals, partner institutions and dissemination to the thousands of people that are part of our networks.

Instagram - @demonstra.pt with more than 11 thousand followers and with actions to promote the project, the artists with disabilities and the network of partners and virtual platforms that support and believe in our project, always including Near. It is our broadest network with the greatest potential for visibility and engagement. Through it we intend to promote the access and relevance of other platforms.

3XR - in May 2022 we created our first Virtual Gallery which features works by the six artists who participated in the first edition of the Demonstra Art Residency for people with disabilities.

Mintbase - in March 2022 we created the store, based on art gallery curation. Artists are invited and curated, taking into consideration individual practices, inclusion, and the relationship to the project’s mission. This implies having fewer owners in the store. In total we have 15 minted NFTs and 12 artists that have an active portfolio at Near. Our intention is that every month we can invite new artists to join our gallery at Mintbase.

It is important to remember that opportunities for artists with disabilities both in the visual arts and in socialization in general are quite scarce and sometimes precarious. Near’s support has been essential to contribute to the enormous challenges and opportunities of finding such artists, developing projects that dignify their artistic practices in a professional and accessible way, and promoting inclusion, visibility, and engagement of this community.

Please let us know if we can clarify any other questions.

Thank you!


If I may @Klint , I would like to emphasize one more important point: the two proposals for the month of June were designed precisely for the dissemination, visibility and possible sale of the artists’ works through mintbase and 3xr. The posting schedule for the coming weeks and the printed poster that we intend to produce are marketing strategies that will help in the campaign to publicize the artists as well as their work in NFTs on the aforementioned platforms.

Thank you very much again for your attention and we are ready to improve our future actions even more with @marketingdao-council !

Abraços @dani

1 Like

Hi @dani thanks for your proposal.

At this early stage of your project I would suggest that first you continue to build your project and feel free to return to discuss marketing support in the future


Hi @cryptocredit . I’m a little confused by these messages. A few days ago you forwarded a positive feedback that you were happy to support us.

Could you explain better what is missing in our proposal that needs to be improved? As I mentioned in the messages above, we are willing to improve with your more concrete feedback. @marketingdao-council

best regards,


Dear @cryptocredit we were happy to hear your first comment on this proposal, now it is confusing that you posted an opposite opinion in the second one.
Could you please clarify that for us? What do you mean by “early stage”?
Are you possibly measuring the success of the project only on Mintbase metrics?


Hi @JulianaM I apologize if you see inconsistency in my comments.

In our weekly DAO council meeting we discussed and reviewed all the outstanding proposals - including this one - and on this occasion I am unable to support.

All proposals need the support of a majority of the Marketing DAO council before they are moved to Approve.

Flagging @marketingdao-council to move this proposal to a speedy conclusion.


Hi @cryptocredit , @Klint and members of @marketingdao-council !

We from the Demonstra Team would like to understand which points of our proposal could be improved so that our proposal meets the necessary Marketing DAO approval requirements. We are willing to adjust and improve our proposal, but for that we would need to clarify some doubts:

Which points of our proposal could be readjusted? Could possible adjustments to the proposal be related to the way we are working on social media and marketing strategies or to the amount of funding requested? Could it be related to the three-month funding period we requested or even the posters?

Remembering that if you have any other suggestion to change our proposal, we will be open to reaching a common agreement.

It is very important to listen to them so that we can continually evolve with the NEAR ecosystem.

We await your feedback!
And thank you very much for your attentions!

@dani and Demonstra Team


Hi @dani – wanted to give another perspective from the Marketing DAO. I was not on the recent call, so I am coming to this without that context.

In reviewing the proposal and the project’s progress in 2022, what concerns me is the ratio of funding to growth. Based on what you have shared in previous proposals and reports, it looks like the project has received no less than $7,748 this year from the Marketing DAO and Creatives DAO and ~20 new people have been onboarded. That is an acquisition cost of $387.40 per person. The engagement on your social media and YouTube is low.

I don’t question the importance of what your project stands for at all. But for an ongoing project that has had ~6 months of funding to gain traction, I would hope to see more growth to justify continuing to allocate Community funds.


Thank you @so608 for your clear feedback!

I will be talking with the council of Demonstra DAO to study better ways we can match the NEAR ecosystem engagement metrics.

And I will certainly need help from everyone on the team for that. Soon I will get in touch with you to seek ways and articulations with other NAER members to improve our future actions!

Thanks again for your message!