[Approved] Incrypted news media support and Portfolio Battle activity

Total Funding Amount: $ 11 000
Period: January

We are offering 2 services:

  1. News media support for 1 month on Incrypted resources
    We will cover major Near & Aurora news

  2. Portfolio Battle
    Activity for Incrypted community, where participants create a virtual portfolio on our platform and can win money.

What problems we are solving?

  1. brand awareness, publicity
  2. low users activity

Who are we?

Incrypted is the #1 crypto media in Ukraine and the top5 media in the CIS region. We are focused on news, articles, and educational materials for crypto enthusiasts. We have been working with Near and Aurora for a long time, and we are also validators (incrypted.poolv1.near).

Our media channels:

What we offer?

Part 1. News Media support
Problem: brand awareness, publicity
How to solve: news coverage on Incrypted media channels, which includes:
:white_medium_small_square: Major news and announcements coverage on the Telegram channel
:white_medium_small_square: Press releases and articles on the Website
:white_medium_small_square: Mentions in weekly YouTube digest and social media channels
:white_medium_small_square: Twits and Instagram Posts about major news + Instagram stories
Funding scheme: monthly
Budget: $ 5000

Part 2. Portfolio Battle activity for Incrypted ommunity
Example: https://battles.incrypted.com/

Problem: low users activity

Participants register in our “investor simulator”, select coins from the TOP300 by Coingecko, and create a portfolio with a virtual $1000. After 1 week the “virtual profit” of all participants is automatically fixed. The best-performed portfolios will receive real rewards (1-3, 4-10 places, the last place, and the best portfolio description). The Portfolio Battle is sponsored by the Near.

We’ve held 7 Battles this year and attracted more than 7,000 subscribers to join it! Our top sponsors were:

  • ByBit
  • Binance
  • 1inch
  • Near

1000+ participants in average

Registration terms for participants (example):

  • Create an account in Aurora+
  • Subscribe to Aurora’s Twitter or Telegram channel

Timeline and content:

:white_medium_small_square: 1st week - registration of participants (4 Telegram posts + Text article with instructions on the Website + mention in YouTube weekly digest)
:white_medium_small_square: 2nd week - the period of the Battle (Telegram post about the start + post with the results at the end of the period + mention in the YouTube digest)

Value: new users funnel, old users engagement


  • $ 2000 prize pool for winners
  • $ 4000 Incrypted compensation
    TOTAL: $ 6000
    Funding scheme: One-time

I would like to point out the excellent and professional work of the Incrypted team.
Our guild has worked very closely with this wonderful team.
The project team is constantly publishing major announcements of our ecosystem, and we are always in touch with them.
I think these are some of the top KOLs in the CIS cryptospace.


Thank you for your feedback! It’s always a pleasure to work with you

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Thank you for providing this information!

Community feedback is very important in helping Council members assess proposals, specially when it may require specific regional (language, culture) or industry specific knowledge.

I’ll reserve my assessment until @Dacha, our native Russian speaker, is able to look into it.

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Hi @Vladislav_vl25 – thanks for the proposal. I also would like to hear a perspective from our council member @Dacha to get more in-depth feedback on the content itself.

But that said, a few things to point out about this proposal:

  • This is your first post in the community. Do you have past involvement with NEAR and its community/ecosystem? If so, can you please share?
  • Your funding request exceeds the soft $10K cap we follow, and it is not typical for us to fund first-time proposers to that level. We usually work with new proposers on smaller initiatives first so we can gauge/review performance and refine the projects over time.
  • I like the battle idea – sounds cool/interesting/engaging for participants. In this proposal, it’s focused on Aurora. Aurora has its own funding verticals, so I would likely advise this part of the proposal to be funded by them.
  • We are not able to fund press releases/PR as part of our guidelines so that part of the proposal will need to be removed.

I’ll wait to hear more from Dacha, but wanted to post the above thoughts as other council members assess the overall proposal. Thanks!

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Thank you for your proposal. Happy to support. Please, work together with @Vladislav_vl25


Hi @Vlads.near

I love the idea of getting people involved with a “investor simulator.”

One of the focus areas I have when reviewing proposals are deliverables.

Can you please outline:

  • Total number of posts
  • Type of post (Article, Infographic, text, video)
  • Distribution channel for each?

Following the review and discussion with Russian speaking council member Dacha,

I support this proposal.

Incrypted is a well established media outlet that has produced quality work in the past.

Happy to support. Moving to Approved

You can now

1)Proceed to Poll on AstroDAO.
2)Once the poll is approved, you need to submit THIS form Ironclad.

How to create a poll? Here is instruction.

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Hi @Klint

The Portfolio Battle activity (investor simulator) will be supported with our content, which includes:

  • 6 announcement and reminder posts on Telegram channels (Incrypted and Incrypted UA)
  • 1 post and 4 stories on our Instagram
  • text article with instructions posted on our website
  • announcement mentioning on our YouTube channel

Thanks for your support

Hi @Dacha, thanks

Just created the pool, proposal ID 603

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