NEAR Wiki: Content Plan

Hello gang :wave:


:bookmark: = Pls help us write this piece

Firstly, a very merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! :tada:

For the final stretch of 2021, I’m moving my focus onto the NEAR Wiki. This consists of a focus on organization and content.

:warning: This will be my main focus until we break for the holidays. In this time I hope to achieve some semblance of a fleshed-out Wiki with an improved organisational structure.

Docusaurus Update

To expedite the (near)completion of content in the Wiki, the Docusaurus migration has been put on hold. One of the leading reasons we were looking to transition to Docusaurus was due to the bugs which the Gitbook update presented (which resulted in lost articles), these now seem to be resolved.


The main inspiration for the future organisation of the NEAR Wiki is:

Feedback has been echoed within the NEAR Community and within NF itself regarding the simplicity, ease of access, and simple navigation the Polkadot Wiki has.

This is what we’re aiming for (and then some, of course).


The aims of the broader Wiki Development Plan, and the main focus of the Content Plan, are:

  • Flesh out the Wiki content to ‘near completion’
  • Create an easy to navigate and simple to access repo of all things NEAR
  • Produce a ‘go-to’ website for the most common NEAR questions



Below I’ve outlined a content plan and organisational structure. If you have any feedback on this, please share it as soon as you can. We’re building this together :muscle:

Invite to Write

We’ll be leveraging the incredible talent of the NEAR Community and rallying the internal NF team to contribute to the relevant parts of the NEAR Wiki. More details on that in the NEAR Portal Guild Telegram - come join us!

h/t to the Legal Guild for getting a jump start on this and beginning to flesh out the Legal section of the Wiki already.

Community & Internal Contributions

We’ll be using the NEAR Portal Guild to facilitate Community contributions to the Wiki. In the Telegram, we’ll work to develop a framework which will cover:

  • Content creation
  • Quality assurance & accuracy
  • Wiki publication
  • Rewards

Members of the NEAR Foundation should be responsible for the creation and publication of content relevant to their department (any objections?).

Content & Organisation Plan

Based off of Illia’s feedback below, we’ll be organising the NEAR Wiki into four sections:

Below are the articles which I believe should be included in each category, alongside a proposed structure:

:warning: The below is simply a suggestion. I’d like to strongly encourage anyone and everyone to share their feedback so we can improve the NEAR Wiki for everyone :tada:

The goal of the structure is to send the reader through a journey. If you’re new to NEAR, you’ll be directed to wallet creation, website, news etc. If you’re an existing community member, you’ll be shown information on Guilds, education, and the like.


:bookmark: Landing Page: Introductory overview to NEAR including a link to the website

:bookmark: Getting Started:

This article should serve as the ‘go-to’ introduction for anyone new to NEAR. It should include:

  • What is NEAR?
  • What can I do with my NEAR?
  • How Does NEAR Work (Account model/token etc - link to White Paper)
  • Why NEAR?

:bookmark: The NEAR Ecosystem

  • Brief overview of what it is and what it offers
  • Links to dApps (maybe just AwesomeNEAR?)
  • Directions on how to start building (link to parts of the Engage section?)

:bookmark: FAQ

A collation of the most frequently asked questions

:bookmark: Resources

A collation of off-Wiki resources which expand on all things NEAR.


:bookmark: Connecting with NEAR

An overview of how readers can get involved directly with NEAR Protocol, suggestions to include:

  • Links to all relevant communities
  • CTA to join
  • Touch on Guilds (more on that later)
  • What’s in it for those who join?

:bookmark: The NEAR Community

A more in-depth piece on what the NEAR Community is and where it’s based:

  • What is the NEAR Community?
  • How can I join?
  • Why shouldI join?

:bookmark: Guilds on NEAR

  • What’s a Guild?
  • Why should I join a Guild?
  • How can I join a Guild?
  • How can I start a Guild?
  • Guild Guidebook
    • Funding requests etc

:bookmark: Build on NEAR

Details on grants and funding, as well as relevant technical documentation (or redirects to specific parts of the Wiki/tech docs).

Legal Considerations

This is being built out by the NEAR Legal Guild (h/t) and the internal legal team at NF.


:warning: Hoping a gigabrain techie can assist with this part rather than us having to just collate all existing info (though that works, too!)

:bookmark: How NEAR Works

Overview of the protocol and how it functions. Would be great to mention sharding.

Link to White Paper

Just a link embedded in Gitbooks on navigation bar to WP

Link to Documentation

Just a link embedded in Gitbooks on navigation bar to technical docs


Majority of this documentation is complete so we can just port this over. You can find it in the Network section of the current Wiki.


NEAR Needs You!

