Hello Enforcer & Trustees,
This have been around the ecosystem in recent time.
I have been contributing in the ecosystem from the past 3 years now. My opinion on current situation:
1- There’s no doubt NDC structure needs to be changed to increase the efficiency. But whenever I interacted about this to HoM, they have always said about the challenges they are facing to make any changes in the current structure, they were not able to change the structure due to some rules made by the previous gwg team.
Even if they approve to make changes in the framework, it will be implemented from the next congress (as per framework). This was a Red flag to improve the framework.
2- Despite of all these challenges, I feel current Congress made efforts to improve the impact. I think Congress should be empowered to make changes according to the situation. Suppose, if something is not working, we should always give a door for improvement. We should not force them to stick to the same process even if it’s not working.
3- Experimenting and establishing a new entity doesn’t look okay to me. Instead, we can improve the current NDC as they are repairable.
In my opinion, stake based voting and changes in framework can improve the current NDC situation and results.
4- Around 15 DAOs were established during the NDC v1 period, which are actively working. I agree some of them need a direction, that’s why new changes are necessary.
So, I think leaders should sit and find some solution for this. Of course, creating new entity is not at all a solution as I don’t see any surety of any success there.