[APPROVED] RealBirds social media marketing campaign budget

Hi @CurtShilling,
There’s not enough clarity on specific projects, channels, and execution that warrants the total amount requested. Without utility baked into the project, it’s hard to justify the expense.

It’s a no from me, unfortunately.

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Hi Curt,

Thanks for your proposal! I’ve been following the project closely for several months. There are several things that stand out that influence my decision making:

  • Team working for months without any rewards or remuneration
  • Real technological innovation, Layer Zero partnership will add A TON of value to NEAR. Real birds is doing the work that would be suitable and expected of a Business Developer at NF
  • Grant from NF serves as strong validation
  • Proven and active commitment to community; content to date is excellent, participation almost daily on twitter spaces, etc.

I am happy to support this proposal on a monthly basis. My only observation would be that as a first time applicant, we should reduce the amount to build a working relationship a track record with Marketing DAO. I believe there is still a lot that could be achieved with a smaller amount. I would suggest the $5-7k range - let me know if that seems suitable or let me know what would be reasonable numbers from your end.


Hey AVB! Yes you’re right that makes more sense. If $6k feels like the right amount on your end that works for us. Once we know the final amount we can start to explore content creators within the budget.



Ok , happy to support. It would be great to hold AMA with your project in Near Games community.


Hi @CurtShilling – thanks for the proposal. I’ve read about your project, learned more via @satojandro podcast episode with you, and I think the frightening-funny bird premise in a cool one.

That said, in order to support this, I need to see some additional details about the metrics/goals you have for the funding you’re requesting. We ask proposers to outline:

  • Specifically how will you use the funds (i.e. what kind of content, on what platforms, how often, who will create it)
  • What metrics you will use to track the progress and performance so your team and the MarketingDAO can evaluate what is working in the future (i.e. wallets onboarded, social followers, email sign ups, event attendees, new users…it will be specific to your project obviously, but we need metrics posted publicly on the forum)
  • A breakdown of why you are requesting the funding amount posted here. Do you have any estimates around production costs for the marketing activities you plan to do with this funding?

If you can provide details on the above, that would help me come to a conclusion about the proposal. Thanks!


Yes lets do it! Please reach out to me on twitter @curtshilling13

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  • Funds will be used to hire content creators, types of content will be images and videos both memes and educational / summarizing graphics etc. Social media platform we’ll be focusing on is twitter.

  • Best metrics used will be twitter followers over the medium - long term, and shorter term metrics will be audience reach and impressions weekly or based on specific content created.

  • The good content creators I’ve explored so far that make memes, images, graphics etc. seem so be pricing services around $500 for a few pieces of content or a week of time. The great viral content creators I’ve found and ones that focus on videos are more expensive, around $1000 for a campaign or video. These are just estimates around the general conversations I’ve had so far.

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Hi. Your proposal is interesting, but it is not clear where you get the amount of $ 10,000 from? Why should you be allocated such an amount? How many employees do you have? Could you give more nonresidents to your company?
Thx :blush:

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Apologies I don’t understand the question, above @satojandro mentioned that an amount closer to $5k-$7k would be a more appropriate amount, which I agreed with and said $6k sounds perfect. I also mentioned above where I got the idea for requesting that amount - it seems in line with the pricing I’m seeing from quality content creators in the space.

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His one opinion is not the result of satisfying the offer and fixing the payment for your work. You correctly noticed that you did not understand the question. The question is, what kind of work will you do for $6,000? Your offer specifies your project and after that you write the price for your work. How did you evaluate your work? How many new users can you attract to the Near ecosystem?
Thx :blush:

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“What kind of work will you do for $6,000?”

  • As mentioned above the $6,000 will be used to fund content creators to make RealBirds focused memes, graphics, educational material, both images and videos.

“How do you evaluate your work”

  • I’m evaluating the cost of this content based on content creators I’ve spoken to personally. The pricing ranges from a few hundred dollars to $1,000 based on quality, length, reputation of the artist, etc.

“How many new users can you attract to the NEAR ecosystem?”

  • I think it’s very hard to say but content that is meme driven, based on a project with large upside (we had a free mint), and made by established crypto twitter content creators has huge potential to go viral, at least in NFT / Crypto twitter. I think this combined with our actual project ethos of being the leading advocates for NEAR to enter the Omnichain future could bring alot of potential new NEAR users to the space.
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Hi @CurtShilling thanks for answering the questions – I can support the revised amount. You have the support of three council members – moving this to approved. You can submit to Astro.

Appreciate it! Would you mind sharing the Astro link I need to submit?


Good evening.

1)Proceed to Poll on AstroDAO.
2)Once the poll is approved, you need to submit THIS form Ironclad.

How to create a poll? Here is instruction.

Have a great day :blush:

https://app.astrodao.com/dao/realbirds.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/realbirds.sputnik-dao.near-0?fromCreate=true Here is the poll for approval


Ironclad form submitted as well


Hi, are there any next steps here on my end?


Good evening, please wait for a message on email. Thanks.


We signed the ironclad document but still haven’t received the funds or email receipt of the funding tx fyi


Hello, could you please ask your question here?

Marketing DAO councils are not responsible for payments. Thank you!