[CLOSED] NEAR Health Activities for SEPT/OCT; BOS & NCD

Hello all, going by @so608 comments and @Bakaka recommendations on our recent proposal(link below) to split the proposal and pick one aspect of it to be funded as the proposal consist of two separate aspect; on-site event and general online activities and building, we’ve chose to go with the later.


These activities would help us contribute to adding a significant number of verified humans and eligible voters to the NDC elections and build around 20 BOS widgets

    We will develop at least more than 6 detailed Widgets and use them as a demonstration for our community, we’ll create variety of widgets covering different types of potential applications to build.

    we’ll carry out 3 workshops dueling on BOS building, ideas, NCD, Accounts, Near infrastructures etc on how to use them and what they can do.
    This will also help us contribute more participation of eligible voters in the upcoming Elections

  3. BOS BUILDING CONTEST for only NCD registered individuals
    we’ll organize bos building contest and reward 5 winner($50 each). We expect to get around 20 participants or more and we’ll chose those that makes sense of appearance and purpose.

    We will be attending 3 Health Tech webinars where we’ll get to contribute to the tech aspect by describing the BOS and how everyone can get started and build with it. this also serves as an opportunity to onboard new passionate individuals and also get people to become verified humans prepare to participate in the elections

    we will create 5 explanatory and descriptive YouTube videos related to BOs and other NEAR infrastructures and how to use them from August/September, Focusing on explaining NCD and why it’s important to participate, BOS, easy building, Accounts and other cool infrastructures.

    we will create 10 articles about on the NEAR building processes, what to build and how to start, how important is NCD participation, election nomination and participation how to go about
    it and share them across all social channels and other partners socials.

    we’ll continue our Twitter Space open discussions.
    Focusing on NCD nomination and voting and all about the BOS

    Get both our old and new community members to Near Social, we’ll target to gain atleast 100 followers for the go.

    Twitter: daily tweets mostly focusing on NCD and BOS

LinkedIn: 3 posts weekly post with Infographics on the BOS related to Healthcare and what NCD offers and how to participate

Instagram: 3 Weekly Infographics on the BOS and NCD to encourage participation and help people become eligible

Telegram: 2 times weekly community call to enlighten and encourage NCD elections participation and educate on seamless eligibility

Our Social Handles
LinkedIn 867 followers:LinkedIn
Twitter 711 followers: https://twitter.com/NEARhealth_
Telegram 609 members: https://t.me/nearhealth
Medium 30 followers: NEAR Health – Medium
YouTube 77 subscribers: YouTube
Instagram 415 followers: Instagram

-Number of verified humans > 150

  • Number of voters > 50
    Number of OGs > 5
    -Number of Widgets developed > 6
    -Widgets contests participants >15
    -Near Social new followers >100
    -Views and engagement on Videos >200
    -Reads and engagement of articles >400
    -Workshop participants >40
    -number of Devs and founders to onboard > 10
    -Number of twitter spaces >10
    -Twitter space listeners each average of 30
    -Number of attended webinars > 3
    -Increased social medias, followers impressions, and engagements.
    -Number of social media posts about NCD and BOD per media handle > 30

We will use this funds to extend most of these activities to ending of September

Funding Details

  1. Widgets creation(6): $400
  2. Widgets building contest rewards(5 winners): $250
  3. Online workshop series: $200
  4. Webinars(5): $150
  5. Videos(5): $150
  6. Articles(10): $150
  7. Twitter spaces: $200

Total: $1500

wallet: nearhealth.near

Happy to provide more details or answers, thank you!
@Dacha @Bakaka @Klint @so608


Hi, could you please share your previous works if available?

can u pls tell us more about this contest?

i think 200$ for 3 short videos is a lot
can u tell us pls what the length of the video ?

sure, please check my profile, go to topics, you will see all the reports of our previous work

is a contest where by interested and capable individuals will try to build some wodgets/components on the bos based on an idea they have or something they want to replicate that is on web3 and not in web3, most not be healthcare related.

not really short videos in that context, the videos can go anything from 1 hour and above, maybe i shouldn’t say short videos here, and thanks for pointing that out, should be 5 vidoes

Hello guys @so608 @cryptocredit @Dacha @Bakaka waiting for your reviews, thanks

Hello @marketingdao-council, this still here, hopefully we get approved this month as we’ve been on the work so far. @Dacha @so608 @cryptocredit @Klint @Bakaka. Thanks

Thank you for your proposal

Unfortunately, i won’t support your proposal

Reasons, You have no ecosystem participation or engagement in your social handles, just a few retweets, and you didn’t dedicate your time to making some threads or contents despite a very busy month of August on NDC and elections.

Second, your current proposal overlaps with some previous KPIs, which your success metrics don’t indicate below.

How do your activities drive builders and developers, and a mechanisms do you use to track and report onboarded users, engagement, and transactions.

Try to show some commitment without funding and apply in Q4

I don’t think you checked the twitter well if you only saw Retweets.
Thanks anyways

Hi @Mohaa – thanks for the proposal. I appreciate that you’re taking feedback from previous proposal reviews and coming back to try again to support the ecosystem. That said, I cannot support this proposal for the following reasons:

  • There’s not enough detail here for me to support the activities proposed. For example, you mention building six widgets. It’s unclear what these would be, whether people would use them, what pain point or use case they address. In general, we are getting a lot of proposals offering to build widgets on BOS. I would recommend building one widget, showing that people use it and really love it, and then once performance is demonstrated, then coming back to propose for more.
  • I don’t see a clear connection between the purpose of your group and the activities outlined. The proposal reads like you are trying to get funded to meet our KPIs. I understand that approach, but we’re here to fund top quality projects, not to fund teams to create things for the sake of creating them and getting paid for it.
  • The reality is we are reviewing 70+ proposals during this September review period, we have limited funds to distribute, we can’t fund everyone and we’re focused on funding top ecosystem projects for the best value we can. I’d want to see more organic traction, engagement and growth from your team before allocating funding at this stage.

I recommend coming back with a revised proposal in Q4. Thanks!

Thank you for submitting a proposal to the MDAO this month.

As of the close of the MDAO review period yesterday, this proposal has not received majority support from the MDAO council. This can be due to a number of factors (outstanding questions, lack of reply, KPIs, etc.), and we encourage you to reach out via Telegram with questions and consider resubmitting in the future. We are moving this proposal to closed.

We appreciate your participation in the NEAR ecosystem and look forward to future collaborations.

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