[PROPOSAL] Make a Take

Make a Take - Maria Nascimento

Proponent: Gabriel Nakamura Lobo

History: The Take 95 project was initially created with an experimental series captured in 2019, with the intention of documenting and presenting people in different processes and creations in their artistic environments. Both in Audiovisual, Dance, Poetry, Graffiti, Festivals and especially music, as a means of communication between all these poles.

And so, in 2020, the non-profit series - Mesa de Canto Series - was released, which had the participation of 14 audiovisual collectives and organizations, with 9 independent artists living in different peripheral areas of Sao Paulo.

The creators, Gabriel Nakamura and Joice Soares, from 2021 to the present day, are producing the artistic and institutional material of the Clip List called “Make a Take”. Which produces music videos and videos of NGOs and Micro Policies projects, without financial support, is carried out and disseminated alternating between the annual semesters.

Objective: The main objective is to capture artists and projects that do not achieve the means necessary to continue their artistic or social creation. Thus creating a network of portfolios and allies of projects without financial support. . In this way, the creators of the projects can build portfolios and contacts without the need for a Fee or Agreement of exclusivity on the work, being able to disseminate your work among the platforms you find necessary for your individual trajectory plan. With the support, we will be able to cover more effectively, all the preparation of the artistic video, without the need for a semiannual schedule for the full realization of the project.In this way, we will be able to carry out logistics, hiring and investing in its dissemination.

About Maria Nascimento: Maria Nascimento was born and raised in the north of Sao Paulo, in the neighborhood of Jacanã, where she has performed a few times in the surroundings, at Parças Bar with her old group and at the Hip Hop Jaçanã house of culture. Permeating the musical styles of Brazilians, for some time now she has been trying to experiment with other musical styles such as R&B, in a project with DJ BatataKilla, and Blues. She composes forró, samba-canção, bossa nova, mpb songs, and these are the strands in search of artistic recognition, while still venturing into the musical genre that she feels like at the moment. His first recorded composition was in 2018, called “Rosalina” together with my friend Matheus Branco and from her on he did not stop building more compositions. Received an invitation from a friend to participate in an acoustic at the production company KFF Records and she accepted, since then "Saideira"came together with her friend Alá Oliveira and “Feeling Blue”.

She is currently in the process of creating and developing my first EP. called “Farofa de Dendê” composed of 7 original songs. And as a more recent work in development we have a Make a Take in which we will record samba at the invitation of his friend Naka Manga and Joy Soares.

Sim, é tua pele que acalma esse meu nervo

Nos dias em que não tem fervo na avenida

Se esvai a vida

Areia comprada na ampulheta, é essa história que a gente vai contar

Se o portão se fecha, a água falta, acende o medo

Desce gente que o Zé do caroço já avisou

Que ecoa a voz mais bonita

É a maioria

É toda a favela vai cantar, sim!

La laia laia laia laia laia la

Por favor, recuse essa tentativa vã

Equilibra esse Orì

Mantenha sua mente sã!

A gente vai é se politizar

É uma história de amor entre o escolhido e quem se propôs a achar.

La laia laia laia laia laia la….

The production will be carried out in a period of 1 month, following the following steps, which are:
1st and 2nd week| Pre-Production: Holding meetings, research, alignment and closing of the daily caption, during this period we will try to mark a face-to-face essay with Maria Nascimento and a day of research with the collectives participating in the work.

3rd week| Production: Capture of the work - We will be capturing the video, we will have participation of the Project Espremedor in the capture of the image, Joy Soares in executive production and some instrumentalists that are being aligned.

4th week - after capture within 8 Days| Post Production: Video editing, audio mastering and release - We will be performing the video montage, editing the music and disseminating how they are behind the scenes and bringing the audience closer to be aware of the release.

5th Week | Distribution: Make a Take release, Activity report and payments from technical team and artists. - In this period we are launching the video on our digital platforms (Instagram, Youtube, Facebook and Telegram), organizing our returns of the realization of the project and making the payment of all participants in the production, dissemination and post production.

History of Components Involved :
Gabriel Nakamura Lobo
Mini Bio: Gabriel Nakamura is a 22-year-old, Japanese and indigenous descendant, born and raised in Sao Paulo. Regional musician, as the creator of Projeto Take 95 and the trio MOB (Música Brasileira) composed by Adriano Nascimento, Tay Oluá and Nakalobo who play by acts in the northwest of SP. He worked as an advertising freelancer at the Som no Ar Festival - 2019, awarded by VAI I - 2018/2019, independent promoter at the Big Festival - 2019 event, roadie at the events and graduation company All Party - 2018/2019, cultural monitor at the house of culture Vila Itororó-2020, graduated in the audio area at the Instituto Criar de Tv,Cinema e Novas Mídias in 2021.
Function: Creation of Storyboard, Artistic Production, Pre-production of the music (instrumental) and capture of Photo Still.
Instagram : nakaanikilobo