If you want to contribute to the NEAR Wiki and be rewarded for it, come and join us in the NEAR Portal Guild Telegram channel or respond to this post.

I’ll be rolling out a style guide next week, but if you want to get started sooner then FEEL FREE!

:warning: The above content plan is not exhaustive and it could definitely do with being built on with your feedback.


Hi @David_NEAR !

Thank you for all the work you do for the NEAR wiki project via the Portal Guild. Completely blown by development of the NEAR wiki since the inception. I’m finally going to start contributing content as best as I can and I’ll also do well to share the opportunity with others than can help expedite the process.

I’ll take the time out to go though @illia’s feedback before jumping on the bandwagon. Thank you and looking forward to contributing — an exciting activity for the holidays :wink:


Hey @simeon4real,

Thank you for getting on board! Appreciate all the work you do around here! :tada: :heart:

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Thank you David for this. This is very exciting and I can’t wait to be part of this project. :100::100: Always ready

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Hi, @David_NEAR
I have been here since I entered the NEAR Venezuela Guild for the first time on December 10, 2021, I’m a “newbie” to NEAR protocol and his big bang!. :boom:

FYI, I have been soaking up many things in this NEARVerse, which interests myself as crypto enthusiasts. There are some things that understand well, but I still have doubts or thinking relatively like a newcomers (it’s lack of practice). For example, I know what the purpose of the DAO (= decentralized autonomous organization) now!. But initially I didn’t know what the acronym meant. I am not an expert in using the NEAR Forum (aka OWS). I wondered if there was a list of terms or glossary within OWS, or some other website, to know what many of these abbreviations mean that are scattered on the web (some from the crypto world which is a real hurdle for a newbie to crypto’s, or others from NEAR jargon). I couldn’t find anything inside the black hole, except two entries, when searching for the word “glossary”. However, this word does not appear in the text of the associated posts. :thinking:

As I am interested in creating written content, then I took the idea of working in the construction of a glossary of acronyms. And I was thinking of putting it together in a PDF to send it to Medium or via Twitter. Only for PDF, this looks like this proposal: [PROPOSAL] - Onboard Project. But, What I liked about this post, It is the focus of the problem we have in NEAR for the onboard of newbies that especially do not know anything about crypto:

Then accidentally, I found out that NEAR is building a Wiki. :heart_eyes: It is better than a PDF of hundreds of pages to read as a user manual. And we have to take advantage of access by phones. It is very uncomfortable to see a PDF from its minimal screen, just to find a term, although there is also Google, which serves. But, if someone opens his near Wallet and we recommend reading OWS, Discord, FAQ, etc. to understand more that means NEAR, we can tell to read the Wiki as well. They are going to learn from NEAR and the multiverse of the Crypto at once.

OK, this is wonderful and I am joining you in contributing for General section. Because I think that knowing the meaning of acronyms quickly helps me or other newbies, about what that is or to understand other posts in context. But you have to continue reading, practice is more important than theory. I remember asking @Jloc, the meaning of DM (aka, Direct message); I was confused, I thought it was Discord moderators. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I suggest to you that we can add at the end of General sect.: List of acronyms (as a new subsection). This would be a list with several items of the form (for example):

aka = as known as
DAO = Decentralized Autonomous Organization
FYI = For your information
DeFI = Decentralized Finance
HTML = HyperText Markup Language
NEAR = NEAR protocol crypto
NFT = Non-fungible token
PDF = Portable Document File

The description or meaning of the acronym in some cases it may be a hyperlink to another site on the Wiki, for further information. It is the HTML utility. This opens up the possibility of reaching key things very quickly, especially for newbies in crypto, even more so in NEAR. So I would very much like to hear in the future, someone tell me that he entered the world of cryptoeconomics by starting with NEAR. Good to do it from a third generation protocol! :beers:

So count on me to help in the terms you express in this Content Plan. I already entered your telegram channel. If there is a reward for this, all the better. That is another incentive. :grinning:



This is an awesome idea and has already been started on by the Legal guild - feel free to expand it here:

YES! Absolutely, we can get rewards out for this 100% :ballot_box_with_check:

If there are any other documents above, or that you’d like to suggest, that anyone can start working on that’s even better :tada:


Awesome to see this idea growing! Thank you for the mention. The pdf was a way to put everything together. The wiki is def a right place! We would love to contribute to it also!

