[CLOSED] NearExplorer - Social Media - February/2022

Hello, @marketingdao-council

The NearExplorer team explores the Near ecosystem and tells people about various projects from around the world and everything related to them.

Today, with the current situation in Ukraine, our team needs your support more than ever.

We ask for continued funding after we submitted our progress report in December-January.

You can read some facts about our activities and some statistics from our latest December-January report.


Tweets written- 131 (+133%)

Subscriber Growth- +659. Currently 1,211 subscribers (+119%)

Views- 92,900 (-13%)

Average views- 1,522 (-20%)

Account visit- 36,700 (+20%)

Mentions- 1304 (+398%)

In addition to statistics, we received feedback from projects such as:

We also promoted the following new projects:

  • Press Start Cap
  • Chaineye
  • Cell Protocol
  • Nearcrash
  • Hideyour.cash
  • NEAR Developer DAO
  • Everyone Eats Entertainment
  • Metamon
  • Onramper
  • ChatMe
  • Veriken
  • NEARStarter
  • Boto
  • Degen Marble Race
  • Copper
  • ZomLand
  • Open Web Academy
  • Pumpopoly
  • VN Artists DAO
  • NEKO
  • NPunks
  • Popula
  • Dromand


Posts written- 62 (+107%)

Subscriber Growth- +30. Subscribers Currently 385 (+8%)

Post views- 21,100 (+73%)

Average views- 340 (-16%)


Articles written- 10

Views- 734 (+522%)

Reads- 183 (+316%)

Fans- 75 (+1400%)

Subscriber Growth- +263. Currently 313 (+525%) subscribers


Articles written- 10

Views- platform statistics not found

Subscriber Growth- +2. Currently 23 (+10%) subscribers

In a month, 10 unique articles were written about various projects on Near with links to resources and tutorials on them.

We are honored to continue our monthly marketing work.


  • Twitter:

We publish simple and clear project overviews, news, important updates, project and partnership announcements, we also do giveaways.
On average, 2 tweets with verified real news are published per day +1 infographic.

To improve performance, we set a goal for the month:
100+ posts
90k+ views
1500+ subscribers

  • Telegram:

We publish simple and understandable project overviews, news, infographics, important updates, announcements of projects and partnerships, as well as contests.

Goal for the month:
60+ posts
25k+ views
450+ subscribers

  • Article:

We have planned to write 10 articles about the NEAR ecosystem and present these articles to our community through our Medium and Blogchain accounts. Not enough content on the Blogchain, we want to fill this network with content and be on the main page.

Goal for the month:
Medium → 400+ subscribers, 1000+ reads, potential active users for projects
Blogchain → 35+ subscribers, invite new users to the social network and create a NEAR wallet

  • The form

Goal for the month:
Process 2 current requests and 5+ new ones.

We are accepting applications for new projects for February.
New applications can always be left here:

You may also notice that we have an announcement on the forum.

Expected activity:

• Improve past performance
• Continue to work with the request from the projects in the form.
• Create high quality content and graphics about projects from the NEAR ecosystem and promote this information on social media.
• Inform and educate the ecosystem community about projects and their functions.
• Support for projects/partners in promoting their content.
• Organize contests and drawings (~$100).
• Continue to partner with other guilds and groups from the Near ecosystem to mutually promote posts and hold competitions to maximize support for young projects.


In order to continue our work and achieve the above goals of supporting young projects in the Near ecosystem by a team of experienced and close-knit crypto enthusiasts and fans of Near, we are asking NEAR marketing support for funding for February

Funding Details:
$300+$200+$400+$300+$100=$1,300 USD

Social media → Twitter → $300
/KPIs → increase followers, views, profile visits, mentions.

Social media → Telegram → $200
/KPIs → increase followers, views, profile visits, mentions.

Content → Design and infographics → $400
/KPIs → feedback from projects, likes + repost posts, comments.

Content → Writing → Articles → $300
Medium: KPIs → increase followers, views, reads, fans.
Blogchain: KPIs → increase followers, creation of NEAR wallets, retweets.

Contest and giveaways → $100
/KPIs → Increasing interest in us and the projects we are talking about through financial incentives, growth of mentions.

• Total: $1,300 USD
• NEAR wallet ID: evangel.near
• Wallet owner’s name: Skydan Yevhen

P.S. We are in a difficult situation living in Ukraine and despite this we continue to work hard thanks to your support, we also understand the situation in the market and therefore we have optimized our request from $2500 to $1300.

Thanks for supporting NearExplorer!

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Thank you for your proposal. Could you please fill out the form Form Marketing DAO Proposal Application ?

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Yes, thank you, we filled out this form.

@Evangel Thank you for your proposal. I believe the best way to continue your work is to be a part of the Regional DAO and be a media partner of the DAO.

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Hi @Evangel we discussed your proposal in our weekly call and it was agreed there was a need for certain projects to refocus to ensure that their contributions are helping projects building on NEAR.

I would echo the suggestion by @Dacha that the best way forward is for you to work with the Regional DAO.

I understand that in the past you have operated on a global level - but in my opinion its time to help regional communities to achieve their goals.

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Hi @Dacha , @cryptocredit , thanks for the answer. I’ve done some research on regional DAO, but a few questions remain.

When we join the Regional DAO, do we need to look for our region and negotiate cooperation with it? For example, we are Ukrainians, but we make content in English, is it better to join one region close to us or continue to use our social networks to support several regions?

The indicative budget for regional communities is $50,000, with a limit of $5,000 per regional community.
If we join a regional community, will we need to collectively request and share this budget between us and the region, or receive funding through the provision of our services?

We do not require you to answer if you find it difficult to answer, but we would like to know where or to whom it is best to ask these questions.

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Regional Community DAO is ready to launch. New to get some approvals from NF.

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Hi @Evangel thanks for the proposal. Your proposal is similar to others that the MarketingDAO council has put on hold recently while issues with funding for regional groups has been in flux.

At the moment, the NEAR Foundation is working to hire a team member to oversee regional communities, and the NDC is discussing the same issues inside its telegram channels and working groups.

Because of the transitional phase we’re in and many of the decisions that still need to be made, I cannot support this proposal at this time. I realize that the council’s stance on this is likely to be frustrating and comes at a difficult time. It is not personal or a reflection of the worth of your project, but rather because we are working hard to operate within the very specific guidelines that we have been given since last fall’s relaunch of the DAO.

I encourage you to keep building, look for community bounties we have coming out soon and we hope to get a resolution to the regional communities issue from the NEAR Foundation and NDC soon.

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Hey @marketingdao-council, thanks for the replies. I will continue to create content for Twitter in the hope of soon receiving the results of the work of the NEAR Foundation and NDC in solving the problem of the regional community.