[APPROVED] REGGAEDAO monthly activities FUND MARCH 2022

Great :ok_hand: will do that brother

If the near reggae party will bring delayance for the proposal not approved then no need of the party now let’s put it in the future :heart:

@jahzone Ok, I agree. Start small and build. For me, the mixtape, bounty, and council work are sufficient for the first month to propose! If I can assist with any more restructuring of the proposal please let me know.

Yes I need your assistance please :pray:

On more restructions I need some help of advice please :pray:

Ok, no problem, so here are some recommendations for now to get going in the right direction.

  • Create an individual project for each of the listed projects with as much detail and transparency as possible, then link these in to the overall proposal. When you link these projects in you can give a short (1 or 2 lines) summary and the amount requested.

  • Look to a few examples of other daos to get a feel for this if you are still in doubt (I willl link some good examples below)

  • Talk with the other council members listed above for their input on the proposal

Some examples from this month to follow:


Thanks :+1: am on it now will get back with update

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Hey boss will love you to check on the listed links I just did please

Hey @Jahzonemusician please refer to the comment above with the suggestion on how to structure the projects in individual projects. Thanks

We are working on it now me and the REGGAEDAO Councilors

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Hello :wave: boss sorry to disturb you know it’s so difficult to construct a good proposal that goes with the creative giuldline please try to look on the proposal egain please

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Hey @Jahzonemusician you’re not disturbing at all, I’m here to help.

Good that we’ve got the seperate proposal for the mixtape idea, thanks for that. Step in the right direction.

For the reggae Dao mixtape:

  • Can you appropriately name this project so people understand what it is “[Project] reggae Dao mixtape” or something of the sort.

  • is the project a bounty (ie. Open to the community) or you already have musicians lined up for this project?

  • Can you clarify what the 500$ before and after would be? By my calculations, as per the budget, it would be 1000$ before and after.

  • finally, the council budget would be best off in this main overall funding proposal.

For the second part (200$ in near plus 5N):

  • can you change the name of this also to make it clear?

  • there is mention of 6 N and 5N in that project also, for the same thing… Maybe its a typo?

Also, it goes without saying here that unless something is approved it is not guaranteed!

Thanks for your patience and enthusiasm to get this going. If I could make one last recommendation, maybe you could have someone in your community proof read the text so we can keep communication clear.

Thanks again


Hope all has been Clearfield a bit perfect boss? And also thanks for your help One love, peace and anity, long life and prosperity

Thanks :+1:@jahzonemusic

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Hey @Jahzonemusician you can add the council work / Dao management in here in the main March proposal rather than in the reggae mixtape project! So, reggae mixtape would be 2000$ then in this main report just create a new section for 500$ as council work… Hope that makes a bit more sense now.


Thanks boss I just completed it now was bit short of Data

Ok, just noticed that the council members listed in the mixtape and the main proposal have two different names? is this the same person but one is the forum tag and the other is the wallet or they are seperate people?

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Is the same person but one is the near wallet

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I just did the changes now all are the same

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@Jahzonemusician thanks for clarifying and thank you for the patience.

Your proposal follows the Creatives DAO Guidelines, so it is approved by the Community Moderators. Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO astrodao [link: Astro ] so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guidelines: [New Process] Community Payouts


Hey @Jahzonemusician just checking in to say that I would be wary of initiating any project/payments until the funds are received, or at least let people know the status of your proposal if doing so. Just saw that you are posting it around in various groups.