[ APPROVED ] Experience Design for NFT

November Project:

This month I will be dedicating myself to bringing my artistic experiences, to grow the community and give quality to it. Focus in strengthen The Clan community. So I’m not thinking about the financial values in this month. Prices are far from reality but it is the way to make growth possible in November. so don’t be surprised by the value so low.

Number of participants: 15

Adapt and Create the space in virtual reality(VR), with up to 20 simultaneous artists, for the workshop “Experience Design for NFT creators”. Remembering this space will always be available to participants 24/7

Sub total: U$ 305 + U$20 VPS Server per month (Opalstack) = U$ 325
(promotional price)

Week 1:

Workshop “Experience Design for NFT creator”:

The workshop will take over 5 days via Telegram and VR environment.

On the first day, lasting a maximum of 2 hours, we will all be present with our avatars, in the VR environment, in front of informative graphic materials to be consulted by the artists of the projects, within The Clan community. Most of the material supplied, is used by Kaospilot - Denmark

Extension of the Workshop via Telegram/google Doc or Slack (Chat) :

Follow-up and continuation, for 5 days in a row, on the Experience Design theme, in the Telegram, VR space or Slack chat and collaborative google doc.

Week 2:

After all accounts created and deposited 2 NEAR (15 participants), We will enter the artistic process and art direction, with all participants from week 1, for the Development of 3 x NFT’s that will be sold one of each NEAR´s Marketplace on: Mintbase (Loja The Clan) , Pluminite and PARAS .

subtotal: 15 participants is 30 NEARS = U$ 318

Week 3:

We will do the Mint process on the 3 platforms (Mintbase at The Clan Store, Pluminite and Paras). At the end of this week we will take a vote in The Clan community or by the councils of the top 3 NFTs and our MARKETING Dept. BUY them( BUY 3 NFT´s). @whoiscavenaghi

Subtotal Workshop: U$ 355 Workshop Experience Design ( Promotional price) + U$ 318 (2 NEAR for 15 participant)

Final SubTotal: U$ 680 (adapt VR space + VPS Server Opalstack + Graphics contents + Workshop Experience Design) + U$ 318 (2 NEAR for 15 participants).
(promotional price, for the first project)

Total = U$ 998,00**

Frado MNT





Olá, bom dia :slight_smile:

  • seria útil providenciar mais informação sobre os custos associados ao espaço de RV
  • pelo que percebi, esse espaço de RV serve para que as pessoas interajam no mesmo espaço, o que me parece bem. Contudo, que parte do workshop vai ser dado nesse espaço? Se apenas se colocam materiais visuais (2D) numa tela dentro desse espaço, parece-me desnecessário.
  • Que quantidade das pessoas que vão participar no workshop vocês acham que serão abrangidas no projecto Welcome Drops? Se forem as mesmas, então um deles parece-me ligeiramente redundante.
  • De resto, a ideia parece-me óptima, ajudar outros artistas a criarem os seus NFTs em várias plataformas é sempre uma boa ideia.

abraço :slight_smile:

Hello, good morning :slight_smile:

  • it would be helpful to provide more information about the costs associated with the VR space
  • from what I understand, that VR space is for people to interact in the same space, which sounds good to me. However, what part of the workshop will be given in that space? If only visual materials (2D) are placed on a screen within that space, it seems unnecessary to me.
  • How many of the people who will participate in the workshop do you think will be covered in the Welcome Drops project? If they are the same, then one of them seems slightly redundant to me.
  • Otherwise, the idea sounds great to me, helping other artists create their NFTs on various platforms is always a good idea.

cheers :slight_smile:

1 Like

Boa Tarde ! :slightly_smiling_face:

O The Clan é uma taberna baseada em comunidade artística.
Eu sou membro Council. @frado.near

A minha primeira proposta, de novembro para a comunidade The Clan, é uma doação. Por isso o preço tão baixo, os valores são mais para cobrir fundos operacionais, enquanto entendo a rede mainet. Já estou inscrito no frado.testnet
Os novos 15 integrantes, do Workshop em Experience Design, teriam o primeiro contato em um ambiente em VR, no mozilla Hubs, eu precisaria da atenção dos participantes, para poder escrever por cima das imagens graphics e explicar que o ambiente em VR será a ponta do trabalho deles. As exposições são em V.R. Eles irão precisar aprender como navegar no ambiente VR e toda vez que eu precisar reunir todos os 15 participantes, ao mesmo tempo, será pelo o ambiente VR. Eu ja fiz isso algumas vezes, sempre usando o espaço em VR para falar de Experience Design. Falar de Experience Design usando o Zoom e Google meet, vai na contramão de uma experiencia nova, enriquecedora e educacional. Os creadores dos NFT´s precisam ter as boas vindas dento de um espaço que condiz com a tecnologia atual. Quem não conseguir acessar e se locomover dentro de uma galeria virtual, é sinal que ela não está pronta para a Web3.
O The Clan tem um carater de capacitação artistica para a Web3.

The Clan is an artistic community-based table.
Council of members of I am. @frado.near

My first proposal, from November to The Clan community, is a donation. That’s why the price is so low, the amounts are more to cover operating funds, while I understand the mainet network. I’m already subscribed to frado.testnet
The new 15 members, from the Experience Design Workshop, about the first contact in a VR environment, at Mozilla Hubs, I would need the attention of the participants, to be able to write over the graphic images and explain that the VR environment will be the tip of their work. Features are in V.R. They will learn how to navigate the VR environment and every time I need to gather all 15 participants at the same time, it will be through the VR environment. I’ve done this a few times, always using the VR space to talk about Experience Design. Talking about Experience Design using Zoom and Google meet, goes against the grain of a new, enriching and educational experience. NFT creators need to be welcomed into a space that matches current technology. Anyone who cannot access and move around within a virtual gallery is a sign that it is not ready for a Web3.
The Clan has an artistic empowerment character for Web3.

Thanks Frado


Great project! Looking forward to see it happen :clap:t2:


Looking fwd to seeing the results of the workshops! Would be great to also do some documenting while they’re happening as well :slight_smile:


yes @vandal ! it´s possible to take a picture inside the the gallery and screen recording.
i can invite you in the middle of the workshop process too.
But the first workshop will be in Portuguese language.
The next one can be in english.


Frado MNT



Hey @vandal, how are you?

Follow the link to the Experience Design for NFT workshop.
All files are hosted on the opalstack VPS server.
If you need any clarification, I am always available.
Hope you like it
Thank you for your confidence and approval in the project.
