[proposal] Casulos (coccons) by Otavio Donasci

It is an honor to announce this onboarding and to write this proposal, Otávio Donasci is an artist who has been working with performance and art and technology for 50 years, and his research and production permeates and inspires all Gambiarra and Nomade Label artists.

Last week I had the privilege of visiting his studio and collection and spending a few hours with Otávio, both to talk about his participation in Antimétodo in May and to create this proposal, in addition to hearing stories about part of his trajectory.

Otávio Donasci, 70 years old, multimedia performer, creative director, was professor of body arts at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, PhD in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP. In the 1970s he worked with theater as an actor, director and set designer, having won the APCA Mambembe award for his lifetime as set designer. In the 80s, he created and developed the VIDEOTHEATER language with its VIDEOCREATURES over almost 40 years in the main video festivals in Brazil (VideoBrasil, Biennials) and abroad (USA, Europe and Japan) having won the Lei Sarney Award for Multimedia Art. . In the 90’s he created and directed with R.Karman the Experimental Multimedia Expeditions, “Voyage to the Center of the Earth” and “Merlin’s Great Voyage”, winning the Shell Award for Theater Creation/Production. From 2000 onwards he creates and develops immersive / experiential installations “CARINHÓDROMOS”, “AVENTURÓDROMOS” and “CASULOS” and develops as a teacher a pedagogy of the “performer teacher”.


Experience “Cocoons” with Otávio Donasci

“I’ve been wrapping people in cocoons at PUC. In the cocoon, the job is to break the PVC film. The person tears and is born. The cocoon makes you a by-product of yourself, you come out of yourself”

Photo: Allis Bezerra

From structures fixed to the ceiling, eight volunteer participants will be encapsulated, using plastic film instead of silk from insects or spiders. And they will go through a process of metamorphosis pierced by silences, sounds and tactile experiences.
Eight registrations will be avaiable for the event through this form (( https://forms.gle/FebnijDX3p95B8438 )) where candidates will be able to agree or not with the production of records in photos and videos, and possible generation of Nfts from this experience.


from May 19 to 20th physical preparations
performance on May 28th at staring at 14h
recommended duration of immersion 2h
pictures and videos will be made, and since there is nudity nfts will be created with authorization asked from participants.

budget :
Space: 100 USD
Structure: ropes and steel tubes 100 USD
Site preparation, lighting, installation and cleaning 50 USD
Otavio Donasci: 250 USD
Total 500 USD


É uma honra anunciar esse onboarding e escrever este proposal, Otávio Donasci é um artista que trabalha com performance e arte e tecnologia há 50 anos, e sua pesquisa e produção transpassa e inspira todos os artistas da Nomade Label.

Na semana passada tive o privilégio de visitar seu atelier e acervo e passar algumas horas com Otávio, tanto para conversar sobre sua participação no Antimétodo em maio quanto para criar esta proposta, além de ouvir histórias sobre parte da sua trajetória .

Otávio Donasci, 70 anos, performer multimídia, diretor de criação, foi professor de artes do corpo na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo,doutor em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC-SP. Na década de 70 trabalhou com teatro como ator, diretor e cenógrafo tendo ganho o prêmio APCA Mambembe pelo conjunto da obra como cenógrafo. Na década de 80 criou e desenvolveu a linguagem VIDEOTEATRO com suas VIDEOCRIATURAS ao longo de quase 40 anos nos principais festivais de vídeo do Brasil (VideoBrasil, Bienais) e no exterior (USA, Europa e Japão) tendo ganho o Prêmio Lei Sarney de Arte Multimídia. Na década 90 criou e dirigiu com R.Karman as Expedições Experimentais Multimídia, “Viagem ao Centro da Terra”e “A Grande Viagem de Merlin” ganhando o prêmio Shell de criação/produção em teatro. A partir de 2000 cria e desenvolve instalações imersivas/vivenciais “CARINHÓDROMOS” ,”AVENTURÓDROMOS” e “CASULOS” e desenvolve como professor uma pedagogia do “professor performer”.

Vivência “Casulos” com Otávio Donasci

“Tenho enrolado pessoas em casulos na PUC. No casulo o trabalho é romper o filme de PVC. A pessoa rasga e nasce. O casulo faz com que você seja um subproduto seu mesmo, você sai de si mesmo”

Foto: Allis Bezerra

A partir de estruturas fixadas no teto, serão pendurados nus em camadas de plástico filme oito participantes voluntários serão encapsulados, usando plástico filme ao invés da seda dos insetos ou aranhas. E passarão por um processo de metamorfose transpassado por silêncios, sons e experiências táteis.

Serão abertas oito inscrições para o evento através deste formulário (criar o formulário) onde os candidatos poderão concordar ou não com a produção de registros em fotos e vídeos, e possível geração de Nfts vindos desta experiência.


Espaço: 100 USD
Estrutura: cordas e tubos de aço 100 USD

Preparação do local, iluminação e instalação 50 USD
Otavio Donasci: 250 USD
Total 500 USD


Nossa, incrível :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Maravilhoso! Que emoção ter Otávio Donasci no Antimetodo, uma grande referência e inspiração :two_hearts:


How cool to see Otavio Donasci doing this onboarding within Near and bringing his art to the Nft.
I loved the proposal, I just wondered if the people who sign up won’t be allowed to use the images to become an Nft. Maybe the use of at least one image would be a prerequisite for filling out the form. This work deserves very much to be exposed to the Nft universe.


@pinkalsky did you manage to check the alternative for this case?
Let me know what will be done in case the images produced are not authorized to be published
I look forward to hearing from you.


Hello @Dazo
Otavio is worried about the permission of participants who agree to live the experience naked, there will be pictures and videos, tha will be minted, and participants will receive a percentage, and all participants will choose if it is ok to mint or not


Does this mean that we will have images that will be minted?


Yes!, I will edit the proposal to make it clear


Thank you very much @pinkalsky :wink:


I would love to be one of those people naked in the cocoon :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Pinky, por um acaso esse local do evento tem espaço para uma apresentação sonora?
Caixa de som, algo nesse sentido? Para uma apresentação de 1h, 1h30 talvez?

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o link para o formulário está aqui:

logo mais essa divulgação também nas páginas da Nomade Label no insta e face


aqui está o flyer produzido pela equipe de antimarketing da nomade, para divulgar


[report] status delayed due to Covid
This was supposed to happen last Saturday, but I decide to take a covid test without having any sympoms because I have been in contact with some artists that had covid on the week before, and Otavio Donasci is 70 years old and have some health issues, and I tested positive, there seem to be having a increase on covid cases here in São Paulo especialy among art workers which is the target public for this project.
We still intend to do it, and are still not sure when will it be less risky, or require testing the participants before this meta performance is made.
or maybe change entirely to a telemmatic action, Otavio is a teacher after all, and a amazing one after all, would that be ok? we would like to hear suggestions<3
much love, and care

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