[Approved] Jazz Dao September Budget

Guild : Jazz DAO
Treasury : jazzdao.sputnik-dao.near
Council Members : @vicentetbh , @pan_tastick , @squattingPigeon
Community TG

Dear community members & moderators,

Our report is available here if you’d like to see what we’ve been up to last month.

We have 3 events planned this month with our institutional partner Miradouro de Baixo. Furthermore we are supporting another festival in the works by one of our community members @BigM007 located in Nigeria : Stepping Stones Jazz Festival, over this month and next month’s budgets. We are very pleased to see this come to life. We did some work on our onboarding process with new onboarding videos designed for an audience that is mostly unfamiliar with Web 3 and Near as is most of our community. Following some testing and proofing they will be published on our video channel soon. This week we were also able to source an accountant to start working our legal wrapper. We should be able to make some progress with this by next month.

Projects :

Total projects = 4020

Council allowance :

Total requested = 5000$

On behalf of the Jazz Dao Council i welcome your questions, suggestions & feedback and thank you again for your continued support.


Hey @squattingPigeon could you please share your latest report from the previous month?

We still working on it @Paul but it will be out shortly!

Dear Jazz DAO,

Thank you for the proposal. Happy to inform that your proposal has been approved by the Creatives Moderators. Notes:

  • Activities focus on artists & community building
  • Clear proposal with metrics & detailed cost breakdown
  • Looking forward to this in your report. Attended your event at Lisbon, that was very nice to see how you’re doing, you guys are talented artists!

Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO Astrodao, so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guideline: [New Process] Community Payouts .

Thank you!

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