[APPROVED] Mãe Solteira Records DAO April's funding request

Project Name: Mãe Solteira Records DAO development

Project members:

Sofia Garrucho aka Astrea: @sophiatheastrea.near

Kássia Laureano: @laureana.near

Hugo Lopez: @hugolopez.near

DAO: maesolteirarecs.sputnik-dao.near

Funding Period: April

Women, BIPOC & LGBTQIA+ communities have always been in a subaltern place in society. Mãe Solteira Records, as you come to know, is a label dedicated to the edition, agency and promotion of artists that belong to these communities.

After the first funding we managed to make history in the Portuguese electronic music scene as you can see in this article. We created wallets for 5 more people (artists and non-artists) and we already streamed a Live Set on Muti’s Near Hub space, made by N△N▽ at Memory Palace Launch Party, powered by NEAR.

In April, we have a lot of ideas to put into practice. Like the journalist said in the article, we are creating a safe space for women and LGBTQIA+ people in Portugal. We are changing the reality of the music, arts & entertainment environment in our country. Changing that reality also passes by bringing cryptocurrencies to these industries. In other news:

“This week happened in Lisbon the ‘Non Fungible Conference’, an event dedicated to NFTs. In this interview, the Portuguese lawyer Pedro Farrim said that ‘in my opinion, Portugal is, in fact, one excellent country to constitute or fixate societies and people to put into practice activities with virtual assets’… according to the expert, our country have not only professionals ‘well trained for technical development of these projects’, but willing to accept ‘more competitive salaries’ than other countries, and the Government is giving various incentives”.

Our plans for this month is to get ready to bring more art and culture to the streets and the virtual world, with a more professional care. We prepared a communication, design, and marketing makeover: we need press kits, images to promote the label, our artists and their work; and we need to promote our Radio Show at Radio Ophelia (@radioophelia.near) and our DJ mixes series called “Maga”.

For this, our request is:

Saetern (saeternsaetern.near) - 216.56$
Saetern (saeternsaetern.near) - 108.28$
Astrea (sophiatheastrea.near) - 54.1$
Dakoi - 162.42$
Maga - 54.14$
595.5$ - Total
108.28$ - stickers
920.40$ - website
866.26$ - T-Shirts
216.56$ - Social media promotion
433.13$ - Social media management
2544.63$ - Total

Mãe Solteira Records presented, on International Women’s Day and on its first anniversary, a series of DJ Mixes called “Maga”, made by women, LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC DJs, as well as their designers. For the first mix we didn’t ask for fundings, although, this month, we would like to have some money to pay the DJ for playing, the designer for playing and also for streaming it on Near Hub!

Maga Live
75$ artist’s cachet
75$ muti’s rent on near hub
150$ Total

Astrea is going to make a photoshoot to illustrate an interview they made for Parq with the artist Soluna. The photoshoot will be with clothes from Kahumbi, a black trans owned Lisbon based Sustainable Slow Fashion brand.

Mãe Solteira Records is going to promote this shoot and interview, and Parq will advertise NEAR, giving its credits for funding this session. The artists will also have to create a near wallet and receive the payment in NEAR, requesting it on our DAO.

Soluna Photoshoot
Kahumbi 2 looks + day of work = 108.28$
Photographer 216.56$
Make up 64.97$
Production + food for the team 244.72$
Soluna 54.14$
688.67$ Total

Astrea is developing a video game that will be the presentation of their new EP and wants to ask for some fundings as well to create this art piece. They’re also still thinking in a way where NEAR can be connected to this video-game. This project will be released this year.

Ivvi Romão is a model, dancer, producer and actress. It will also be safe to call her an activist, as she has been working hard to demystify the issue of transsexuality and does not intend to stop there!

Ivvi Romão launches a festival to bring together and celebrate the diversity of being who you are, defending and creating space for artists and the entire LGBTQIA+ community in the Lisbon scene, in a philanthropic event where all funds will be directed to institutions and community-oriented causes queer.

The second edition of FUND FEST will take place on May 7th, with the aim of raising funds for Ivvi Romão’s genital rectification surgery and Jaja Rolim’s (trans women actress and performer) Master Degree. Featuring Queer artists, FUND FEST #ivvi’sIIedition invites great personalities from the Lisbon scene to present themselves in what could be the first edition of an innovative event that mixes music, performances, visual arts and a lot of close-up.

The event will take place at Casa Independente and Mãe Solteira Records is promoting it. We’re asking NEAR fundings to promote the event (the artists will play for free, since it’s a donation event). We want to promote NEAR on this event, Astrea will be playing and will be talk to people about our currency and the stickers and the poster will have a QR code with a linktree link, where Ivvi will put NEAR on Sponsorship header, like Mãe Solteira has on it’s linktree (see the last links).

