Near Planet March April 2022 (report)

Hello everyone, We left two months behind at Near Planet. We accomplished a lot this month and I can’t wait to share it with you. We have reached 1350 followers :partying_face:
Our Twitter :
Our Medium:
Our Telegram: Telegram: Contact @NearPlanetTr

Firstly, I want to tell that why my report is late.
My proposal in Near forum was approved at march 12([Approved] A New Turkish Newsletter : Near Planet - #10 by Dacha) but unfortunately the proposal in Astro DAO was rejected two times and got the approved status at 31 March

My report will contain two topics, First topic is going to be about payments that ı promised, second topic is going to be about newsteller and Twitter account

Topic 1: Payment details,

I asked for $100 for the editorial budget this month. There is the TX id about it : [Lınk]
(NEAR Explorer | Transaction)

Also ı changed my roadmap , I thought that i need one more content creator for twitter and newsteller, so I opened a role about it on twitter. Then @CaptainFantastic has reached me, He is old banker and e-commerce specialist. He has good knowledge about WEB3 and economy.
We talked and I 've teached on most of what I know about Web3 and Content creating to him. Then he started writing for Near Planet too.
I also paid 100 dolar for him, cause of perfect effort in this month. İn this month we will be together too. Payment TX id :
I got 50 Dollar in this month for writing and running the page.

Topic 2 : Near Planet , Newsteller.
First of all i have to say that we are not just a translator, We bring high quality content to the Turkish community. Our goal was educate the community for Informing Near about what makes it special. And Support the Near based projects , help them to reach more and more people.

Our Two month stats :

Medium Stats:
933 Reads, 1000 Views, 230 followers.

What we have done in this month:

  • Reached 500.000+ Tweet impressions
  • Reached 1000 views on medium
  • Reached 60.000+ Profile visit on Twitter
  • Supported 20+ Near based projects (eg Burrow Cash , Bastion , Sweat Coin)
  • Published 6 Newsteller, 5 twitter threads.
  • helped over 50 people on telegram+ twitter
  • Machina project and Bastion project contacted us and thanked us.
  • We have made deep research about UsN and most of global influencers are used our research.

This month was just awesome. I hope that the other months are going to be perfect as this month.
@marketingdao-council @Dacha

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Hello to everyone:)
Thank you very much to Doğan. Although we met recently, we shared a lot. We tried to follow new projects and convey them to as many people as possible in the right way. The feedback was better than I expected. I understand that most people do not have time and experience, but they have a desire for information. To reach. I think we are also good at applying what we have learned from the feedbacks quickly. We share what we have learned and benefit from it. However, bastion or DEIP were projects that I also invested in. I will not extend a short greeting. I am very happy to be a part of :slight_smile:

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hey Doğan. long time no see!
I think you missed this. Introduction & Open Call for Near Turkish Community
I appreciate your efforts and high quality content, always have been. I have no objection to you walking in your own way and methods good luck! but I think that introducing yourself and talking about your goals and objectives here will be beneficial for collective community work and unity :wink: