[CONCLUDED] Gambiarra DAO Funding for APRIL 2022


DAO/Council Members


*Target: Gambiarra DAO Funding for APRIL 2022

Report MARCH 2022

*Total Requested Funding Amount: 5.000 USD in NEAR
Approval on ASTRO

Our Introduction: [Introduction] Gambiarra DAO 2
Objective: The main objective of this set of projects is to build Gambiarra, NEAR, and Mintbase presence and visibility on Brazilian NFTworld, by thematic exhibitions, courses, tutorials, experimental art, and marketing materials in Portuguese. Our intention is that the Brazilian visual art community can know Gambiarra and get into NEAR blockchain through our gallery on Mintbase. And for this, we need to build the awareness concerning our gallery, which is the main objective of this first set of projects.

Justification (benefits): The relevance of this set of project is precisely to make a large collective of artists to grow in the internet media and in the look of its peers. This kind of visibility is essential to a blockchain that needs to expand into visual arts and in the Brazilian NFT community, which is pretty large. Beyond being important to NEAR and to Gambiarra artists, these projects are also important to help the development of Mintbase in Brazil, that is an important NFT marketplace on NEAR, given we will produce tutorial videos in Portuguese about it and stimulate minting there. Our set of projects is also important to the community as a whole, because it brings more bounties into the system, thus making the near community to get more in touch with Gambiarra Community and DAO.

Timeline: April 7th – 30rd

The NEAR Protocol has seen so much activities and events arise within its ecosystem. This development can only be cognizant of the fact that the NEAR protocol is conveniently expanding and providing solutions for individuals within the web 3 ecosystem, as our NFTs, our wallets and numerous DApps. We at the Gambiarra Guild/DAO have observed these developments for a while and have decided to contribute our quota in love and gratitude for the NEAR Protocol towards helping it expand conveniently in areas where it is seeking more engagement and traction, which is Brazilian Visual Arts on Mintbase NEAR.

In March we had the honor to have the following projects quoted on the report bellow:

We have had the amazing experience with FEMINU, the first exhibition exclusive for trans and cis women and non-binary artists. On the opening day, the quarter hour of peak attendance had over 240 people at the event, which means we could easily have reached 300 visitors or more on the first day alone, one of the reasons why the museum decided to extend the closing date of the exhibition.

GAMBIARRA DAO now has more projects and more and more we are encouraging new members on our group to propose their ideas.

Find below the projects that the GAMBIARRA DAO has outlined to April:

1 Antimetodo 3 500 USD

2 World Art Day Exhibition 500 USD

3 Mintbase Sunday 5th edition 500 USD

4 metatronic 3 500 USD

5 Mama Blua Responde - Q&A(question and answer) sobre o ecosistema Near, para artistes Brasileires 500 USD

6 Curating proposal for Gambiarra art events 500 USD

7 Fernando Pessoa: Tobacco store 500 USD

8 Council Work
Each of our council members will receive the amount of 500 USD making a total of 1500 USD.


Greetings from Metaverse
Gambiarra DAO
Mintbase – Galeria Gambiarra
Telegram - Gambiarra Community: Telegram Group
Instagram: Login • Instagram
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GambiarraNear

Love to all community


Olá amigos,

Vou me permitir a fazer algumas pontuações aqui em portugês para ser mais claro :slight_smile:

É importante, em todo proposal, adicionar o último report, como uma forma de justificar um novo pedido e de comprovar o que já foi feito com os últimos fundos. Vou deixar aqui um bom exemplo:

Ter um report bem escrito e já amarrado a esta proposta, faz com que você possam ser mais sucintos nos textos dos projetos que estão aqui pedindo novo financiamento. Isso fará com que vossas propostas soem mais claras para a comunidade e, claro, para os moderadores.

Vi um ponto aqui que também merece atenção:

O valor pedido para curadoria de eventos me parece realmente alto. Mas vou procurar verificar o que vem sendo praticado em outras DAO’s antes de dizer algo mais.

E, pontuei algo importante aqui também:

Dêem uma olhada por favor e me falem caso haja qualquer dúvida.



Olá @hevertonharieno boa noite! Com relação à curadoria ela não se refere somente a eventos. Farei curadoria de todas as exposições, incluindo a possibilidade de organizar um espaço para workshops que venham a dialogar com a alguma das exposições. Farei o levantamento dos artistas que serão destaques nas redes sociais, e para isso tenho que saber se ele se encaixa no mínimo estabelecido por mim para que se mostre um artista atuante na rede Mintbase ou seja, se tiver um ou outro trabalho não se enquadrará. Também terei uma exposição “permanente” com revezamento frequente para dar visibilidade a uma grande quantidade de artistas cada um com um trabalho e outras exposições de pares de artistas com várias obras, escolhendo recortes para estabelecer um diálogo interessante entre as obras. Exposições essas que ficarão por Duas a três semanas além do revezamento da permanente. Fora isso farei a curadoria das exposições do 3XR e com seu post me veio a ideia de eu mesma começar o espaço de workshop dando uma aula sobre curadoria e aproveito para convida-lo. Terei imenso prazer na sua presença. Para finalizar quero dizer que um trabalho assim supera fácilmente 60 horas mensais o que daria por volta de 8USD a hora de trabalho, o que costuma ser remuneração de trabalho braçal e não de trabalho intelectual. Então sinceramente não creio que seja caro. Caro na minha opinião é a Mintbase já ter pago 50 USD por um Onboarding enquanto eu só recebi 10 dólares por cada artista. O que tb não é trabalho braçal pq fiquei mais de uma hora com cada uma explicando tudo sobre blockchain metaverso Mintbase Near cryptomoedas e muito mais visto que todas elas vieram de fora do universo do NFT.
De qualquer modo agradeço o seu comentário pois assim pude esclarecer um pouco mais sobre a minha proposal. Saudações !!


Hello @Ghini, for me it was a pleasure to meet you on a call and want to help you to keep growing regarding the onboarding and education of Nearcomer Creatives. :hugs:

About the following I am confused, the curation of artwork, moderation of gambiarra community and the community management in general (improvement in the communications and other realated activities) is something we expect from the $1500 budget for the council

I encourage you, @Dazo and @filmesdeinfiltracao to distribute your tasks and activities within the $1500 budget.

Keep in mind that we all community members perform activities that we want to execute, because we love art for example, and growing artist communities help us professionaly, knowing more people, making connections, learning new skills, improve our own start-ups, etc, this is about sharing and caring, and we are just receiving help from the Near Community to do something we want to do, so I personally see everything as a gift from the community and not an impossed job.

Just wanted to clarify the last to make clear that as a councils the Near Community can support you to distribute between you up to $1500 USD.



Fritz, I really appreciate your explanations the other day and also your support in making your time available, which I know must be very busy. Regarding the curation, I believe that my proposal is not clear. I really appreciate your and @hevertonharieno comments because they are bringing this to my attention.
The curation to be done has nothing to do with the council work. We’ll have at Gambiarra several exhibitions a month. In April we will have the already known MintbaseSunday that has presented about 20 artists, we will also have the World Art Day with 40 artists, alone totaling 60 NFTs.
Besides curating these exhibitions, there will be meta-architecture work, because the building is not builted.
We also have a marketing that promotes artists in the social networks, which I will be the one to select, following the works that have been minted in the store that counts with 187 members, that is, we are a big store.
In addition, I will set up a permanent exhibition that will house at least 10 artists that will take turns so that many will have the opportunity to show their work either in the parcel we are getting with free rent or in my space at cryptovoxels, also with my meta architecture work.
Even more… I will make exhibitions of artist duos that can show more works, because in the permanent exhibition we will only have one work of each artist. In this cut I intend to establish dialogues between the works presented, that is, also having the conceptual work of the exhibition developed by me.
If this were not already a bold enough project, I also want to establish, space permitting, a place for workshops that may have a link to an exhibition that is in progress.
All this for a budget of 500 USD.
I don’t think it’s a councils job. If I am wrong please correct me.

I would also kindly ask you to check the following proposal:

In that proposal, a very commendable initiative, a single exhibition has a budget of 400USD for the curatorship, 450USD for the setting up and 200USD for the assistance in developing and conceptualizing the exhibition design, which totals: 1,050 USD for this single exhibition, and 450USD more, for the curatorship and direction of a second exhibition. Total budget: 1500,00
All the work being done by the councils that also will receive more 900USD for the council work.

I am new to the Near network, but from everything I have been through so far, the Near network values fair and equal treatment.
To do the curating, setting up, metaarchitectural work and developing and conceptualizing the exhibition design for 4 (four) exhibitions, plus the other things I mentioned for 500 USD gives you the exact notion the person I am. I am a person who has been working without weekly rest since January when my projects at Near began to be developed, who loves art and loves to see community members grow as is happening with the FEMINU Exhibition artists who are making proposals and growing in the network.

I hope that now my proposal is clear enough and that my work efforts, well beyond the eight hours a day, are recognized so that all members of the network can receive equal treatment.
Thank you,


Thanks for taking the questions the best way :wink:

This is true, and also we are humans we can make mistakes and we could approve a proposal in the past that wasn’t supposed to be.