Ivvi Fund Fest #2
216.56$ social media promotion
108.28$ Press
108.28$€ posters
108.28$ stickers
139.68$ production (the team is composed by Ivvi Romão and Sofia Garrucho)
681.08$ Total

Managing a team to make work happen like Mãe Solteira does is difficult, it requires time, patience and dedication. And, for that, we’re asking 3N for each member of the council.

Council and production work and meetings
Astrea - 30$
Hugo - 30$
Kassia - 30$

Total funding request in dollars: 4966.44$ = 308,7N
[conversation of dollar to NEAR made on Thursday 14th april 17:53 GMT]

After the approval, all payout proposals will be made on NEAR; members of the Mãe Solteira Records DAO council and members of the community will have the reference of 1N = $$16.09. We asked for a funding with a 5000$ limit because we’ve already worked with other DAOs, like Muti DAO and Gruta DAO.

I hope you like our monthly budget and agree with it! Have a nice month!


Olá pessoal,

Vou tomar a liberdade de respondê-los em português.

Estou muito contente de ver essa proposta sendo publicada, no entanto tenho algumas ponderações para ajudá-la a ser mais clara para os moderadores e para o restante da comunidade.

Pra cada projeto que vocês pedem financiamento (por exemplo: Maga Live, Soluna Photoshoot, etc) vocês precisam de um post individual. Isso é a forma que vocês tem de mostrar que o projeto foi validade pela comunidade de vocês e, por isso, ele esta presente no pedido de financiamento da DAO. Divida os projetos por posts separados usando a tag CREATIVES, e, depois, faça o hiperlink aqui na proposta mensal.

Veja exemplo disso aqui:

Também ajuda muito ser mais sucinto nas informações. Descreva o budget de cada projeto explicando de forma sucinta quanto vocês estão pedindo, para o que, e o que pretendem tirar disso (criação de carteiras? crianção de NFT’s? etc). Dizer de que modo o projeto contribui para o ecossistema é muito importante para justificar o financiamento.

Nos posts individuais vocês podem explicar de forma mais elaborada, mas, no proposal mensal da DAO quanto mais claro e objetivo melhor.

Atenção a essa parte, porque vocês disseram “membros da CUDO” =)

e por fim, lembrem-se que, pro primeiro pedido de financiamento o limite é de 2.000 USD.

Sigo acompanhando :wink:


Hello @maesolteirarecs

Thanks for the proposal and very excited to see what is to come from the projects. For now, I think the budget is a little bit hard to understand so I will suggest that maybe you keep the euro values yourself for the record but in this proposal just use the dollar value for all and refrain from adding in any NEAR values. If everything is in USD value for now it will be easier to follow. Thanks!

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About the budget value, we’re going to justify on the proposal, we have already worked with other DAOs in the past, like Muti DAO and Gruta DAO. Ok, we’ll change every euro to dollar! Thank you very much for your time and consideration!

Dollar to euro conversion made. We’re going to do the same thing in every proposal we made individually

Obrigade pelas discas, Heverton! Fizemos as correções como pediste, corrige-nos se estivermos errades, por favor :sparkling_heart: Uma boa semana :rainbow:

Done! Thank you for your help :slightly_smiling_face:

@maesolteirarecs Thanks! I’m struggling a bit to understand the final figure above… it says 4876.44 total but also has council and production work after that figure and another value in NEAR… Can you clarify?

We thought it would be easier to put the value on near, but if you prefer we can put everything in dollars!

We did all the clarifications you asked! :slight_smile:

He @maesolteirarecs as per the guidelines and new payout process, NEAR values are no longer included in proposals. This conversion will be done by NEAR foundation on approval of the proposal after the KYC process. The other @creativesdao-council also just brought to me attention that as a first time monthly proposal for the dao, this is subject to the $2000 cap for this month as per the guidelines.

We understand that the original conversation here was done with previous moderators of the council and this has led to a bit of confusion as we transition to a new team of moderators and review the guidelines in place, therefore to continue supporting this project we are happy to approve and as moderators will be releasing new guidelines that will help clarify this in the future.

Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO Astrodao, so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guideline: [New Process] Community Payouts. Also, Feel free to join our Discord Server to Post Your Monthly Reports and Funding Proposals for Better Organization


Hello , could you please share a link on discord? Thanks

Looks like the link is expired…

Thank you very much for the approval! We have done the poll on your DAO, unfortunately, the discord server link is not available. We are online right now, if you can send it again we would be very pleased to have access to the Discord Server and help having a better organisation and create a better work environment :sparkling_heart:

@maesolteirarecs / @Dacha thanks for the heads up! The link expires every 7 days and I didn’t notice, so here is the latest one: Creatives DAO

Astrea is already in the server! They are the label manager manager, and the rest of the team doesn’t have Discord!

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