Joicineide Soares Machado - Joy Soares
Mini Bio : Joy Soares is a black woman of indigenous descent, 26 years old, born in Minas Gerais, raised in Itaim Paulista, currently living in Freguesia do Ó, northwest of São Paulo. In 2019 she graduated in the area of Executive Production at the Instituto de Cinema and in 2017 in the area of Production at the Instituto Criar de Tv,Cinema e Novas Mídias. To supplement his income, she works as a freelancer in independent films, production companies and cultural projects, some of which have already been carried out, namely: Production Direction at the Clip “Seu Abraço” Drik Barbosa - 2021, Articulator at Pimp My Carroça - Cataki - 2019/2021, Production Assistant on the commercial Verisure Chile - 2020, Production Assistant on the Feature Film - HIV VHS Directed by Fábio Leal and Gustavo Vinagre - 2019, General production on the project A trajetória de Hildegard Sampaio Seixas - 2019/2020 and Executive Production Assistant at the Instituto Criar de TV, Cinema e Novas Mídias - 2018/2019. Since 2016 she has worked as executive producer at the collective Somnar, independent entertainment programs for artists from the periphery.
Function: executive, team organization, daily, logistics and budget.
Instagram: joysoares.sp

Maria Nascimento
Role: Composer and Guest Artist.
Instagram: isabrisa_

Mini Bio: Non-binarie and peripheral artist from the south of São Paulo. His works are to explore the world of 3D and games, and make it possible to tell other narratives and express various feelings.
Function: Concept developer and digital finalization
Instagram: softwareprogramado intravulcanica

Sam Corrêa
Mini Bio: She is 23 years old and lives in Vila Prudente, east of SP. He has been working with audiovisual for 4 years, having his first contact in 2017 in the area of photography direction, when he joined the Instituto Criar de TV, Cinema e Novas Mídias. Since then she has been a freelas producer, cameraman and does photo shoots to pay for the slips. She was director of photography in the short film Finding Stars that was contemplated in the exhibition of short films Ojo al Sancocho Festival in Colombia (2018) .
Function: Photo Still
Instagram: ukusammy

Featured biography: Ärticulating and producing cultural activities in the Quebrada since 2008"
Function: Camera Direction, Photo Capture.
Instagram: projetoespremedor

Disclosure: Youtube Channel, Facebook and Instagram Networks take:
Facebook: TAKE 95
Instagram: projetotake95

Realization: Focus is based on the inclusion of ourselves and the public that is able to build a NEAR portifolio, also counting on the inclusion of the network and available links for quick access to meetings and conversation chats.

Budget: 650DAI
In the realization of the work we will be looking for good logistics to be able to support all the components and thus succeed in the construction of material so that the reach is expanded within the repertoire of the project. And containing advertising of the platform within the video.

Answering the questions regarding the values, follow the explanation below:
1 Naka 70DAI - Function: Storyboard Creation, Artistic Production, Pre-production and production of the music (instrumental) - Gabriel Nakamura is representative of the TAKE 95 project, on the day he will be responsible for the film set direction area and musical to Maria Nascimento, will be received with the amount for the realization of the series Make a take with Maria Nascimento.

2 Joy 70DAI - Function: executive, team organization, daily, logistics and budget. - Joy Soares is a representative of the TAKE 95 project, on the day she will be responsible for the executive production, she will take care of the area, transport, food, crew, cast, location and film set, will receive or value for the realization of the series Make a take with Maria Birth.

3 Clayton 70DAI - Function: Camera Direction, Photo Capture. - Claton is the representative of the ESPREMEDOR project that works with peripheral audiovisual production, participating in the photography area as a capture of the day, he will be receiving the value for the realization of the Make a take series with Maria Nascimento.

4 Maria 100DAI - Function: Composer and Guest Artist. - - Maria is a musician invited to participate in the 95 Series, the TAKE project will be carried out, the value for the realization of the Make a take series.

5 Musician 75DAI - Function: Instrumentalist - Payment through the participation of any instrumentalist invited by Maria Nascimento, will be receiving the value for the realization of the Make a take series.

6 Mel 70DAI - Function: Concept developer and digital finalization- Melissa will be our participant and visual creator of the concepts created for the TAKE 95 Creatives project- PROCD, will be receiving the value for the realization of the Make a take series with Maria Nascimento.

7 Sam Corrêa 70DAI - Function: Static Photo - Sam Corrêa is a representative of the TAKE 95 project, he will be responsible for the Still Photography area along with the ESPREMEDOR project, he will be receiving the value for the realization of the Make a take series with Maria Nascimento.

8 Logistics 75DAI - It will be used to organize transport and food for the day, value through the realization of the Make a take series with Maria Nascimento.

9 50DAI (Opening wallets and opening store.) - Value through opening wallets, technical team, guests and opening the TAKE 95 store.


Legal @NakaLobo que voce conseguiu enviar sua proposta e reunir todo o pessoal para a realização desse projeto.
Voce só poderia especificar na parte dos nomes e valores o que seria exatamente cada valor?
Por exemplo:
Naka - Produção tecnica 70 Dai
Joy - Produção 70 Dai
Maria - Artista convidade 100 Dai
e assim por diante.

Voce pode editar a propria proposal e me avisar aqui nos comentarios sua edição.
Feliz por sua proposal.

Seja bem vindo a comunidade Near.


Excelente projeto, interessante o foco e quantidade de pessoas envolvidas, boa sorte!!
Seja bem vindo Naka


Hi Dazo, sure! I will be updating more in depth the function and technical process of each one. Thank you for notify and welcome. :slight_smile:


Projeto completinho! Que decole igual foguete :rocket:


Hi @ted.iv … would this specification be missing by any chance?

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