@brunoqual @whoiscavenaghi @Kynetikus

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Thanks David, if you don’t tell me, I won’t find out. I’m going to review it and do what I can to contribute. Cool ! :sunglasses:


Brother, don’t lose hope with PDF. A user manual in PDF preserving links directly and to the web where necessary, it can also be produced relatively easily with all Wiki content (automated procedures already exist! :rocket:). This can be consulted preferably on a desktop computer or tablet (without internet as an extreme case :crazy_face:). I am sure that there are many people who will prefer this PDF to learn about cryptoeconomics through NEAR. But do not lose focus, all the energy to the Wiki and then from there, everything is possible, including its creation in other languages (Internationalization). The Wiki already has entries for Portuguese (e.g., see FAQ, sect. Network) and soon, we will also be in Spanish. Good luck!. :beers:

@FritzWorm @antoniopeascanio @LuisAponte99


100% agreed.
We are connecting brazilian people with french community, so we maybe have some nice translations material there also. @brunoqual @whoiscavenaghi @Kynetikus


Great document for sure. Super comprehensive. I would like to translate it to Portuguese.

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Hi David, I liked your content idea of the NEAR wiki & doing my contribution by making some changes/updations /additions on the NEAR wiki platform.
I have added a Frequently asked questions (FAQs) page on the NEAR wiki considering it as the topmost priority.
Can you please pour some suggestions/ideas after checking it?

Looking forward for your feedback. :slight_smile:

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Hi, happy entry into the year 2022!

So far, from the original version of the file in Google Doc (Glossary of Terms, by Legal guild of NEAR), these are the word that I have added to date:

2021-12-21 : Bot, Crypto Wallet, Fiat [completed as Fiat Money!], Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Metapool, Open Web Sandbox (OWS), Profit, Proof of Burn (PoB), QR Code, Smart Card, Trading, White Paper (WP)

2022-01-01: Developer in Residence (DIR), Initial Distribution Offering (IDO), Near Certified Developer (NCD), Near Certified Professor (NCP), NEAR Foundation (NF), Proof of Authority (PoA)

Ok, I made a diagnostic on as the defined terms into file were previously performed by other, before I make big modifications!. This contains 276 terms (incl. my additions), it can easily be carefully increased. There were only 35 defined terms. The “Sources” as quoted, and used for them are:

FATF - The Financial Action Task Force | Glossary, from the FATF Recommendations (now updated October 2021)
Terms defined, 15. These were taken mostly accurate from here; for some, the definition differs slightly, but I don’t know if the wording was reduced, or perhaps the version FATF Recommendations was other than from 2021. I suggest that the Legal Guild review it. The concept to “Financial Action Task Force” comes from FATF website, “About” section.

Investopedia - Financial Terms Dictionary
Hyperlink not included in the file, but this can be used, already inserted!. The only defined term, Taxation, was taken exactly from here.

IRS - Internal Revenue Service of the United States Government | Glossary of "Understanding Taxes Students"
The only defined term, Income Tax, was taken exactly from here.

NEAR - NEAR protocol official website | The NEAR White Paper, Glossary of Terms
Terms defined, 5. These were taken exactly from here.

OECD - The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development | Glossary of Tax Terms
The only defined term, Capital gains, was taken exactly from here.

Note that: I have appended these “Cited Sources” to the end of the file for anyone’s control.

"Defined terms, but without associated source"
Terms defined, 12. So far I know, Block, and Blockchain were taken exactly from NEAR, but the source was not indicated. The other 10 must be reviewed!.

Some Conclusions before tackling the file:

  1. The Source more used was FATF.
  2. The terms that need to be defined are 241.
  3. The previous work shows a good consistency that must be maintained, when adding the definitions, with the aim that the final result will be high quality. We have to work this in stages. At the moment, the terms could be added exactly, as the listed sources, but it must be done in an orderly manner and judge which definition to use from the available sources. Perhaps later someone should review and reduce the text a bit.
  4. Before adding new Sources, check their authority and quality. I recommend not using Wikipedia, Medium Blogs, etc., unless necessary, as a last option in case of doubts. Let’s try to do it ourselves in NEAR from certified sources as listed above. But others that may be discovered by someone, welcome to suggest (see below my thin trust list to add to NEAR wiki).
  5. This screenshot is an example, how a term is and the format it has, is good to follow it to maintain consistency, not to make new mistakes, which will probably change later, as @David_NEAR, or @blaze, inform us:


What is presented below the definition appears to be like a “see also” (after black dot). I understand the idea, but it scares me to put it like that in all terms, there are already some who do not have it. Another thing is the Source, I think it is important to indicate it, but not always. We have to think this through.

Other sources for terms (to consider):

A Glossary of Blockchain Terms (from Book, “The Emerald Handbook of Blockchain for Business”) with tiny PDF for download!.

IPR - Internet Policy Review, Journal on Internet Regulation | Glossary

CoinMarketCap | Crypto Glossary

Financial Times | The FT crypto glossary

CSRC - Computer Security Resource Center from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), U.S. Department of Commerce | Glossary

That’s all for now. I’ll be working on the file. I hope some feedback, useful for everyone.

