[Approved] NEKO / Good Fortune Felines - NEAR NFT Ambassadors at Consensus 2022 Conference (Jun 9-12)

6/1/22 - Astrodao Proposal Link following approval on Near Gov Forum:


Greetings again!

The Good Fortune Felines have been busy developing NEKO, including releasing an update for the NEKO staking platform and preparing to launch the COOKIE staking contract. We have been partnering with professional content creators and are currently creating educational content about DeFi, NFT’s and development on NEAR protocol for NEKO. We have recently been increasing our NEAR/NEKO outreach campaign with our recent plans to attend NFT NY, and are now planning on making an appearance at Consensus 2022 as well.

Recently, one of the co-founders of NEKO, @Brand0mand0, has won the NEAR Consensus Giveaway, and has been given the amazing opportunity to attend Consensus 2022 for free on behalf of the NEAR foundation. The Good Fortune Felines core team is making an effort to attend the conference as ambassadors to NEAR and NEKO and is asking for help from NEAR.

Marketing Type: Advertising, Events


Send two NEKO core team members, David, and Brandon, to Consensus 2022 in Austin (June 9-12) to represent the NEAR NFT community as Ambassadors.

Host a marketing activity, foster new relationships and encourage other project teams to onboard to NEAR Protocol.

Create a small documentary series about our experience at the conference and include footage of us meeting/interviewing the NEAR team.

Marketing Activity:

Award $10 USD in free NEKO tokens to attendees of Consensus conference. We will maintain a NEAR wallet to fund all new user wallets. Also, we will create a how-to guide that can onboard new users in minutes via their cell phone!

This activity will be marketed via custom shirts and frequent posts on our socials leading up to, and throughout, the event. We will also document the event and our experience meeting the NEAR team for the entire NEAR community to see!

Metrics for Measuring Success:

  • Quantity of free NEKO giveaways
    • Target: 100
  • Quantity of new NEAR addresses onboarded
    • Target: 75
  • Quantity of new project teams committed to onboarding
    • Schedule 5 meetings with founders interested in NEAR Protocol
  • Create a video documenting the conference and our experiences with the NEAR dev team.

Expected Impact:

Drive awareness to the NEAR NFT ecosystem from the broader NFT community. Onboard new users to NEAR Protocol by incentivizing them with NEKO. Establish multi-chain relationships that can be expanded upon after the conference. Provide exposure for NEAR via marketing video documenting our conference experience.

Funding Details:

  • Total Cost: 831 NEAR ($4,830 USD) One-time
  • Consensus Tickets: 1 team x $1200 per ticket = $1200
  • Plane Tickets: 2 ea round trip = $1630
  • Hotel Tickets: 5 nights x 1 rooms = $1700
  • Transportation: $300.00
  • Food & Drinks: Paid for by team

Wallet ID: goodfortune.near

Owner: NEKO Foundation

Links: * NEKO Core Team: [NEKO Core Team - Google Slides ]NEKO Core Team - Google Slides

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Hello, can you please review this proposal and clarify the COnference, dates and pricing?

There seems to be mention and reference to both Consensus and NFT NT.


I edited the proposal to remove the incorrect NFT NY reference and to reflect the dates and pricing for Consensus 2022 in Austin from June 9th-12th.


Thanks for the proposal – I would typically want to see the outcome/report from your other proposal (NFT NYC) before supporting additional funding, but given the team involved and the momentum/synergy that I think is possible given the close timing of the two conferences (which are also two of the most high profile US Web3 events happening over the new few months), I can support this and look forward to your report and seeing the video you are producing as part of this.


Hi @NEKO thanks for the proposal. I would echo the comments by @so608 and am also happy to support this.

You now need one more @marketingdao-council to support before moving to a Poll on Astro.


Thanks for clearing that up! Happy to support this proposal. Moving this to approved, you can now proceed to:

Thank you so much for your help and for another amazing opportunity with NEAR! We have filled out the form and are hoping to help expedite the process since consensus is in 1 week!

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