[CLOSED] 9INES DAO Full Funding Request, June 2O22

[PROPOSAL] 9INES DAO Full Funding Request, June 2O22

Contact: near9ines@gmail.com
Council Members: 9ines.near, Sh8peshifter.near, dandelionsandhoneybees.near, mxtsetmefree.near, plut0.near
Target Address: 9ines.sputnik-dao.near
Current Balance: 11 N
Funding Period: June 2022
May Proposal
May Report
Total Amount Requested: $3000 in USN

$1000: New DAO support
$750: 9INES Community Liaison Collective Training Stipend for Participants
$350: New and Current User Support
$900: Council Work


In light of the shift in the Creatives DAO funding structure, we have shifted our priorities somewhat. We resonate with urgency to become self-sustainable and are looking forward to participating in the workshops that will be offered by the NEAR Certified creatives. We have a team of about 10 people who have expressed interest in a weekly or bi-weekly study group, where we will explore a range of web3 and NEAR related topics.

June Projects:

9INES New DAO Funding Support
Budget: $1000

Community Liaison Training
Budget: $750

New and Current User Support
Budget: $350

Metrics for success
Our metrics are both quantitative and qualitative. Our goal is to create wallets and also ensure that newcomers are equipped to confidently engage with NEAR protocol. Within 30 days of commencing the Community Liaison Training program, the participants aim to collectively:

  • create 50 NEAR wallets using Neardrops
  • mint 30 NFTs on our 9INES Mintbase Store
  • stake 500 NEAR on Ref.fi testnet
  • confidently be able to swap NEAR for USN and exchange NEAR for fiat
  • outline a curriculum to teach communities how to successfully engage with NEAR protocol and affiliated DApps
  • draft a baseline roadmap for how 9INES will proceed collectively

As always, thank you so much for your time and consideration!


Great work you are doing @dandelionshoneybees

We love the energy you put in making 9ines DAO a force to reckon with in the NEAR

Keep up the good work :hugs:

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Thank you Roxy. We appreciate your support :pray:t5:

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Hello @dandelionshoneybees. Very happy to see this proposal. Can you please insert a part to say about you Metrics for success ? Check this example:

We would love see how the KalakendraDAO can help the creatives to grow with the NEAR FOUNDATION. =)


This is great feedback and helps to focus our efforts. Thanks and I will provide the metrics soon!

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Hi @hevertonharieno, I’ve made some amendments to the proposal. Please, let me know what you think!

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I’m not seeing the metric for success on your proposal. Look at the example that I put on the last comment =)

Hi @hevertonharieno,
I listed the metrics in the subproposals: Community Liaison Training but I can relist them on the main page.

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Hello @dandelionshoneybees, checking your last report together with the other moderators, we missed the completion of some points requested in the May proposal. Could you please check this and as the first weeks of June go by if you have progressed on any of the items, please update the report for us =)

Hi @hevertonharieno,

This is disappointing to hear, as I have been working very hard to develop this program and introduce and support people to become engaging members of NEAR, not just focusing on adding wallets, but educating mainstream users to be able to grasp the opportunities NEAR has to offer.

It would be helpful if you can provide specific feedback, because from what I a can see, we have met most of our goals. And I feel the work that we are doing here is in alignment with what the NEAR Creatives Creatives group is working on. And we hope to collaborate with them from the perspective of mainstream users

Infosessions: We hosted more than 4 online sessions

Onboarding: we fell short by 3 wallets, as we created 7 instead of 10:

New and Current User Support:
We have scouted new users, provided extensive mentorship support, and pivoted our focus mid month to accommodate shifts within the Creatives Funding Focus on self-sustainability and have added two new members to our DAO

Programs Funding Request:
We have met most of our May milestones and have gathered a group of approximately ten people who will collectively design and workshop our 9INES program. The interactive learning space is in the design phase and we are compiling a list of tutorials, etc.

We would appreciate more specific feedback about where we fell short.


Hello Hello!

I can see that you are doing your best to help the Creatives DAO grow, onboarding new creatives, and even onboarding new DAOs!

Thank you very much for your efforts and contributions :100:

We are trying to fix the funding scheme we had the last month because it was expected from DAOs to fill the council role in the Creatives DAO, but that didn’t happen. DAOs only approved; there is no evidence of feedback from councils or rejections.

That’s one of the reasons we are taking the massive weight of checking every report deeply and why we will not fund new DAOs this month (even not through 9INES DAO).

So, we will need to ask you to take the following out of the proposal:

About the Metrics for success, I believe the following add real value to the Creatives DAO:

So, thank you! Wish we can cross-collab with the curriculum you want to create and the Near Certified Creatives initiative we are kick-starting.

I have the following questions:

  • You don’t have NFTs in mintbase yet. Can you show an example of the Artwork you are going to work on? Or how will it be dynamic to generate the artwork?

  • Can you share a breakdown of the council work? (sharing here the May breakdown)

We started this month discussing this topic, and the main sentiment is that voting should not be a reward but something members do because they care about their community. Building, project management, and community management are examples of activities we expect from the leadership of a DAO, and as there is funding allocated for those activities there should be also a report.

  • About your May report, there are 7 onboarded instead of 10 promised, right? Can you elaborate further on your May report about that experience and who they are?

We wish to follow up what are your plans with the onboarded artists, we wish to know more about them, you can make them present themselves and what about adding them into your community and let them even prove themselves, giving them an opportunity to participate on-chain using the DAO, being part of the 9INES DAO or any other DAO of the Creatives DAO. We can see that you did a great effort for one-on-one and post-onboarding mentoring.

  • About your May report, there are some documents that are still in draft. “How to Create a CFC” is missing a screenshot and the “intake questionnaire” is still a work in progress. The budget for those activities was the May funding of $400 for build-out resources and link library? When those docs are going to be completed?

Big hug! Thanks for all your hard work. :love_you_gesture:

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Thank you @FritzWorm. I’ll reach out to my team and share the feedback! We’ll work on filling the gaps this month and circle back with a new proposal, if not in June, then in July. Thanks again for the detailed guidance. It means a lot!