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Hi @David_NEAR,
News, today I have updates. Sorry!. Excuse me for being so detailed in always explaining what I do :sunglasses:

I started to review the licensing of the original Sources used in the file “Glossary of Terms”:

  1. FATF, Investopedia, and OECD all include copyrighted material (©). If the Legal Guild has requested by writing or via email the corresponding permission to reproduce the definitions (how are they in those sites), then I think there is no problem …

  2. The future is NEAR. The definitions could be merged, modified, adapted, or transmitted in a derived form. Also, the entire Wiki will eventually be translated into other languages. That is, we can violate the Copyright. I do not wish that NEAR have legal problems. Therefore, we must think about the possibility of replacing the definitions that come from these sources (item 1), now that it is early to decide/change, there are not many.

  3. I think we don’t have these problems using NEAR-owned media, or IRS (committed to Open Government). Reviewing the other sources that I proposed, only Internet Policy Review (IPR) is Open Access (CC BY 3.0 DE), and the Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC) is Public Access. They have much less restrictive licenses, so we can use or derive, without ceasing to acknowledge their authorship. This is to allow others, who are going to help us, to work freely. Let’s not forget that it is a Wiki, how it is done and its consequences.

Subsequently, I have begun to incorporate definitions (incl. adding some new Terms) … :rocket:

2022-01-06: Using IPR, added definitions for:
Cryptocurrency, Cryptoeconomics, Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), Decentralization [in the blockchain space], Digital scarcity, Mining, Reputation, Self-sovereign identity (SSI), Smart contracts, and Trust.

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Hey hey!

That’s awesome stuff, thanks a million for all your efforts :raised_hands:

Going to get this shipped to the Wiki ASAP :100:

Hi, Work in progress (a little slow!) :turtle: . . . . .

2022-01-09: Using CSRC, added definitions for 33 Terms: Algorithm, Atomic Swap, Block Explorer, Block Reward, Centralized Network, Cryptography, Decryption, Double Spending, Encryption, Formal Verification, Full Node, Genesis Block, Hash, Hash Rate, Honeypot, Intellectual Property (IP), Interoperability, Issuance, Latency, Metadata, Multi-Signature, Node, Off-Chain, Oracle, Proof of Stake (PoS), SHA-256, Smart Card, Snapshot, Staking, Support, Virtual Machine (VM), Whitelist, Zero-Knowledge Proof



I wanted to report the last thing I could do for 2022-01-11:

  1. I have added before the Glossary of Terms, a List of Acronyms/Abbreviations, based on what already existed in the file and the new terms added by me previously. Any term that has an abbreviation should be placed here before being defined later. This list can be used to find what an acronym means and then go to the definition. I “suggest” not hyperlinking the terms in the acronym list.

  2. I have rechecked the definitions that lack a source against what was known. I couldn’t find correspondence. So I assume they can be derived definitions.

  3. Minor fixes and adjustments.

  4. I think Investopedia will be very helpful in incorporating most of the missing definitions, but I’m stuck using it, due to my “perfectionism” with their license. @David_NEAR, Could you tell me what to do about it? This to see if I can go faster or move forward ignoring the license.

  5. Here I suggest 3-4 more sources that I have spotted that could be used (with Creative Commons License):

    Blockchain Glossary for Beginners - Blockchain Basics - BlockchainHub

    Ethereum Glossary | ethereum-org

    Diccionario económico y financiero | Economipedia, with +7005 definitions
    Note: The content is in Spanish!.

    Crypto Glossary | Timothy C. May and Eric Hughes
    Note: from Satoshi Nakamoto Institute, dated November 22, 1992. Perhaps very old? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I am available to contribute directly to the Wiki through GitHub, focused on this Glossary (when it can already be migrated to the Wiki !) or in the General section (> Getting Started) of the new Content Plan.

@David_NEAR, being responsive, I await further instructions… I will do something else as soon as I can, thank you very much.


Thanks a tonne for all your efforts.

I’m going to get them reviewed and shipped asap.

Are you pulling the terms word for word? I can’t see it being an issue but will check it out.

Perfect, but I think we should keep it relatively lean.

I’m launching a Wiki Team (Elite Wiki Response SEALs 6 is the full name). Details will be posted today in the NEARVerse Portal Guild Telegram. Please do join so we can coordinate all of our efforts!

More news later today

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Good, I am very grateful for your reply !!! :100:

Yes, I have been slow, you will easily see it by reviewing the change historial of the file. It has been word for word using the available sources. To be honest, so far only the ones with a less restrictive license.

Therefore, I have taken the liberty of suggesting others for everyone’s review.

very fine for me, I am permanently active on Telegram for everyone

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