To answer the worries you have related to Demonstra Dao, remember that is up to the DAOs to approve the funding, so DAOs councils can also ask questions and share their own opinions and feedback.

And from what I saw on that case they asked for $4.850 USD and $900 for councils+metoring. So, adding $400 for curatorship will be still inside the scope/guideline.

I am still going to consider this topic to discuss with the moderation team. @creativesdao-council


Thank you very much @FritzWorm I am new as a council and I want to learn more, I even asked @adrianseneca where I can find the Creatives Dao Guidelines in order to help the community more.
I would just like to clarify: It is 400 + 450 the curatorship and set up of the first exhibition + 450 of the second exhibition curatorship, totaling 1300USD, without considering the 200 of the exhibition design that in my opinion is part of the curatorship work, but I can be wrong in this last item. Thank you for considering to discuss this topic.


Dear @Ghini thank you a lot for illuminating all these questions and for your answer to @FritzWorm and @hevertonharieno in a very detailed way.
I recommend you to add this information to your proposal, so that it can be more complete for everyone in the Near community. And so that we can all get a better idea of the values of each other’s artistic area :slight_smile:

Everyone learning from each other.


Olá @hevertonharieno tudo bem?
Acredito que todos os proponentes de proposal o qual você pontuou já responderam em suas próprias propostas ou se corrigiriam a partir de suas questões, certo?

Eu creio que já tinha colocado o report de Março, mas talvez o link não tivesse funcionado. Corrigido aqui, e está ao fim de nosso texto.



thank you @filmesdeinfiltracao, I will do that. It is really important to have a more detailed proposal.


thank you @filmesdeinfiltracao, done!!


Hi @Ghini thanks for sharing more details about your project for the whole community.
I know very well every detail of this project and I know how hard it is.
@hevertonharieno and @FritzWorm We will have some expositions, a circulation of more than 100 artists exposing their work, plus the architectural construction and the management of the whole space, this will be a lot of work and all within the month of April.

Look at this beautiful work realized by Ghini in March. Feminu was a success.
Our goal is to grow more and more with our expositions and now with our art gallery.


Hello all,

Thanks for the discussion around curating. I deeply appreciate my fellow moderators @hevertonharieno & @FritzWorm for doing their best to diligently keeping this creatives community accountable for how we all spend the budgets gifted to us by Near and protect DAO communities by working to ensure council members do not take away from their community. I think it is really hard to understand the labor of curating sometimes, especially when we enter this digital world where digital art and digital spaces are so vastly different than those of the traditional art world.

I have worked closely with artists that do professional curation and have co curated shows in the past. Art curation is probably one of the most important unseen labors in the art world. Without it museums and art shows would not tell cohesive stories.
After reading @Ghini explanation and seeing that she has a 20 year art career (meaning she has trained her eyes for two decades) I feel curation fees are fair.

To me council work is managing the DAO and curation is a separate task - anyone can “technically” do it “, but not everyone can do it well. It’s a hard one to verify digitally especially in the world of NFTs where art is very different from the traditional sense but I think it’s up to the DAO itself to determine where to invest in what labor they believe is of value.

The awesome moderators team has decided to trust my feelings on this and support my decision to approve your proposal!

That being said, I am not the only perspective within this community and I am really only here to represent the needs and wants of the whole. I hope that this can be an open discussion with all of Creatives DAO around how we collectively feel about verifying and compensating curation. So please engage and share your different opinions!! We hope Gambiarra knows that they have the ability to shift their investments in the future based off shown work or what is best for their community as a whole in terms of delegating budgets.

We are looking forward to seeing your skill coming next month in your report @Ghini !


After all my big words, this proposal follows the Creatives DAO Guidelines, so it is approved by the Community Moderators. Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO Astrodao, so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guideline: [New Process] Community Payouts . Also, Feel free to join our Discord Server to Post Your Monthly Reports and Funding Proposals for Better Organization


Also @Ghini in regards to your inquiry about the guidelines, you can find all current guides under the “guide” tag. The moderators are working on updating and proposing a set of new guidelines with the shifting expansion of Creatives DAO by the end of April!


