Proposal - C1 August Budget

C1 wants to build on its momentum this August. After a successful and busy first month, the idea is to onboard new artists and mint on their behalf in the C1 store. Currently the Mintbase store has 10 pieces minted with more on the way.

We have a number of different ways we are going to expand C1s reach this month.

  1. We are going to get more active on the Discord server, and host events with guest speakers and performers. We would ask for an allocated 300N for these events.
  2. Royal Cultural events will be covered in Nigeria, with festivities being filmed and minted in the C1 store. The idea is to onboard the communities.and gift near wallets, and we request 300N for such projects.
  3. We will have a community outreach member to canvass and promote NEAR and C1 guild at university and college campusesfor onboarding. A neighbor to neighbor outreach strategy in Nigeria. For this we would request 300N
  4. Managing the social media accounts for C1 we request 200N. This is for the Twitter and discord, as well we will set up a Facebook page and IG account.
  5. Updating content and website news / features profiles ect we would request 100N
  6. We would like to allocate 100N for graphic design work, flyers and event promo designs for social media.
  7. We plan to hold an onboarding and live performance (which we will mint as an NFT) at Twin River Studio in Toronto. We would request 320N for the space rental, cameras, production and planning, and wallet activation.
  8. We have 60 members still awaiting wallet activation, so we are requesting 60N for the activation of these contributors wallets.
  9. Project management we are requesting 320N

The total amount of funds we are requesting for this month is 2000N. We feel that we can build off of the momentum of last month significantly and get more artists contributing art to help with the over all cause.

300 - discord events
300 - cultural events
300 - community Outreach
200 - Socials
100 - web & content
100 - graphics
320 - Toronto Live event & Seminar
60 - pending wallet activations
320 - project management.

Total - 2000



Sounds good enough to grow C1 guild into something different :raised_hands:t6::blush:


This looks great @JCB.

First comment would be that budget proposals should still be submitted to the “Creatives DAO” subcategory.

The C1 subcategory should be used so that the C1 guild can set up its own plans and proposals and then use those to support a payout request.

For example:

This should link to a forum post with more details about the server and what’s planned.

Again, I don’t know what this is, there should be a proposal linked.

Which member? What specifically are they promoting? What universities?

Here’s an example of a budget request with the appropriate format: [APPROVED] Monthly Budget Arroz Criativo August

Each line item should correspond to a preplanned project/proposal that has more info :ok_hand:t4:


Thanks Chloe, understood! I will re-submit with other proposals in the mix! :slight_smile: