[closed] Blockchain Rio travel support - Already funded

Hello @marketingdao-council , I am here to propose support for our travel to Rio de Janeiro to attend Blockchain Rio Festival

Related proposal

  • For three people this is the most affordable I could find, hope MDAO can help our DAOS to represent Near there :wink:

Our three collaborators are:

Ask/Item Rate Days/people Costs
Bus Ticket SP to RJ 50$ 3 tickets to go and 3 to go back $300
Food - 4 days - 3 people $200
Accommodation $150/each 2 people $300
Merch (Near Stickers/Workshop flyers - - $150
Total $950

and me @whoiscavenaghi

KYC - cavenaghi.near
Target Wallet: children-of-the-dao.sputnik-dao.near


Hello there! The expenses where funded by another DAO, thank you very much :wink:

Thank you @whoiscavenaghi – noted!