@adrianseneca Thank you for your words.
At my first Creatives meeting as Gambiarra store council, the moderador @FritzWorm talked about the importance of opposing opinions to ours being posted in order to discuss the issues on the Forum. His words and arguments, as well as the way he and @hevertonharieno put their points of view, asked their doubts and along with the other moderators decided to give a vote of confidence mainly based on and in respect to your position, are proof of this statement.
Your placements and arguments were very important. It is very significant that the work of the curators receives this attention.
I appreciate the confidence that you and the moderators are placing in my work and the Gambiarra DAO projects and be sure that I will strive with the dedication as always for the growth of artists, the store, the DAO and Near as a whole.
I have interacted with some curators, in my carrer, among them two in particular who were curators of the São Paulo International Biennial - Carlos von Schmidt and Sheila Leirner. I learned a lot from them. Curatorship has always captivated me, and being able to develop it in an incredible environment such as the metaverse is very special to me as an art professional.
I am also aware of the Nearverse and intend to start studying about it.
I really appreciate the support and trust.
All the best,


@adrianseneca thanks a lot for the information.
it seems I am not able to give more likes today, so for now I send my likes in here… :heart: :heart: :heart:


Dear @adrianseneca thank you so much for your words regarding curating and your instructions here.
It’s the first time I’ll be the person to deal with the payout, so I’m trying to learn fast. I followed the guideline of @mecsbecs but I guess I didn’t received the prompt to complete a ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) identity verification. Did I make something wrong?

Best regards


[REPORT] - Gambiarra DAO Funding for APRIL 2022


DAO/Council Members




*Target: Gambiarra DAO Funding for APRIL 2022

*Total Requested Funding Amount: 5.000 USD in NEAR

This month, we had some turbulence outside Gambiarra, and ended up starting a month without receiving our funds around April 15th.

Even so, we had the guts and drive to execute our projects successfully.

See below what we have accomplished in APRIL:

1 Antimétodo 3 - 500 USD

2 World Art Day Exhibition - 500 USD

3 Mintbase Sunday 5th edition - 500 USD [Concluded] Mintbase Sunday 5th edition - #9 by cleusaraven

4 Metatronic 3 - 500 USD

5 Mama Blua Responde - Q&A(question and answer) sobre o ecosistema Near, para artistes Brasileires - 500 USD [APPROVED]Mama Blua Responde - Q&A(question and answer) sobre o ecosistema Near, para artistes Brasileires - #26 by blusw

6 Curating proposal for Gambiarra art events - 500 USD [Approved] Curating proposal for Gambiarra art events - #17 by Mayramendes

7 Fernando Pessoa: Tobacco store - 500 USD Carlos

8 - Council work.

Each of our council members received the amount of 500 USD making a total of 1500 USD.

Financial Movements

This month we experimented with fixing again the dollar amount received. We pay everybody according to the fixed value in NEAR.

Missing the Marketing work

We really miss our marketing group, we realize how much we miss a group that promotes our work on social networks. Our level of access fell immensely with the lack of Marketing helping us.


This was the first month in GAMBIARRADAO.NEAR a new wallet to proceed with the Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and a new month for our council Ghini, to learn the steps by steps of being a council.

New members started to be part of GAMBIARRA DAO and new artists came up with incredible works, exchanges and proposals.


Updated Projects Timeline

This month we started later, both because of last month’s issues and new issues related to the delay in receiving the funding. So the artists had to run with their projects. One of the projects will be released this week, but we are already moving forward with the overall report.


(a) April we had the chance to have a curator that took care of all the exhibitions in GAMBIARRA space. We finally have located the land, we have the building constructed, and have held 5 exhibitions with more than 70 NFTs. (b) we have made some more courses from Antimetodo 3, with other amazing artists. (c) we have the great experience of Metatronic 3, where we had in total more than 100 people passing by the place (d) The 5th edition of Mintbase Sunday has increased our collection to 101 works of art and a total of 54 artists participating in our editions. e) Mama Blua was extremely important to the community, answering questions about how Near and Mintbase work in an irreverent and funny way. Showing that it is possible to learn with Humor. (f) We had the opportunity to celebrate World Art Day with a big exhibition with more than 40 artists exhibiting their artwork.


We learned that we need to be more connected and to exchange more about our projects, duties, and tasks. We learned, in the difficulty, that supporting the other makes more sense than pointing fingers.

We are learning to organize the DAO and the projects better, and that we should more and more create partnerships with other friendly DAOs in order to make bigger projects and bring more opportunities to the community.

Next Steps

We are really happy to announce that now we will have our own space on cryptovoxels land, until the end of the year, so that we can hold GAMBIARRA exhibitions, possible parties in the metaverse, lectures, and so on.

We realize that we have super great projects in the community, and it is essential to request more money, so that more projects can be implemented.

For May, we have 9 incredible and important proposals for the community. So we would like to request 6000 USD for this upcoming month so that each proposal could be contemplated.


It was a month of important achievements and understanding of what has to be improved for the coming months! Congratulations on the report